Chapter 7

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“ So you're telling me, ever since you went back, you had to witness your parents arguing, take care of your sister as is she's YOUR child and above all, encounter that ' waste of a good looking face' Eun Sung!?” Ara was huffing and puffing like she was about to explode.

“ Right?”
“ Yes ma'am.” Luna answered firmly. If they didn't know her well enough, people would've just assumed Go Ara was the daughter of an ex military comrade. Sua's face screamed satisfaction as she drowned herself in the Rameyon and strips, enjoying the occasional mumbling of the best friends. “ This won't do.” Ara continued- “ Look at your face jhagiya, you look so pale. Decided, you're staying here tonight. ” She was so stern with her decision that questioning itself was out of the equation. Luna nodded her head in respose while Ara shifted her attention to the next door neighbour.
“ And you.”
“ Me?”
“ Yes you! You're telling me you were just happening to pass by when you found my best friend crying in the streets like a hobo?”
“ Oh yes, like I said, it was just a coincidence. ”
“ When it's fate, there are no coincidences.” Luna whispered softly under her breath. Sua turned her face towards the girl with a subtle puffy face (probably cause she was crying). She moved her eyes from top to bottom, rolling her tongue back in her mouth. She was checking her out.

“ Ahem. ” Ara coughed, breaking the steaming tension in the room.
“ Since mom and dad are leaving for the weekend, Luna you can have a spare key just in case. ” The doorbell rang and Ara excused herself to answer it.
“ Would you stop!?” Luna spoke turning a cute shade of pink
“ Stop what?” Sua asked rolling her tongue yet again.
“ That! Stop doing that!”
“ Hahaha.”
Wow. She laughed out loud for the first time today.
She looks so pretty.
“ Guys, Jackson's here, he bought strawberries.”
“ Why strawberries? ” Sua asked curiously.
“ For Kim Luna, she loves strawberries!” he answered.
Jackson walked towards Luna with his hand up high for a fist bump but hit her on the forehead instead.
“ Ouch! Jerk-” she cried out loud.

Ara and Jackson had been dating since sophomore year. But before that, Jackson was the head of a culinary course that Luna was taking as a freshman. They instantly became friends. People did question their affection for each other initially but everything was clear after he started dating Go Ara and Luna..well never mind.

“ I came here to invite you out. Ara and I were already planning date night, but you're welcome to join”
“ Third wheel the whole night? No thanks.”
Luna did enjoy the soulmates company but she wasn't in the mood for cuddles and kisses.
“ But if you don't come, we'll miss date night...” he pouted.
“ No you won't”, Sua spoke after long, making Jackson aware of her presence.
“ Who are you?”
“ Ouch, but okay. Kim Sua, nice to meet you.”
“ No, I know you, but why are you here? ”
She got out of her seat and stood in front of him,
I'm here to give you a solution.”
“ Solution?” they spoke in unison.
“ Yes, you and your lovely girlfriend can enjoy date night, while I escort Luna for a cheer session!”
“ You will?” spoken in unison again.
“ And I promise to drop her safely by 11.” She looked at their faces, waiting for an approval. Ara pulled Jackson back by his collar and faced Sua. With her arms on her hips, she exhaled
“ No funny business. Any problem at all? You call right away. And remember, I know where your near and dear ones live”
She would make one hell of a strict mother.
“ Luna do you mind? We can cancel this gig if you want.”
She stayed silent for a while but agreed after Jackson made a pleading sign, anything for the bro. Besides, a night out with Sua doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Ara was generous enough to lend her closet. But mainly, it was because she did not want Luna driving back home. Infact she was the one to inform Mr and Mrs Kim about their stay, which the couple willingly agreed. Luna put on a black sleeveless top with laced border and a skirt to go along. Her boots were knee length paired with a black diamond choker. She walked down to find Sua wearing an attire complimentary to hers, except she put on some tight leather pants. You could see her figure so perfectly.

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“ You look amazing

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“ You look amazing.”
“ So do you.”
They walked out of the house as Sua drove them to the highway.
“ Do you have your ID?”
“ Yes, but why? Where is it that we're going” Sua slowed her speed and leaned her body towards Luna's face,
“ Someplace where you can actually party hard. ”
She was teasing her, and you could see the pleasure of it.
The radio was blasting with
‘ Girl in Red’ as they took a turn downtown.
“ It gets really crowded so try to stay as close as possible. Is this your first time in a club?”
“ No, Ara made us fake IDs before. And she even threw a rave once.”
They parked their car and stepped out, Sua guiding her to the entrance.
“ Well then I expect to see a different side of yours; the wildside.”
“ I'm a quite controlled person, getting drunk is one way to loosen up but you've already seen that. ”
“ Hah”- Sua pulled her close by her hips as she slowly whispered, -
“ I know exactly how to get your head spinning for me baby girl"

*Woah, okay soooo... Hope you guys liked this chapter. It was kinda long but I had to get the story moving. I promise to set up a baseline in the next three chapters. Just be a little patient and don't forget to vote!*

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