Chapter 3

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A smirk appeared on Luna's face.
“You know exactly what..” She closed the distance between her and the boy beside. His delicate cologne was overpowered by the scent of caffeine. Luna rustled through her jacket for spare change. She put a set of quaters in the jukebox as the background music changed from Ed Sheeran to Niall Horan.
“Oh no no no, there is no way!-”
“ C'mon Euni, just once? Pretty please?”
“I am NOT dancing in public, people will think we've gone loony.”
“Well you are dating me aren't you, and there's literally no one here.”
She tossed her hair and gently tucked Eun sung's behind his ear. She pouted cutely before Eun sung spoke up, “Ugh fine! But trust me when I say this-” he continued- “you're getting punished for being a brat.” He raised an eyebrow before he got on his feet.

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you.

As if her life was a nineties movie, a subtle filter of vintage, Luna found herself astray from the flow of time. Maybe the dimensions of gravity changed, for when he lifted her, her body found itself floating. And nothing seemed more cherishable than this moment.


Like a cliché, a phone ringtone snapped her back to reality, the one where she's sitting at Bennett's, beside the jukebox, Alone. It's been awhile, but Eun sung retraced his steps into Luna's thoughts. She brushed over a flower vase as the call reached its last ring.
“Yah Kim Luna! Where in the world are you???” Oh shit.. angry Ara on phone...she's DEFINITELY late for the farewell. Ara's anger had three levels:
One- give her food to calm down,
Two- a good two minutes explanation should be enough, and three- Run.
This seemed like the second level condition but a little beating was expected.
“Relax! I just dropped by Bennett's to get you the pomegranate tart you enjoy so much..”
this should work right?
“Luna-sshi, if you don't get your ass here in ten minutes, I'm disowning you.” That was enough for Luna to throw on her boots and stomp down at Ara's.

The only social party Luna ever attended was when it was arranged by Go Ara. She must've been a sincere child in school, but she KNEW how to throw a hella good party. Only the Gods know how she convinced her parents for a Rave once.
“You could hear the rock music from two blocks away! How have your neighbours not objected this?”, Luna spoke, gasping for air (since she ran from Bennett's like a hamster being chased by a cat)
“ No one's bold enough to call the cops on a party where their kids drink. Chill bruh.” Ara's breath reeked of a fruity jungle juice. As if the stench of sweat mixed with cheap perfume wasn't enough to make you gauge your eyes out, someone was smoking half a pot of opioids behind the scenes. It spread just enough to make you hazy but some kids were already tripping over. The girls guided their way to the kitchen table where Jackson was already waiting along with a bunch of other classmates.
As the music drifted into silence and the lights stopped flickering, Jackson clicked on his plastic cup to raise a toast, “ Lovers and cowards, may I have your psychedelic attention please. Since it's supposed to be our last day together as a class, emotions are in order. These last few years have been amazing. From making history with friends, to finding the one girl I'm about to spend the rest of my life with. It's been a journey. Our uniforms, our memories, playing like a movie; This bare necessity to tell you all...I'll miss you.”
Well someone's emotional. And yet, it was true. At the end of the day, when they all part their ways, it's only a man for himself. Luna for herself.

The beats hiked, lights dimmed and the party revived it's vibe. Everyone jumped towards the dance floor set up in the middle of the living room. Luna could spot Ara and Jackson dancing around the wall. The soulmates were infused with love, lust and drugs. She chose to ignore them grinding against each other and had herself another shot. Her mind was filled with thoughts about Eun sung, her Euni.
Dissolving her thoughts with the music, she disappeared into smoke. In reality though, she was crashed out on the sofa. Her eyes tried to focus themselves onto a support. A black figure walked towards her holding out a helping hand. Not thinking for another moment, she held it and (tried) to stand straight. With time, she could make out who the person in front of her was, a woman.
“Hello, there...”

*Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. A flashback scene was highly requested. I am sooo sorry if this seems cliché to the next level or cringey. As always, honest critics are highly appreciated and please vote for this book!*

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