June 26th (questioning)

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It's just as it sounds. Theirs questioning this sexuallity.

         Jimmy has be straight his whole life. Has dated a bunch of girls and loved them all. But recently he's been thinking only about other boys.
         Jimmy feels horrible or thinking about other boys because he's straight and has a girlfriend
        It's been four days and he's still thinking about boys. He thought the thoughts would go away but it hasn't. He's still thinking about boys.
       Right now he feels like that confused meme with the math and shit. That's what he feels like.
       'I'm I gay?' 'Do I want to fuck a man?' 'I still love my gf' all thes thought were running threw his head and he can't stop thinking about them now.
       He doesn't understand why he's only thinking about boys.
       It's been a week and now his thoughts aren't just boys. It's now all about his best friend brad now. That's all he can think about.
       Jimmy was home alone and he smelt his own BO. Jimmy hoped in the shower and his thoughts started again of brad. But this time they where lewd.
        Jimmy got hard. Luckily he was in the bathroom so he jacked it and cleaned up. Now jimmy is even more feel bad. He just can over someone that wasnt his girlfriend AND WAS A BOY!!!!
        Jimmy is now questioning everything and don't a bunch of research. He thinks he might be bi but he's also not really sure.
       Jimmy told his girlfriend about his thought finally and they decided that jimmy can fuck one man to see if it help his three the thought progress.
        When jimmy and the man he licked finished he was sure he liked males too but now he feels bad. Even though it was his gf idea he still fucked someone else and liked it.
        Jimmy told his gf and they thoughts hard and decide to have an open relationship.
        12 years later they are all still together and loved each other and are happy even tho they both have separate loved from each other they are still happy.

That's the best I could come up with. I'm sorry it's shitting and rushed liked the rest. I'm also sorry for any writing errors. I'm to tired and to lazy to go back and look. I love you all and you are loved. If you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always here and you can reach me here or on Instagram. Love you all and have lovely lives

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