Chapter 20

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Luna rushed out, following the loud sound. She spotted Mark crouched on the floor, beside Kim Sua. The elder laid lifeless beside him.
“ WHAT HAPPENED?” she asked growling at his pale and confused face.
“ I don't know, I swear. She just...passed out.”

“ God dammit, Sua please breathe. ” The younger placed her two fingers below her nostrils.
“ Call an ambulance. RIGHT NOW!”
He rustled through the pockets before dropping his phone on the ground. Luna looked up to see his face breaking in cold sweat. There was a hollowness in his eyes, he was panicking.
“ Hey! Look at me. I'm gonna call an ambulance. Stay. Okay?” He nodded, unable to speak coherently.

Mark was silent the whole ride, occasionally gazing at the younger when he was not busy trying to analyse the situation. It had been forty five minutes since they entered the hospital, waiting till the doctor checked up on Sua. Luna urged Mark to relax as well, wondering if he wanted to talk about what happened back in the shop. (Not like she could process the whole thing)
“ I told her, she was exhausting herself. I asked her to rest.”

“ Hey, relax! It was her choice to come over. We did not do any rigorous excercise. She'll be fine.”

“ She's been forcing herself since so long. I thought I could make it work. Say the things she wanted to hear, let her do what she wanted to do.”

“ Luna-sshi, you are not responsible for this. You did what a supportive girlfriend does and I'm sure she appreciates it. You don't need to worry about what's right or wrong. I don't understand this obsession of people to do the right thing, say the right words.
People focus so much on the good things they want to do. A time might come when there won't be any left.
Cheer up loony.”

He was right, maybe it wasn't her fault. The younger never forced her to do anything. She just cared about her a lot. Mark's words were reassuring as they waited for news. The doctor stepped out from the ER. He adviced her some rest and medications. There was no specific reason for Sua's blackout. Luna and Mark entered the room to watch the elder sleeping with a saline in her vein. She flickered her eyes open to see the two standing at a distance. She raised her arm, directing them to take a seat.

“ You bitch. You scared me!” Luna claimed, trying to keep her face as stern as possible. The elder smiled softly watching her girlfriend's concerning expressions.
“ I'm sorry. I really didn't think I'd pass out. One minute I was standing in front of pretty boy here, and the next thing I know-”

“ Hey I am really sorry about what I said. I hope it didn't affect you.” Mark cut her words, speaking timidly.
“ what's this about?”

“ Nothing at all. He was just joking around and hit a nerve. ”
Awkward silence

“ Okay, well I think I should take a leave. You can stay with Sua. ”

“ Oh, love you don't need to stay. I'll be fine in a few hours. ”

“ Shut it. I'm staying. Mark, thank you so much for coming here with me. ”
He smiled just slightly before turning away. Luna stayed over till Sua got discharged and drove her home. She wasn't ready to leave till Sua reassured her. She gently pecked her girlfriend on her forehead and asked her to leave. As Sua watched her girlfriend drive away, she rushed inside to find her car keys. Sprinting out of her porch, she left in a haste.
She had to meet Mark.


Sua walked in the flower shop, noticing all the little details. But the one thing which really caught her eyes, was the boy. Sitting in his white shirt, illuminating radiant heat everywhere. She couldn't help but feel ecstatic. The younger was right beside her, but God dammit he was fucking hot. Mark found himself noticing the elder the same way. Whether it was the way she rolled her tongue back into her mouth, or how possesive she got when it came to Luna. It was really confusing. When he spoke about her finding Kim Luna as a girlfriend, he really did not want to say it.
“ Why would you say that.” She asked in the rage of anger.
“ I really don't know. I did not mean it. ” The boy turned away to hide his flushed face while Sua chased behind. She held onto his forearm before he turned around. Suddenly a sense of rapture took over. As if she was just shocked with a live wire, she gazed into his brown eyes trying to speak words. “ You.. you're” thud.

End of flahsback

“ Why are you here Kim Sua?” Mark questioned the woman who just broke into his dorm room. His expressions subtly hinting  shock and concern.
“ I don't know. All I know is, the first thing I wanted to do after seeing you was rush here. ”

“ Does your girlfriend know?” He asked.

“ How do I tell her? Look I don't know what happened this afternoon but I felt electrocuted. Was it some kind of prank? If it was I swear to god-”

“ You felt that too?”
Oh shit. This seemed so wrong.

Luna was preparing for a movie night with her best friends. She wanted to invite Sua but it was best if she rested.
Ara picked up food and beverages before entering Jackson's house. She and the younger searched the entire market for some fruit patches which Jackson ate as a child. He talked about reminiscing those days, while the best friends judged his poor sense of humour. The lights were dimmed, curtains pulled close. The food and drinks were all set as they laid around with blankets. The soulmates cuddled around, talking about how this movie was their first date in weeks. Halfway through though, Ara had to leave, for her mother called in a dentist's appointment and she had no one to drive her. Luna offered to leave instead but Jackson convinced her to stay for just a little while.

“ Sigh...I miss Sua.”

“ Yeah, no shits you've been saying that the whole night. She'll be fine. Relax. ”

“ I don't know why she hasn't texted me since yesterday. I should just drop by. ”

“ Hello! Stalker much? What are you even concerned about? It's not like she's hiding something from you-” Luna's silence was questioning.

“ Oh my God! Is she?”

“ It's just that, yesterday when I dropped her back home...she sorta drove back somewhere. ” Jackson inquired how the younger knew about this scenario and whether she knew where Sua drove to.

“ I had to return her jacket. It was in the car trunck, so I turned around. When I reached, her mother said she drove back to her University. I really can't help but feel suspicious. She could have just asked me. ”

“ Hey, you don't know what the situation was. Just don't assume things okay? Maybe she had some project to submit. You and Sua have made through some major shit. And you've always made it through. When the time comes, she'll tell you. ” His giddy smile was genuine enough to put the younger's mind at rest.

Meanwhile Ara waited for her mother to come out from the dentist. She texted Jackson that it might be late so he should escort Luna back home. She stood up to get a glass of water from the water cooler. Bending down to take a glass, she bumped into someone.
“ I'm so sorry.” The person rushed out before speaking.
That sound was so familiar.
She walked up to the counter.
“ Excuse me, who was that?”

“ Ah, new patient. Do you know her? ”

“ I think so...what was she here for.”

“ Let me it is ah, wisdom teeth removal. Kim Sua.”

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