Chapter 14

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The sound of an alarm going off disturbed the silence in Luna's room as she hit the snooze the button. Turning to her side, she pulled the blanket over her head.
Another alarm went off...and another...and another.

“ Why is there so much noise early- OH FUCK!”

Her eyes shot wide open, focusing on the surrounding. She sprinted towards the bathroom in a hurry. Three months of summer break was enough to ruin a sleep schedule of any sorts. Whether it was sleeping at 3am after an intense night with Sua or shamelessly waking up around noon.But ofcourse, everything was about to change.

Her first day as a college student.

She saved her time picking out an outfit ( all thanks to Ara who was much more excited). Her argument to meddle was the fact that she wasn't gonna experience college for another year, so she wanted to live the frat life through Luna.
A plaid open shirt with a white tee and combat Boots, no look screams cliché louder than that. She topped it with a benie just to stay low profile on her first day.
Making her way into the kitchen, Luna found Mr and Mrs Kim already seated on the breakfast counter.
“ Ah, look who finally woke up!” Mr Kim uttered, placing a soft kiss on his daughter's forehead. She was used to this tender treatment before, but it sorta retreated after Krystal. Not that she felt jealous, just a little left out.

“ I made seaweed soup. Have some.” said Mrs Kim placing two bowls outside.

“ Omma! Why seaweed, it's not my birthday!”

“ It's still a big deal. Your first day in school Luna-sshi. ” She couldn't argue since even Luna was a tat bit excited herself.

“ Plus, I'll drive you today, after we drop Krystal at her new high school.” And there it was,
The youngest child special treatment. Krystal was seated in the living room, already dressed and done with breakfast. She was a sweet girl, but growing up between a
'not so perfect family' did toughen up her a little.

“ Oh come on people! My education experience and timing shouldn't be ruined because of Unni's sleeping problem.”

“ Yah! Look at her dissing me. Did you hear that Omma. Yah Missy, you seriously-”

“ Okay, now cut it off you two, we've got places to go, people to meet.”
Yup, this was a great start.

Krystal got dibs on the front seat, while Mr Kim drove them to their respective destination. He made his way under the bridge to drop Krystal off and turned around to drop Luna at Lionsheart.
“ Okay, now as much as I would love to pick you up, I've got -”

“ It's fine Appa, I have cash. I'll take the bus. ”

“ You sure? You won't call your friend or your girlfriend?” Luna's expressions changed after hearing her father.
“ Look at you, being all excited about me getting a girlfriend. What's the catch?”

“ Nothing. I like her, she's a good kid.”

“ I get that, but why weren't you troubled like Mom over my decision.”

“ Ah, it's nothing.” She pouted slightly, starring at her father figure with doe like eyes, something that always made him spill his secrets.
He exhaled a huge sigh before she rubbed off on him,
“ Okay,'s just that, when I found your mom, I wasn't single either. I was in a serious relationship. Finding your soulmate, it does things to you.”

“ What things?”

“ You change, a lot. It's as if you are unable to control your mind and body. I know my relationship with your mother seems unstable sometimes-”

“ -Sometimes is really undermining.”

“ I get it. It's unstable MOST of the times. But we can never leave each other. Don't get me wrong I love your mother with all my heart. But us being together is much more than love, it's a necessity, an obligation. I don't want you to have that. When you're with Sua, you're not forced to be someone else in order to make it less painful of a situation.
Your love is devotional and unconditional. And I want you to live that for a long long time. I just want you to be happy, atleast as long as I'm around to see that smile!”
Luna caught a glimpse of her soft hearted father, a man who's got issues no doubt, but a father who really cared about his family. This made her tender heart ache, considering how his dye couldn't even manage to cover all the greys. She hugged Mr Kim before he drove away.

New term, new friends. But boy was she tensed. Walking around the campus, she saw people of different sorts. Some making their way to the class, other taking a stroll with their friends. She even spotted a bunch of stoners behind the bleachers. A logo in between the footpath with a quote,
came here for one goal, ended up living many.’ Well, That's no pressure at all.
She crossed the hallway and made it to her class almost in time.
“ Oh great! Another late student. You're lucky I did not start with the introductions yet. ” a man addressed Luna with a smile. Embarrassed, she walked inside and took an empty seat, whispering an apology.
“ Everyone in? Okay no more waits. I'm Mr Park, your professor for English History. If you're unlucky enough, I'll be your teacher for the next three years of your life!” Some kids smiled slightly.
“ Okay, let's get started. Miss late comer, what's your name.”

“ Kim Luna sir.”

“ Mr park's just fine. Sir makes me feel old. I look like you people, so let's just leave it at that.”
It's true, Mr park did look like an undergraduate himself, but it did not take everyone time to understand that he's just single. It wasn't long before everyone was busy and engaged in the lecture. Fifteen minutes in, another student made it to the class.

“ Would you look at that Miss late, you have a friend just like you.”

“ I'm sorry professor, I got lost.”

“ It's always getting lost isn't it? What's your name?”

“ Mark Lee. ”

“ I'll let this behaviour slide since it's the first day, but please take a seat beside Miss late will you?” He was mocking Luna a little too much, but she called that on herself. Mark signed her to move her bag as he got seated beside.

“ Is he gonna be here forever?”

“ Probably” Luna whispered. He adjusted his Jeans and belt, making himself comfortable.
“ You weren't lost were you? You were with someone.”

“ Is it that obvious?”

“ Relax, I don't judge people hooking up early morning.” He smirked at this comment turning his attention towards the board.
First day of a new term and it's already interesting. Another step in Luna's normal life.

* Yoooo!!!!! I enjoyed writing this chapter. I was in a vibe. I'm making the story move a little faster since I lost a lot of time. I'll probably end up drafting two more chapters today. But I hope you guys liked it. Also, I had introduced the new characters in my character sketch as future characters. Please stick in with the story and have fun!*

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