Chapter 23

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“ Come again?” Mark sucked a breath, trying to get away from the elder. But Sua's grip on his shoulders was much stronger than what he imagined.
“ I'm begging me.”

“ Noona, I think you need some time with you don't know what you're-” Sua crashed her lips on his making him respond immediately. Her hands travelled up to his hairline as he shifted his attention to her whole body. He picked her up and positioned her on his lap. The elder bit his lower lip making him groan out loud. After a few minutes the boy started running his hands over her thigh, pulling away from the kiss.

They were breathing heavy, not escaping each other's grasps.  Sua placed her chin on the younger's shoulder, nuzzling near his neckline. He was gently stroking her back when he felt a drop of water land on his collar bone.
“ A..are you crying. ” He could here the soft whimpering clearly as he pulled away to face her.
“ Kim Sua...”

“ I fucked up Mark. It's really done for. I can't continue further. ” Her voice started breaking and her breathing became more stuffy. Watching her breakdown, he found it hard to keep the Lust in his own eyes, his expressions turned helpless. Here was a woman, who was supposedly his soulmate and she was breaking down cause of her girlfriend who was Mark's only friend in college.

Mark's POV

I silently watched her. Tears kept pouring down and I couldn't speak. It's as if my body shut down and yet again, it was because of
Kim fucking Sua.
“ Sua-sshi...please stop. Hey, hey...look at me. I'm here, right here. ”
Her muffled sound was still constant. There was nothing I could do to take her pain away. This girl, who's just like me. The one who's strongly pretentious. And the one who I've learnt to love.

Sure at first, I only heard her stories which Loony- Luna narrated. I was so intrigued by her image, this person who she was portrayed to be. But when I actually saw her for the first time, something clicked. Those sunglasses couldn't hide the truth in her eyes. These past few days have been so adventurous. Sneaking her into my dorm room to talk, walking her back home, waiting for her outside the art gallery.
All these little moments which felt like a dream.

Those moments, I wish to cherish forever. want me to fuck you senseless? That's exactly what I'll do.”


Ara walked behind Luna cautiously. She had already texted Jackson and hinted him about the situation he was gonna walk into. Ara's parents did not question anything after they watched the younger's swollen eyes. They were concerned, so they ended up calling Mr and Mrs Kim about their daughter's arrival.
Ara's phone popped up with Jackson's notification when he was around the corner.

“ Hey Loony, do you want some- WOAH! are you okay!?!” Luna's legs wobbled making her land on the floor. She looked fatigued.
“ Yah! Get a hold of yourself. Can you get up?” Ara helped the girl get on her feet as she sat on the sofa cot. She heard the doorbell ring so she excused herself. She sighed on watching her boyfriend's face, hugging him tightly.
“ How is she?”

“ Numb. She crashed on the carpet, had to help her get up.”
Ara and Jackson walked up to the room and found Luna standing on the balcony fence.

“ KIM LUNA! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING.” Ara screamed at her best friend before Jackson rushed to pull her inside. They both landed on the patio, Jackson holding on to the younger as he enveloped her head in his hug.
“ Why would you do scared us Luna...yah! I'm here now hmm? Let's get you back up. ”

She started sobbing in Jackson's arms while Ara ducked to their level, joining the group hug.

After a half an hour, Luna was fed and hydrated. She seemed a little more stable so Jackson started talking.
“ Luna, I really don't want to know what went down in that dorm room. I'm fucking pissed off but I don't care about them. I care about you. Tell me what you want. ”
The younger sighed and chuckled slightly before eyeing him.

“ You wanna hear how I feel? What, are you planning to replace my therapist now? You know what I feel? Angry. Disgusted. Betrayed. I felt hurt when I saw them together but I felt stupid BECAUSE THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN SOMEDAY. I feel stupid because I convinced myself into believing I could attain some sort of normality in life. ” She started heaving heavily as she waited for a response.

“ Luna, when I warned you about this exact situation, you said you could handle it-”

“ Well clearly, I can't! I mean, how does one handle heartbreak? You say it's normal for one to experience pain when they're in love. But just because it's normal, that makes it okay? Just because people cheat, we're supposed to suck it up? I just wanna stop everything? ”

“ What's everything Luna? ”

“ Everything! My feelings, my thought, the me who belonged to Sua. I need to change my whole Self. And for that I need to reassess my entire life, even if it means to kill myself.”
That statement got her a few stares and an angry Ara hit her hard. But when Jackson spoke up, there was utter silence in the room.

“ Luna-sshi, do you know what solipsism means? It's a Belief that everything existing is just an imaginary fragment which the person creates in their minds. If this world is a creation of my mind, it does not end this way for you. If everything I've ever felt or done is just solipsism, having you both is the best design I've ever come up with.

And you talk about reassessing life?
You reassess your life when you've made mistakes, you just got dumped.
Falling in love is not a mistake, it's a part of your normal life. YOUR normal life Loony. These episodes in life are the one's which get the most rating. But eventually, as time passes, people forget about them and move on. You can't watch one show for your entire life, you gotta start another one. And I'm sure you'll make it.”

Luna was silent this entire time, but what Jackson said made so much sense. He was never wrong about the decisions he made. And his words of wisdom always helped the younger. So she chose to listen once again.
Ara pulled her close and asked her.
“ So, what did you decide. Are you gonna change the show? Or are you still watching it? ”
Luna pulled out her phone and punched a few words in text format. She showed it to the soulmates as they nodded their head in response. She took a deep breath as she pressed send.

* So the story is really serious now

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* So the story is really serious now. And it's on a stage of ending in a few days, I don't really wanna rush the entire process. So I've decided not to post a double chapter. Thank you so much for reading. I love you guys *

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