Chapter 16

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Sua's mother prepared some tea while she served the sweets. The girlfriend was seated across the table beside her mother while Luna was awkwardly fixing her posture. The tea was served in two cups.
“ Thank you.” Luna said, politely taking the cup offered. After a few minutes of plain starring and tea sipping, Sua decided to break the silence.

“ Umm, Luna is Ara's best friend. You know our neighbours? Their daughter. We met at their house actually...”
Awkward silence

“ So you're a highschool student.”

“ No, I mean I was a graduate when we met, but I'm a college freshman now.”
Sua's mother gave nothing but a nod in response. Luna searched for Sua's eyes, waiting for her to officially introduce her. Instead, she hid from her sight.
Ouch, that hurt.
“ Well, I'm sorry for interrupting your family time-” she said while getting up.
“ This was clearly a mistake.” She walked down the passageway before the elder grabbed her.

“ Wait, I can explain.”

“ No need. I get that you don't want to do this right now. It was nice meeting you Mrs Kim. ” She turned around to grab her boots.

Actually it's Miss Kim. ”

It's been a few months since Sua's father expired. The summer you met? I think that was the time.”
All this time spent, and never once did she mention. But neither did Luna ask her. It's not that the elder was being secretive, Luna was just as ignorant.
“ You did not know? I guess you're not that close.” Miss Kim stated. She was mocking her.
“ I guess not ma'am.”
“ No don't leave... please.”
“ Let go-”
“Mom, Luna's my girlfriend!”

Five minutes of aggressive silence. No sign of response anywhere. Was she furious? Confused? Disgusted? There was no way to commemorate her emotions. Of course they told her that they're not the soulmates meant to be. Not that it would make the situation better.

“ So you've been seeing each other.”

“ Yes.”

“ You're not each other's soulmates either.”

“ No ma'am.”

“ All this on top of the fact that you hid it from me. Yah Kim Sua... have you lost your mind? Do you even hear yourself. ”
The tension was growing, you could feel like bad vibes surrounding this conversation. Sua tried her level best to calm her mother, but Luna's presence made the situation worse. She wanted to leave, she could've; but Sua wasn't ready to let go just yet. It did not take long till the conversation turned into a argument... eventually leading to a raging dispute.
This was not what Luna had in mind.

The Denial.
I get it. She's young and vulnerable, but do you even know what kind of family she belongs to? Her story, her people? You can't just do this Sua...please stop it.”

“ NO YOU STOP IT. MOM...please listen to me. Atleast LOOK AT ME... I know you think I've lost it. That face of yours, it has disappointment written all over. But mom, Luna is really the best I can ever achieve.”

“ You think that, but you have much better. A soulmate with whom you'll grow older, a Husband-”
Luna couldn't take it, this situation which arrived because of her irrationality. She had to deal with this.

The bargain
“ MA'AM PLEASE STOP IT. With all due respect, I shouldn't have shouted. But please hear us out before judging our story. You think you're the only one who objected us? Well, you're not that special. My Omma knows about us too, and she wasn't very welcoming either. But she had my father to explain her. Ma'am, my family has a lot of issues. I have a younger sister who just started high school and I haven't been the luckiest in relationships.

But keeping everything aside, your daughter really means a lot to me. Be it her attitude to wreck everything for something she loves, or her fragility in it. I don't just say this because of you, but I say this to you too Sua. The day you confessed your love for me, I couldn't speak up because I was confused and hurt. I did not know what it felt like, to be denied an identity because of someone else's fear.
But now that I'm here, in your condition, I can't help but feel the fear myself. The fear of loosing, having to let go of what we have, because for the first time in my life... Loving someone is not draining me. For the first time, I don't have to fake an interest or be the bigger person, the stronger woman.

My Appa said, being with your soulmate feels like an obligation to some, but being with you feels like freedom to me. And I don't want to let go of this moment. This memory that I not only want to cherish but Live through. Just for today, everyday, for a long time, till eternity takes us.”

Sua grabbed the younger and held her tightly in her arms. Crying her eyes out. She couldn't help but feel touched by her honesty, her stupid decision to be brave for once. She entangled her fingers and faced her mother once again.
“ Mom...please.”

Silence yet again.
But this time, it was different. This time you could make out her expressions. A sense of defeat, spread all over. The pride too strong for accepting reality but the feelings of motherhood, too deeply embedded to let go of her daughter. She sunk her face in her palm, the elder still refusing to let go of Luna's touch, before the mother finally spoke.

“ Did you drive here alone?”

“ Ah.. well, yes.”

“ Are you allergic to soy, I thinking of making kimchi rice.”

The acceptance.
Luna called her mother and informed her about her night plans. Of course, she mentioned that she'll drop by early morning, before leaving for class.
The elder was busy setting up the dinner table. Her mother was weak and tired, so it was best not to push. They did not talk much, just a little formality for the first day school talk. Miss Kim was a keen observer. The whole time, she was watching Luna's behaviour, her tone, her touch. She was trying to get comfortable with her thoughts, although her morals were internally stirring a hell soup, she managed to remain calm.

“ We don't have a guest room. Sua's been an only child, so we never thought of getting her a bigger bed either. ”

“ It's alright ma'am. I can adjust.”
Miss Kim nodded before leaving the dining. Sua watched as the younger was picking up the dishes and placing them in the sink.

“ What?”

“ You're the biggest fool out there.”

“ I know...I was a little too much.”

“ A little too bratty. But hey, I love you.”

“ We've still got secrets between us, what will we do?”

“It's not love, on which the strongest foundations are built.
It's the decency of merciful lies. We will be just fine.”

* Yaaahhhhhh!!! Happy BTS day Army 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 I really wanted to include something about being yourself, but I did not have a lot of time. I'll try to make the next chapter less dramatic. But I was really really busy today, I've got this huge essay and class tomorrow, where I gotta keep my points, let's just say I lost what I was supposed to do. So I gotta start from scratch. Pray for me? Again, I hope you guys liked it. Please vote and recommend your other friends. I love you all. *

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