Chapter 8

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The smoke gave a burning sensation making it difficult to breathe. You could hardly see what was in front of you due to the minimum amount of  lighting. Luna found herself lost in the  surrounding. She's been to a club before, then what's so different about this trip? The guard refused to believe she was 18 but couldn't question after Sua's raging eyes almost burnt a hole in his mind. There was a neon sign spelling ‘photobooth’ which looked quite aesthetic. Luna changed her  direction, walking past the crowd when a firm grip pulled her wrist,
“ I asked you to stay close didn't I? When an elder asks you to do something, you follow.” Sua seemed pissed off but Luna could tell it was purely out of concern.
“ You bought me here to have a good time and NOT be my babysitter.” She loosened her grip, her gesture turning apologetic, “ I'm sorry, I just don't want you all alone, or worse, in the wrong company.” She smiled softly as she interlocked her fingers with Luna's. “ C'mon, let's get you something.”

They walked upstairs to the open bistro. Sua must've been a regular here considering how the waiters and bartender knew her usual order. She ordered herself a viniq while Luna had the vodka soda.
“ You tryna stay low-key?” - Sua asked while sipping her drink.
“ Please, the last thing I want is to be all over the tipsy bartender. ”
“ Well we're here for a good time and not a long one; so I say we head towards the betting section. ”
“ What's the betting section?”
“ Just a place where people play games and have fun! I once lost 10,000 won over a turtle race.”
“ Hahaha, you bet on turtles?”
Luna kept laughing at every incident Sua narrated. She was halfway on the third glass of a Martini before she turned hysterical. They went back downstairs onto the dancefloor once Sua knew Luna was befuddled.

She stood around the corner, watching her. Luna surrounded herself with music and lights. You could feel the temperature rising. The vibrations in sync with the body's pulse. Her body slithered into the crowd, making it to the centre. Her kine-aesthetics were so pleasing to watch. Sua's mouth ran dry. She was parched, not for a booze shot but for her; Kim Luna.
After a few minutes of alone time,  Luna started looking for her company. She couldn't locate her across the room, so she tried calling instead.
“ Where are you?”
I need help.” She broke in cold sweat.
“ What's wrong?” Luna asked over the phone, while making her way across the room. She felt a slight tap on her shoulder. It was Sua, she was standing right in front of her face. You could sniff the alcohol on her covered in Vanilla mist. How delicate.
“ I'm making a bet and I'm a 1000 won short, could you lend it to me?”
Sua felt a sharp pain on her shoulder as the other girl threw a punch.
“ Ouch-”
“ You scared me!”

A few steps ahead was a mob yelling and cheering. That was probably the betting counter. A man wearing a black mask was collecting cash and simultaneously placing cards on the table.
“ Here drink this.” Sua offered the drink she which was in her hand.
“ Bleh! What was that Cognac mixed with Gin? ”
“ Close, that was Cognac mixed with Gin and LSD.”
Luna's eyes grew big before she coughed out loud.
“ Oh baby girl, that was the bet. You grabbed quite some attention dancing on the floor, so people bet you couldn't handle your ecstasy.”
“ So what did you bet!?”
“ I said you can, yaknow since you've been to a rave. Except I didn't know how much to give you, so I just tripled the usual amount.”
Luna went silent. Her eyes deadshot before she answered,
“ I have never taken acid before in my whole life.”

Awkward silence.
Well, just remember, if you wanna jump, try doing it from the ground. The bunnies you see are NOT real and if you feel an unstoppable urge to cry, order the happy juice!”
Luna was still trying to process what she had just done. She held Sua's hand tightly as she guided them both towards the bistro.
“ First time's always the memorable one. You feel like your crAcKle is ImPreabLed.”
“ What?”
“ I said, you feel your cRacKle iS imPreaBled.”
Oh shit... its happening.
She slowly got up from her place. Everything seemed so hazy, but the good thing was: she could still smell the colours...wait a minute.

Her eyes floated away into the room following the bubbles of crazy. The
Lo-fi music made everything more trippy (but she couldn't confirm if it was real). She was in the middle of the dance floor again and she. Felt. Alive.
A palm moved all over her body. It travelled from her shoulders to her ulna. Her midriff was caught in between two arms, lighting her body on fire. She moved her hips along with the guidance of the other figure. Her brain was fried. Every sense was amplified. She felt a soft pleasure when the other nibbled her lobe. She faced towards it,Fucking Kim Sua.

Sua's POV

Fuck, she's hot. I couldn't resist myself. It was too tempting. The way she danced like no one was watching. You'd be stupid to watch anyone else. The first time I saw her, she was so locked. As if she was just a shadow, not aware of her individuality. But now that I see her, so fucking high. She's at her peak:
The awakening of the shadow self.’
I wanted to ruin her in every way possible.


She dragged her across, towards the photobooth. Luna crashed on the fitted stool, unable to differentiate reality. She threw her boots out and interlocked Sua in between her thighs.
“ Tsk tsk, bad job Mr bunny. You do not get to run.”
How cute.
Her head landed in Sua's chest as she dismissed her belt. She held herself down for a split second. The Gin still lingering in her breath, But Sua couldn't care less.
Not untill she tasted it herself.

It was nearly midnight when they reached Ara's place; Luna still tripping balls. She had herself four sets of happy juice before leaving.

“ I would invite you inside, but my sister shares a room with me.”

“ Baby girl we're at Ara's.

“ Oh, then be my guest.”
They tiptoed their way upstairs and snuggled underneath the warm sheets, both still giggling thinking about their night.

“ I'm sorry for drugging you, maybe it wasn't perfect-”

Shush...everyone has their own idea of perfection, mine just happens to be you.”

* Dudes! Today was such a weird fucking day. We had power cut. Me and my best friend gave second hand embarassment to our families by shouting k-pop songs on the rooftop. But anyways, long chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. (I know I did hehe) This was a highly anticipated chapter so pleaaaseee show some love. And keep supporting!*

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