June first (gay)

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A punk 17 year old boy with black hair and beautiful brown eyes gets ready for another shit day of school. He's very proud of who he is. Even if others don't except him. Hes still proud of himself and doesn't need anyone else's validation.
When he gets to school at 5:00am to do his athletics. Because he's on the football team that his dad forced him to be on. ""To try work the gay out"". Which is not really working. He lifts weights in the weight room and talk to his friends. He didn't really care for the sport. It wasn't horrible, he just hated waisting his energy on something so stupid like a sport that he's not going to care about when he's older.
When the actual school opened. he goes to his first period class. He both hated that class and loved that class all for the one same reason.
A short little blonde haired boy named Eli.
Eli sees him and smiles "JAY!!! SIT NEXT TO ME I SAVED YOU A SPOT!" Eli yelled to him. Yep Eli is the reason he hates but loves this class. He loves the class because Eli is his best friend is in the class. But he hates the class because he has a huge crush on Eli.
Jay sits next to Eli since he was insisted to. He smiles at Eli before the teacher walks in and ruins is time to gaze into Eli's eyes.
Jay hates learning and skips every class that he doesn't have with Eli. But just lucky him he also gets to see Eli in his last class of the day.
"Eli? Are you going to come to the game tonight and watch me destroy our opponents" Jay asked him hoping he'll say yes.
Eli grabs his phone and texted his parents "yeah my dad will drop me off. What number are you again so I can cheer you one" Eli smiles.
Jay tells Eli his uniform number before the class stared and they all went home.
Jay waits nervously. He knows Eli doesn't usually go to games so he feels like he has to do even better tonight to impress Eli.
When Eli gets their he sits at the top row because most of the people are on the bottom rows and he doesn't want to be around the big crowd. When then game stares Eli sees jays number and starts cheering for him loudly.
With the end of the game coming to a near jay gets nervous and upset. They aren't doing that well in this game. 'Great the one game he comes to and we are getting our asses handed to us' he curses to himself.
Eli waits for jay outside the locker room to talk to his friend and to make jay feel better about their loss. Jay is all changes and walks out to be greeted by his friend. They walk outside to the bow empty field.
Jay seems distant and upset "I'm sorry you watched this game for nothing. We didn't even win" Jay suddenly says
"It wasn't for nothing. I had a good time watching the other team taught you all" he giggles and jay crosses his arms "oh I see how it is" jay pouts. Eli giggles. "You big baby. I watched you the whole time. You get them next time" Eli smiles and kisses jay on the cheek "my ride will be here any minute. See you Monday" Eli runs off waving by.
Jay sits their in shock. He was just kisses by his best friend and his crush. He didn't even care about the game he lost the game anymore because he knows he just won the day.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes/missing words/etc. I'm not the best writer it's almost midnight (trying to get this out before June first is over) and I'm dyslexic. And very lazy to re-read and cheek. So I'm very sorry for any mistakes

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