Chapter 17

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Luna turned to her side, escaping the light illuminating her face. Every direction she turned, somehow the light found its way to enter her sight.
“ What the- Kim Sua....please.”

“ Good morning baby girl. Rise and shine!.”

“ Please...I'm really tired.”

“ Mhmm and also very late for college.”

“ Oh shit.” She jumped out of bed, finding her phone. She was supposed to drop by early morning and it was already 6:30. How would she ever make it to class in time. Sua managed to convince her to have breakfast and leave directly for class. She let her borrow a Jean jacket and black skirt as an outfit for the time being. Luna made a call to her mother, apologizing for not being able to make it home as promised.
The ladies proceeded towards the kitchen, each grabbing a cereal bowl and milk. They sat together and talked about their plans for the day before they were interrupted by Sua's mother.

“ Oh, you're still here I see.”

“ Mom!” Sua glared at her mother in despise.

“ It's alright love, I was just about to leave. Thank you for letting me stay Miss Kim. ” Luna replied, holding Sua down. She did not want them to start early morning.
“ No problem. Besides, I didn't want my daughter thinking her mother's heartless. ”There was no way Miss Kim was going down without a fight. But Luna was still drowsy.

She drove straight to Lionheart, after ordering an extremely strong Americano at Bennett's. Not even a second passed as she stepped in and Mr Park made an entrance.
“ Ah, Miss late is actually on time. Good to see you. ” He winked at her, taking his place on the podium.
“ And where might your acquaintance be?”

“ Right here sir. ” Mark spoke amongst the crowd, His smile blazing as a sign of victory. As if the morning hadn't been pleasent enough, Mr Park decided to take two lectures at once and Luna was fucking sleepy.
Trying her best to stay upright, she kept swinging her shoulders mid way. Perhaps Mark took a notice, because he immediately offered her the remaining coffee in his flask.

“ Thank you.”

“ Tough night?”

“ Girlfriend family drama.”

“ Oo, sounds rough.” He kept glancing a look at the younger through the lecture, Taking notes when she found herself indulging in the guilty pleasure of sneaking a nap. The day seemed quite stressful for Luna as she found herself piled up in assignments. Not even a day in and she was already cursing her college life, wondering why she opted out for taking a break like Ara. Time passed so slowly, a plank minute might as well have been light years ahead. Luna almost passed out during her last lecture, barely making it out of comprehensive. When the clock struck three, she threw her pencil on the ground and stormed out of the lecture hall, like a built in zombie. She was joined by Mark who was willingly ready  to drown in caffeine.

“ So that's how you spent your night?”

“ Precisely.” Luna stated while chugging her coffee down. She had texted Sua about being really tired, and the elder considerately asked her to take rest. She spent her afternoon hanging out with Mark, trying to find him a part time job near his dormitory.
“ Ugh... we've been driving around for hours. Can you PLEASE select one job that you like?” she sighed, taking a turn.
“ Oh hush you, I gotta find a job I vibe with. Stop. Right here.” Mark proceeded to step out of the vehicle in front of a flower shop.
“ This. This is it!”

“ Flower shop? I never perceived you as a flower boy.”

“ Well, you don't know how delicate I am on those curve do you?” He smirked while charmingly making his way inside.

The shop was soft on appeal but it's fragrance was all over the block. The ebony wood gave it a vintage look along with a huge sign to attract tourists. The owner seemed like a soft hearted man, with not much interest in business. Of course, he was strict on his staff standards for he asked Mark for a complete professional resume. The shop was situated in an ideal spot, just an hour from the college and a walk of fifteen minutes from his dorm room. Maybe it was the sex appeal of the boy which convinced the owner to hire him, even when he was inexperienced. Luna wandered around the shop, sniffing the freshly cut Roses.

“ Perfect way to snort cocaine I say, just dust some on the petals and trip all day.” Mark's humour was strong on lust and gluttony but his baby face was what made it so much more fascinating. Luna enjoyed the fuck boy's company, He seemed aware of himself. She could understand why women would throw themselves on him all the time. Of course not Luna. She was in love.

The exhaustion got her sick and Sua's mother seemed to have caught the same flu. When Luna picked up Sua's call, her face looked famished. As if the woman was forced into slavery.

“ I'm so sorry I can't make it to you babygirl.”

“ It's fine. Besides, I have Krystal to take care of me. Stay with your mom.”
Sua sighed at this statement.
“ Every woman I like seems unwell.” This made the younger smile as she forced her girlfriend to end the call and return for her mother's aid.
The sun set through as the moon child peaked from the edge. You could sense the weather changing its course during night time. Summer was over, and autumn was teasing it's arrival. Mr and Mrs Kim took great care of the elder daughter, mainly because they did not want Krystal to get infected. Hot choco for warmth and vapour rub to soothe the aching muscles, Luna was set for time being. She texted Mark about her absence for the next day and asked him to pick some library books. In return, she promised to let him use her house for frat parties and casual Hook-ups. The medicines got her mind foggy and her thought train on Fastrack. She spent the night looking out of the window in hopes of passing this cold. She missed her friends and lover. Promising herself a day of productivity, she slumbered in deep sleep, hoping the next day brings her peace.

* y'all I'm sooo sleepy and tired. I had my class and I was supposed to do something epic, but I couldn't. Ughhhh anyways I hope you did not find this chapter boring or too platonic. I'm working on the story day by day, in hopes of getting it more professional. Thanks for all the support. 💜💜💜*

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