Chapter 10

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“ What're you thinking about Ara bear??”

“ Jackson”, she sighed out loud.
“ It's just that, I turn 18 in two days. After that I can finally figure out everything. You know...US.”
She left her seat and walked past two benches. She was worried, and that made her irrational.

“ Hey babe-”
“ You. You did this.” Jackson was astonished by her attitude.

“ What'd I do?” She spoke loud, while gritting her teeth, “ You started showing signs of ageing so quickly! And it's left me worried. ”

“ Love what's wrong?”

“ My point is, what if...I don't. What if all this time together was a waste of time and we're not really soulmates?”
Luna could experience the tension in the room. Ara was afraid, and it was vaild. But the main reason why Luna could empathize so well, was because she got left alone...Eun Sung did leave her alone.


Luna woke up in cold sweat. She buried her face in her palms. This was the third time that she had a dream about her and Eun Sung's breakup.
She walked out of her room, into the bath. She splashed a handful of water on her face and starred at her reflection in the mirror. She tried to calm herself. Walking back in the room, Luna found Krystal sound asleep in the bed beside her. She tucked her sister's hand under the blanket and cuddled her. Before sleeping again, She checked what time it was. The phone shined bright in the dark room.
Six minutes to three.

She closed the screen of a phone before a notification popped up:
5 unread messages from Sua.
Ever since the day Ara pointed out her not ageing, she started keeping a distance from the elder. It had almost been a week since she saw her in person and Luna was running out of reasons to give. Sometimes it as Krystal's dentist appointment or sometimes, a preplanned movie date with the soulmates.
She opened the chat in order to reply. It was becoming awkward to ignore her so bluntly.

 It was becoming awkward to ignore her so bluntly

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She switched off her phone. And went back to sleep. This is too much.

“ Can you atleast give her a reply?” Ara asked while setting the table for family lunch.

“ And say what? It's too awkward.”

“ Just tell her the truth.” Luna banged the soju bottles on the table.

“ YEAH? let me just tell her she's not meant for me and break her heart!” Ara made her way beside the best friend. She rubbed her back affectionately, trying to calm her down.

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