Chapter 24

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7'o clock, time to wake up!
7'o clock, time to wake up!
7'o clock, time to w-

Mark pressed the snooze button a little more vigourously than before. He leaned against the bed post, yawning heavily. The boy wasn't wearing a shirt or sweats of any sorts, so the sheets sticked up to his bare skin. A figure latched onto his chest as he experienced a skin-on-skin contact.
He noticed Sua cuddling. The boy traced over her arms, travelling to her face and twirled a strand of hair in his slender fingers.

She looked so peaceful.

His gaze was stuck on her features, admiring every part of her body. Whether it was the way her jawline was chiseled, or the roots of her long lashes. A soft breath escaped his mouth. He traced her lips reminiscing last night. The way she attacked his body hungrily and kept wanting more. Everything about their first night felt so special. But the biggest factor in the scenario was the calmness in his mind, knowing the fact that he was exactly what she needed.
He was indeed, her true soulmate.

Sua's phoned lit up with the notification of a full charge. He slid from between her arms and walked to disconnect her phone. While doing so, he noticed the last recipient text message from Kim Luna.
' Let's break up. '

The elder hadn't read it yet, but he figured she'd be even more of a mess than she was yesterday. He needed to meet Luna in person.

“ Yah Kim Luna! Are you stupid? Why do you want to meet that waste of a pretty face

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“ Yah Kim Luna! Are you stupid? Why do you want to meet that waste of a pretty face.” Jackson grumbled at the younger who was putting on her shoes. She inhaled a deep breath and released a huge sigh.
“ He just wants to talk Jacky. I did not give him a chance last night. ”

“ So what, you want to be a saint and do the write thing?”

“ You literally adviced me to do the right thing last night...”

“ This is not what I meant. Besides, he could be dangerous.” Luna's face grew curious hearing that statement as she chuckled out.
“ What do you mean dangerous? You think he's a psychopath?”

“ Watch out for him is what it means. And don't stay longer than half an hour. ”

It hardly took her ten minutes to reach Bennett's as she waited for the boy to arrive. The last time she called him, he was stuck in traffic. She re- evaluated her decision to meet Mark but felt it was better to get over with it than dodge him on campus. Mark sprinted across the street and toppled while entering the shop. He awkwardly addressed the younger with a smile as he took a seat in front.
“ What is it? Let's get this done ASAP.”

“ Yes. So...ahem, I think I should apologise first for being a part of this..
Situation. ”

“ Then apologize.” She answered bluntly, not breaking eye contact.
He smiled a little before saying sorry. Trying his best to be composed, he immediately addressed the issue he was here for.
“ So here's the thing, I saw your message on Sua's phone. I think you're being irrational.”

“ You saw the message on her phone which I sent a 2am?...that means she slept with you. Tell me where is the irrationality here? Mark, you are Sua's soulmate. YOU SLEPT WITH HER AND YOU'RE PROBABLY IN LOVE WITH HER. Knowing all this, how does one carry on a friendship and a relationship?”
Her temperament was filled with agressive emotions which were clearly portrayed on her face.

“ Luna-sshi please... I really can't bear the thought of loosing you as my friend. You're perhaps the only person who doesn't want anything from me. Please...” Her expressions were ice cold which shattered Mark's heart. His quivering face was about to overflow with tears before he sucked it all in.

“ Loony, you know why you are so important to me?
It's because you're my only friend. You know, scientists consider friendship to be the purest form of Human love. It's because it does not involve some kind of physical gain. Two people choose to spend time together over and over again, simply because they enjoy each other's company.

I wait for lunch hours so that we could grab a cup of coffee from that third grade vending machine. I make a playlist everyday so I can jam those bops while you drive me to work. And I especially place the Camellias on top of the counter because they're your flowers and you love them. I'm not saying this cause I want to brag about everything I do, I'm saying this because even when those gestures were meant for you...I felt joy myself. I cherish our friendship and I love you Loony. ”

The sharpened eyes of Luna immediately turned blunt. She avoided looking at the boy's face because she knew she'd melt in an instant. She nibbled on her lower lip after finally gaining the courage to speak up.
“ Yah! Did you prepare this speech while walking here? ” His muffled voice met estranged expressions.

“ Look, I know it seems selfish of me to treat you this way, But I'm heartbroken too... Don't you think the situation we're currently facing, you're gaining a lover and I'm loosing one? You can't expect me to forget everything in an instant and forgive you both. I understand you did not choose this, but mark my words:
if this is what happens when you find your soulmate, I don't fucking want to meet mine ever. ”

His breathing hitched when the girl spoke. The conversation lasted for quite long. Luna eventually accepting the inevitable. Mark tried to console her in some way but her thought were quite assertive.

When you catch feelings for someone, it's quite messy actually. You talk, you get attached, you fall in love and fall apart. But that's the cycle in life. You find another person, you get attached, fall in love and fall apart all over again. It's the fragments of that memory which keep pricking life long.

Those memories and narratives are stored.
They will always be kept safe in a box with a cautious sticker on it. People will think, it's all in the past. The box has been sealed since so long, it's gonna be alright. But when they'll open it, the pieces will still be broken. They will always be broken.
One's love never dies, it just shatters into a million pieces which keeps piercing your soul.

At the end Mark decided to give Luna some space. His friendship was saved, but he had to make sure his lover was safe too. While exiting the coffee shop Luna shouted his name one last time.

“ Hey Mark! don't fuck anyone else now. ”
He giggled out loud while Luna sat at her spot beside the jukebox as the song shifted from Ed Sheeran to Niall Horan. She looked up to the counter while the lady served her a cup of iced Americano with two pumps of syrup, because there's no such thing as too sweet. A grin formed on her face when she quoted,

Soulmates are fucked up, let the universe be damned.

* Okay y'all I have decided that this will be the last chapter of this book. I really thought a lot, and all of my endings felt too streched out. I wanted to be true to myself, so if you really want to know how the story was supposed to be like originally, I'll just make an additional update tomorrow. But I really feel like this is the best way to end it. Thank you so much for all the support. I love you*

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