Chapter 4

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It had been two hours since Luna came over to Ara's party. But in a strange scenario, she was drinking Orange Gatorade out of a sippy cup. She felt light headed but atleast her head wasn't throbbing in pain like it did everytime she got drunk.
“ Its the Gatorade.”- spoke a female voice. “ It helps with the hangover.”
“ But why Orange...bleh! I hate the cough syrup taste. ”
“ You need the vitamin C as you hydrate, stop being such a brat.” The woman was wearing a black top along with a skirt that slit just above her knee. Her top was studded and shiny, but you could still figure out her inner was a UNIF. She kinda looked like a darker version of Elsa along with her hair, a deep shade of Auburn. She was seated along the dining beside her. It took Luna a while  to sober up just enough to strike a conversation.
“ So what's your angle?”
“ Pardon?”
“ I mean, who are you?”
“ Right, I figured waiting till you were in your senses was much better... I'm Sua; Ara's neighbour.” Her voice was shaky, but it was probably because of the loud music.
“ How come I've never seen you around?”
“ Because I haven't been here in two years.”
“ Wait, how old are you?”

“Twenty!?!!”- Luna thought to herself,
“She looked like a high school student, it's as if she hasn't aged since... oh”
Talking about soulmates in the first conversation seemed too personal, so Luna didn't try again. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Sua spoke up, “Well, the night is still young; you wanna head to the dance floor with me?”
“Who me? Oh no thanks I'm good.”
“ C'mon, it's just a dance.” Luna was baffled by this gesture.
Why does she wanna dance with me?
It hasn't even been two hours since we met... But why am I sweating?
Her train of thoughts started leaving the station (in a new direction).
“ I've sobered up. Besides I would've been much more comfortable if there weren't so many people here.”
“ Just because you wanna feel comfortable doesn't mean we can discard people from existence.. can we?”
WOW. Luna starred at Sua's face for a while, dumbstruck. Her eyes seemed so sharp. Let's face it, Luna wasn't afraid to dance amongst others. They've attended the same high school for the past four years. So it wasn't the crowd that Luna found intimidating, it was Sua.
“ Hello? Earth to Luna...”
“ Oh right, umm here's my deal; have three shots with me and we can dance the night away.”
“ That's your deal? Fine.”

Before anyone knew, Luna and Sua were up on the kitchen counter, dancing like a bunch of whack jobs. The combat boots made Luna's steps steady, but she had to be extra careful if she didn't wanna end up falling on her face. Sua held onto Luna's jacket as she pulled her closer for a stern grip. Luna grabbed the hemp of Sua's top while shifting her arms towards the shoulder.
“ Can I ask you something?”, Luna spoke nearing towards Sua's earlobe. “ Why'd you sober me up if we were gonna get drunk again? ”
By this time, the music had stopped playing and people were boo-ing at the DJ.
Because I wanted you to be in your right mind before I asked you to dance with me. ” HOLY SHIT.

It was well past midnight and everyone decided to head home. Jackson offered Luna a ride which she  accepted eventually considering the fact that she came here walking in the first place. As Jackson rang the Kim's doorbell, Luna plopped herself on the paved entrance. Little Krystal answered the door nudging the sleep in her eyes. “ Oh, Unni, you're here.”
“Krystal!!”- Luna latched onto her little sister. “ I'm sooo happy to see you squishy! I bought you this sticker.” She was giggling like a little child, her smile spread ear to ear.
“ It's on your face Unni and... EW your breath stinks. ”
It was too late for greetings, so Jackson left for his house right after Krystal sent her elder sister upstairs for a wash. Luna splashed cold water on her face and changed into some less sweaty Pajamas. She crashed on her mattress and heaved in silence.
Kim Sua, college student.
She couldn't stop rewinding the night and replaying the time she danced with her. For the first time in days, she felt some kind of ecstasy (not the druggie kind). isn't such a bad idea afterall.

That's all for chapter four you guys. Also, I have just been informed about a Will Smith movie called "Hancock" which seems to have the same idea of immortality. But it's a superhero movie and this is a rom-com fiction. I've also mentioned the post from where I got the jist of this book. But thanks for pointing it out ajay_thaj . Anyways, don't forget to vote and support me!*

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