Chapter 6

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She straightened her back, inhaled a deep breath and exhaled sharply. With a sly smile on her face, Luna finally spoke: “ I'm just shocked to see you on this side of the town, considering that your family moved long back. Got some work here?”
“ Here to pick up a parcel, for my girlfriend

Hah” Luna smirked; of course he has a girlfriend. For all she knows he must've found his soulmate.
“ I really thought you were gonna call, it was my birthday-”
“ Yeah. I remember. I just assumed, since we weren't on talking terms that it was better to keep a distance.”
This was so not what Luna had in her mind. This conversation was hurting her somatically. Her stomach kept churning. She was heated up. One wrong word and she'd end up crying.
“ Well, it's good to see that you're doing well-” she answered, breaking the silence mid-conversation.
“ Yup, I'm great!”
“ It was nice seeing you.” She picked up her coffee, not looking back.
She wanted to look back; check how he reacted to her making an escape, but decided not to. She added pressure to her steps (because the last thing he wanted was her falling back.)
She sprinted past one block, almost as if it was all done in a stretch of a single breath. Her face started to heat up, her brain thinking a hundred thoughts at once.
Did he really find his soulmate? Is she pretty? Does she understands his deep thoughts?
She started choking up, breathless. The road was getting blurry and soon, it felt as if her lenses were fogged up.
She was having a panic attack.
Luna managed to locate a light pole to hold and crashed on the ground. With her hands holding onto the coffee cup tight and her eyes shut, she tried to breathe slowly. It was all too much,
Talking to Eun Sung was too much.

Soft palms, Enveloping her shoulders.
Vanilla mist, Her nose sinked into the scent. Her hands loosened the grip on her coffee flask and searched a piece of fabric.
Velvet, the soft dress felt so comfy to hug.
“ Shush...breathe... listen to me... I'm here... it's gonna be alright. ”
The voice continued,  “”
Luna stopped clenching, and released. Her eyes moved from the ground, to her boots, onto the velvet shirt and finally, her, Kim Sua.

“ WOAH” Luna backed down and landed straight on her back.
“ Are you okay?! I didn't mean to scare you.”
She wasn't afraid, Luna was startled. Seeing Sua up close, feeling her breathe down her neck, engulfed in her Musk and Vanilla.
“ Yeah, sorry, I was just-”
“ -It's fine” she cut her off, “ You don't need to give me an explanation. You looked distressed and it broke my heart to see you that way.”
So it was just a charity case, ofcourse.
“ Where are you headed? Is it okay if I drive you?”
“ No thanks, I came in my-” Oh fuck.
Luna was so busy thinking about an escape route from Eun Sung that she left her car parked at Bennett's.
“ I know where your car is.” Sua replied. “ I saw you walk out of the cafe. If you don't mind, I'm okay walking with you.”
“ Oh no, I don't wanna be a burden, I was just gonna go meet up with a friend for lunch.”
“ Go Ara right? I'm headed there myself. Her mother made some Samgyeopsal for us. Let's go?”
She didn't wanna seem rude, so she quietly accepted her offer and walked till Bennett's.

Sua's POV

I kept turning and looking at her face. She seems tired. Was it too hasty of me to just jump on her?
But she looked so sad. I wanted to tell her that I saw her,
I saw everything.
The way she ran away from him. When she sat on the ground, so fragile and broken; Her face reflecting the sun. There wasn't anyone around, just her alone, just Kim Luna.

End of POV

She found her car and thanked Sua for giving her company.
“ See you in a bit?” Sua winked as she drove away.
God she needs to stop doing that.
She got in the driveway and parked her car beside the bed of Spirea. Ara probably heard her park, cause she opened her front door immediately after Luna stepped out of the vehicle.
“ Yah phabo!(idiot) what took you so long?”
“ At least let me step in, I'll tell you everything. ”
“ So the court is already in its hearing session,” exclaimed Sua walking off the porch.
“ Well then, I'd like to be a part of it as well.”
Ara eyed Luna asking what she was doing here, but Luna just directed everyone inside.
This lunch was gonna be a hella lot awkward.

*Woah this chapter took forever! I'm sorry I posted it so late but thank you so much for checking it out. A BIG THANK YOU FOR GETTING OUR BOOK A MEDAL YOU GUYS! the chapters ahead are gonna be much better (especially since chapter five was boring af👅) but I hope you guys enjoyed and keep looking forward for the next chapter (things are about to go down😳😳). Anyways don't forget to vote and comment how you liked this story????*

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