Chapter 9

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Luna pulled Sua on her lap as she straddled herself for a steady posture. She pressed her full lips against the other, sliding her hand up the back of Sua's neck. She sucked a deep breath as the top slipped her tongue into her mouth. The kiss turned heated and passionate. Luna's heart beating wildly. Sua gripped the hem of her skirt as she pushed her back on the bed. She closed the distance between the both as she whispered, “ What're you both doing?”

“ Huh?” Luna rubbed her eyes to see Go Ara standing against the door.
“ Did she sleep over? You both slept together?” Luna tried to regain her composer.
So it was a dream.
Sua nudged after hearing the voices in the room.
“ Can we talk outside? She's still asleep.”
Luna slipped out of her bed making sure not to disturb the angel sleeping. She closed the door behind her but left it unlocked.

“ Care to explain?” Ara's tone seemed a bit annoyed and Luna hated how disapproving her expressions were.

“ We drank a little too much. She had to take care of me the whole night since I was tripping, so I offered. ”

“ You did drugs!!?!”

“ Okay, you can't judge, we both have done it in the past.”

“ Yeah, in the safety of this house! With people WE KNOW.”

“ Look, I'm sorry. We were in the vibe. Besides, nothing bad happened. No damage of any sorts. ”

“ Yeah it doesn't seem like it. You slept with her-”

“ We did not! I think...” Ara sighed as they both walked downstairs. She got a box of juice out of the refrigerator and passed it to Luna.
“ Enough about me-” Luna said, poking her juice box. “- How was date night?”

“ It was okay, except Jackson's brother hurt himself. We had to take him to the hospital.”

“ Oh god, is he okay?”

“ For now. We think he's being bullied. Jackson's been there the whole night, Jisoo doesn't want to be alone.”

“ I'll drive Krystal to visit. Maybe then he can have a break.” They heard a walking sound upstairs. “ That's probably her.” Luna turned her attention, heading upstairs.

“ Wait, you like her don't you?”
Ara sounded low, which was concerning since she's never had an issue with who Luna liked before.

“ Yeah, I guess there a problem?”

“ Just don't forget, it's been almost a week since you met.”

Why would she bring that up? Were they getting close too quickly? Luna walked upstairs to find Sua stretching, getting something out of her purse. She smiled as she saw the younger walk inside. Tossing her purse aside, she made herself a place to sit close.
“ I swear I had a toothbrush in here somewhere.”

“ It's fine, we'll just ask Ara for a spare.”
Sua dragged her hand across Luna's face, caressing it gently, before tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. She touched and caressed her ear, looking for any sign of redness.

“ I hope I didn't hurt you in any way last night. Things got pretty wild and I couldn't control myself. ”
So it wasn't a dream.
You didn't. I had a great time!” Luna leaned against the elder's body as the other stroked her hair.
“ Although, I do think we rushed the whole process.” Sua's body froze completely as she stopped touching the other girl.

“ Not that I regret anything, it's just that...I wanna know you better. All I know about you is that you're Ara's neighbour studying liberal arts in the national university.”
Her expressions were giving mixed signals which only made Luna grow more concerned. Was she not as involved as she appeared? Sua straightened her back before she finally spoke,

“ So you wanna know me? Okay, I guess then we'll have to spend the whole day together. Maybe go on a couple of dates, watch a movie-” Her hands slipped under Luna's shirt as she started unbuttoning her top,
“- maybe fuck once or twice..sounds good?”
Luna flinched at the sudden gesture, blushing intensely. Although she was enjoying the whole process, she made a promise to free Jackson from the hospital.

After changing into some fresh clothes, Luna decided to pick Krystal from CeCe's. She looked panicky as she talked about how some kids were bothering jisoo (Jackson's brother).
“ Unni, who is this Ahjumma? (Old lady)”, she turned asking about the girl accompanying them to the hospital. They had planned on having breakfast together and Sua didn't mind a long drive.
“ Hello! My name's Kim Sua. I'm your Unni's friend.”

“ Did you two meet recently?”

“ We did.”

“ That explains why she's so shy. Tell you a secret, I think she likes you.”

“ Krystal!!” Luna felt embarrassed by her sister's behaviour.

“ Haha, well I sure do hope so, or else dating her will be really awkward.” Luna turned her attention towards Sua. She was shocked to hear such a response (although happy.)
Sua winked at the younger rolling her tongue back in her mouth.

They walked into the hospital, searching for the registered room. After meeting up with Jackson, they decided to leave Krystal with Jisoo for a little playdate. They headed back down to the hallway before Krystal shouted,
Unni, I think you look cute together.”
“ Thanks kiddo!” Sua replied.
She held Luna's hand as they walked back to their car. Luna finally felt like her life was morphing itself into normality. So what if it's only been a week, Love finds its way in the most hopeless of places.

They spent the whole day together. From having breakfast and coffee at Bennett's, to strolling in the park together. Sua even took Luna to an archive where she used to visit as a child. A perfect day together. As the day came to an end, she decided to head back home. Ara wasn't really in with the whole idea, but found it necessary.

Parking her car back in its spot, Luna walked through the Narcissus covered pavilion. She unlocked the door to find her parents cuddling on the sofa together.
So they made it back.
But that's what soulmates do. No matter how hard they fight, they always find a way back together.

That's why Ara bought it up... It's been a week since they've met.
Then why didn't Luna get her wisdom teeth yet.. why hasn't she shown any sign of ageing.

* I posted this early cause I have my online class in like ten minutes. So please enjoy and don't forget to vote. Also, if you have any confusion, just ask me and I'll try my best to clear it out. I'll also be posting the character sketches in the evening, so look forward to those too! Love ya loads💜💜*

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