Chapter 1

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“Excuse me, what time does the graduation ceremony start?”

“Just fifteen more minutes darling.”
A sigh released out of Luna's mouth. Four years of high school, all that time spent focusing on developing countless memories, making and breaking friendships, it's all about to end. The graduation class of 2020 was ready to step into a world of opportunities.
“Yah Kim Luna! Come on, we saved a spot for you to sit with.”- smiling, Luna went ahead with her friends.

Go Ara has been by her side since they were eight. Every year, passing every grade, they knew they were gonna see each other after the summer ends. But this time it was different. Ara was gonna take a year long break to work on her photography, leaving Luna to do all the college application filling by herself. It's not like she had decided which college she wanted to enter in the first place.

*"Students and teachers, please settle down for the ceremony will began shortly, graduates please arrange yourself around the podium."*

“This is it” said Ara, “the moment we've been waiting for, just an hour more and we'll be out of this hellhole of an excuse for school.”
“Why do you even hate school? You've literally had such great memories. The vice captain of the basketball team, student body member, good grades. YOU LITERALLY FOUND YOUR SOULMATE DUDE!” Luna was quite against the cliché of hating high school. Mainly because she felt the most comfortable there. Several of her classmates had found their soulmates. Which meant growing immortal and alone was out of the picture and having a normal life was in.
Luna loved Ara to death, but the one thing which made her envious of her, was Jackson. While Ara could spend a normal life with her boyfriend for life, Luna was stuck alone with a fucked up family. Normal was all she ever dreamt of. A family of her own, where she would be loved, appreciated and above all, not alone forever...

*“- the next graduate, Kim Luna with honours in English literature and
She stepped on the stage. Her heart pounding through her chest every minute. Her high school life was over. She'd spent all those years for nothing. Eighteen years of her life and not a single sign of ageing. And from tomorrow, she'll be stuck in an endless cycle of college admissions and family troubles. Sure she was an average kid, with a normal circle of friends and peer group; but it wasn't enough to convince her therapist otherwise...
But something flipped, and her hot blood cooled down, that pounding heart stopped it's ringing noise which was constant in Luna's ears.
“Bruh...I graduated high school. I competed in the worst fucking competition of playwriting and came second. I've overcome depression, there is no fucking way I'm giving up my hunt for a soulmate now. This is a new beginning, the one where I am not the only one, the one where I find that son of a bitch, marry him or her and make adorable little babies. Yeah!”
Her inner bitch was surely motivating, but also kind of a slacker. Will this feeling actually stay with her? The chief guest smiled while handing her the degree- “Congratulations Miss, ready to step into the real world?” She smiled hesitantly, but her brain spoke out loud “Oh Fuck.”

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