Chapter 13

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“ Shut up! You're kidding.” Their faces were dumbstruck. Jackson could barely digest the information he received.
“ I got accepted in lionsheart!”
Right after this, Sua jump strangled her girlfriend. She pulled her close, holding her waist.
“ I'm proud of you babygirl.” She gently kissed her, feeling proud and bubbly. Ara watched the scene waiting for her turn to hug the
'now college student, Kim Luna'.

“ Remember when you said you couldn't get in?” Ara teased.

“ Remember when you almost lit your highschool diploma on fire.” Jackson uttered, joining the group hug.

“ You know what I wanna remember?

They drove out of the city to celebrate Luna's acceptance letter. Sure she was supposed to be there in a week, but this was a start right? Go Ara was sitting in front beside Jackson who was currently busy driving. You could see the girlfriends cuddling in the backseat through the rear view.
“ You guys sure you wanna go to this club? I mean it's fun, but it does get really tight.”

“ C'mon Su! You think I can't handle a bit of clubbing with drugs and alcohol?”

“ Who's su?”

“ It's your pen name silly! Kim Sua is really long and traditional. So what did you guys do when you last came here?” Jackson asked curiously

“ Umm, not much...just here and there.” Luna replied while turning a deep shade of red. The elder probably noticed because she started to annoy her a little more.

“ Why don't you tell them the details babygirl?” Sua smirked while slipping her hand under Luna's shirt. She noticed the couple busy driving and giving directions. She hitched her hand above the hook of her bra and tackled it down. Luna's blood pressure started to rise. She started heaving as Sua traced her hand down to her crotch. She immediately recieved a response as the younger pressed her hand further down. She slowly moved closer and whispered in Luna's ear,
“ Getting needy are we?”
“ Please...ah.”
Luna shut her mouth before letting out a slight moan. Her mumbling getting stronger and stronger with the movement of Sua's hand.
“ Fuck Kim Sua..” she moaned loud enough to make the soulmates in front turn around.

“ Everything ok- OH MY GOD YOU BOTH!” Ara was shocked to see what was happening behind.

“ What? Is everything okay?” Jackson inquired trying to turn back.

“ It's fine! Just keep driving. Eyes on the road!” She screamed at him.
This caused Sua and Luna to wheeze in laughter.

“ Laugh all you want, you two. But I've got my eyes on you. Ughh! Just get a room later on.”
Sua got them all the entry passes while Jackson found a place to park. The guard standing outside recognised her and let them pass without any problem. The soulmates were amazed by the vibe inside the club, while Luna was remembering the little details from her previous visit. She was briefing the couple about everything in and around the club along with some warnings about suspicious drinks.

“ Oh please! You loved your acid experience.” Sua argued, rolling her eyes over the younger's obvious accusation.

“ You still drugged me! I had myself some ecstasy without asking for it.”

“ You did ecstasy? Woah!” Jackson stated. He always found Sua pretty open and interesting, but the fact that she got Luna high, made him even more impressed.
They all walked up to the bistro and ordered themselves their drinks. The evening passed without any freaky incidents.
“ You know what, I doubted you at first Sua. We didn't know you and you were a complete stranger ready to date my best friend. I'm sorry if I was mean.” Ara pouted, trying to apologise.

“ It's fine. You were just looking out for her. I appreciate that!” The night played out with the girls bonding over their Martinis. They had to take the cab home since all of them were obviously drunk. Sua and Ara rode the same ride to their place, while Jackson offered to take Luna home after he sobered up a little.
The younger was halfway passed out, her eyes opening just enough to see the cars passing by. Jackson's expressions were a little distressed which Luna couldn't help but ask about.
“ You okay? Are you still hazy?”

“ No I'm fine. Thanks....but are you gonna be okay?”

“ What do you mean?”

“ Look, I know you and Sua are really happy together and you make a great couple. You got into a great University! It's just that, I need to know that you're ready for everything you'll have to face in the future Loony.”
Luna was confused as to where this conversation was leading but she was too tired to respond.

“ If a day comes, when you or Sua actually find your REAL soulmate, I hope you've thought of those odds too.  Finding your soulmate makes you do weird shit. I just don't want to see you get hurt.”

“ Since when have you been so protective over me little Jacky” Luna teased the passenger, trying to ease the atmosphere.

“ Since I saw you as one of my own. Luna your friendship means a lot to me. If it weren't for you I would've never found Ara. You've been there for me through so much. Your family has always been so supportive, I just wanna be there for you too!”

“ Alright oppa!” She smiled as she passed out completely.
Luna had found herself the family she always wished for. The one where she had a lover, a friend to talk to and a girl closer than sister.
This was her normal.

* Okay you guys. Idk if I wanna continue this book. I feel like,just writing the whole thing in one or two chapters. As you guys feel like.  I was very tired today, I even had an asthma attack. And I was really struggling with the new story. So if you choose to finish this book soon, I'll write both the endings for whoever chooses what! That's it for today.*

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