Prologue: Komora

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Croc Nimbus stared at his wife trapped inside of their burning house. He was running out of time, and he had to save her, and his daughter.
"Surely there's something I can do? I have to get you out!" he said to her.
"There is nothing you can do," she said to him,"Please, take our daughter and run!"
"I can't just leave you!" cried Croc, tears streaming down his face.
"Please, save her, Shadow could be nearby," she said. She picked up their 3 year old daughter and passed her through a window.
Croc said nothing else. He knew what he had to do. He took the girl, and ran across the street. He was just within range of hearing his house blow up. She was gone, and so were so many other Komorans. To the hands of Shadow. Croc created a hate for Shadow, killing his wife and destroying his home. They would pay.
He ran through roads of burning buildings, terrified people, and endless gunfire from Shadow Representatives.
He eventually found the forest nearby, and followed a trail to a cave. Once safe, he sat down and lifted his daughter up to his face.
"It'll be OK, I will save you, Skye." he said to his daughter. He put her on the ground and she ran over to play near some trees nearby.
Croc smiled for a few seconds before a bullet entered his head. He cried out before crumpling up on the ground. Croc was a dead man.
"Is he dead?"
"Yes it would seem so."
"Are the mother and daughter taken care of?"
"Then Shadow is safe from that girl."
"And they said to not use artifacts to see into the future."
"Let's tell the boss."
"He will be pleased."
Behind the men, a sinister figure stood.
"Thanks gents, I already know."
"Daddy?" said Skye to her father,"Daddy!"
Skye cried out for help, but almost all of the Komorans were dead. When all hope seemed lost, Skye turned around and saw a pink spherical creature who was staring at her curiously. The creature said nothing, but bent over to let her on his back.
Skye clambered on the creature, and as if in a dream, Skye and the creature flew away off into the sunset.
18 years later, Skye screamed as she arose from her slumber.


Word Count: 400
Skye Count: 7

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