June 8th (demisexual)

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Okay, this chapter is being written by me, neko's gf, you can just call me kitty due to my user name on this app DeadlyKitty2004 And because I identify as Demisexual. Neko had the idea to use my story on my experience and figuring all this out just like she did on pansexual. So here I am to do so. Keep in mind I found out that I liked her just 2 years ago and just about 1 year ago I found out I was demi. So I don't remember ever detail and I might not be that educated on it. So let's get right into it.
It started when I met Neko. She moved to my school during eighth grade year and slowly join my friend group. We both hit it off very well as friends since we both liked a Anime and reading fanfics. At the time I was slightly homophobic, at the time I didn't want any of my future children to be gay or trans or anything like that, but if others were I was ok with that as long as they were not doing it in front of me or forcing me to be like them.
Now the reason I was this way was because I had grown up with very homophobic Christian parents. Who had taught me that if you where gay at any point then you would go straight to hell period. And that you are born a certain "gender" and should therefore be classified as that "gender".
I am still Christian but my beliefs have changed from being super homophobic and it's okay to be gay and shit. That's besides the point. Irrelevant. Anyways, later on at the second school dance of the year (still kinda early in the early but like half way over idk) she told me she was bisexual and I was slightly weirded out (cause I was still homophobic at the time) but okay with it nonetheless.
Over time I got use to the idea of gay being a normal thing as well as trans, especially since we had a trans friend at the time. During this time me and Neko gotten really close and I eventually got to spend the night at her house and during our late night talk in her bed she had told me she had taken our trans friends first kiss and a few kids from her old school. At this time I still believed gays would go to hell for being gay but that it was okay to be gay besides that (weird I know). However, for some reason I wanted her to kiss me so my reply was "you haven't stolen mine." After those words left my mouth she proceeded to kiss me in which I didn't kiss back. I told he it didn't count because I didn't kiss back and then we kissed again. And I honestly enjoyed it.
I loved being with her. She would make me laugh and allow me to talk about anime with her. I also had been getting jealous as well. She once stole a jolly rancher from our at the time trans friends mouth because The friend was eating the last one and Neko really wanted it and boy was I upset.
(Note from Neko (because I couldn't copy and past her story so I have to re-type it out) I didn't think i was gonna be exposed today. Why is this story mostly about me. It's supposed to be about you kitty. Anyways,) we weren't even dating and I didn't even realize I liked her. I was upset tho, because it was with someone else. Not to mention the time Neko was saying she had a crush and then told me that it wasn't me when I asked who it was. That honestly disheartened me a little. Again, I wasn't entirely sure why.
We had started roleplaying on Skype because I had a crappy phone that didn't have a number so we got Skype. We where rping as aot/snk characters. And they we taking started talking in parentheses with each other. It turned into miniature roleplay. But the thing is it was our first time roleplaying as ourselves in real life. It was basically what we wanted to do if I spent the night again, or at least that what I thought of it. So I'm the rp I hade her on the bed and kissed her [it was fluffy you heathens]. I had also told her "I love you" which was when I finally fucking realized I was crushing on her the entire time. Funny how a rp using yourself in real life can make you finally realize you were in love with someone. Anyways, I remember she said she loved me back and I kid you not I squealed and hugged my phone to my chest. I was so fucking happy she returned my feelings, (I totally don't remember that at all. My memory of our first rp of ourself was we where living together. I was pregnant with a miracle baby and kitty was a Yendere and I got in a car accident and went into a coma and then kitty killed the person I was in the reck with and then when I woke up after like 9 months I made her think I lost the baby's but in reality their was 3 of them. So Yee. Anyways back to her story)
Anyways. After rping for a while and both of us talking threw friend we both found out we liked each other. It was later that week or so that I finally asked her out by her locker very quietly. Funny this is at the time she didn't realize I had meant I loved her in real life when we were roleplaying so I'm shook she said yes to this very day (in my defense I was oblivious and still under the impression she was homophobic)
We went to our last dance together as well, although my parents didn't and still don't know that we're dating yet heh lol.

That's how I knew I wasn't straight and how me and Neko started dating. Now to my Discovery.
So when I dated in the past, even 8th grade and grades before, I had always loved the person I was with. However we thought of sex rarely ever crossed my mind. I never really wanted to grope them or touch them in that way even so I was a bit sexual with myself [its natural for most humans so please don't judge]. However, when me and Neko started dating I started having thoughts of wanting to grope her and stuff. When I see others though I don't think that way at all. I can admit when someone is beautiful or hot but the thought of sexual interactions never really sticks with me at all. I never think of fucking them or wanting to touch them. However, I did with Neko. It wasn't just because we were dating though. I know for a fact since I had dated boys before [yes I am still attracted to them and would perform such activities with and if I got to know them better] and even though it never crossed my mind. Even with the one I did it in our friend group who I was best friends with. I didn't know what to classify myself as though. I only learned what Demi was later in the summer when Neko said she thought she figured out what I could be. I read the definition and felt that this is the label that fit me. I do not experience sexual attraction unless I form an emotional bond with someone. I may not be the best example of it but this is how I see myself. I never see myself fucking some Random stranger or even just a friend of mine. I only see myself fucking someone that I love and who I feel close to. Someone I trust. I know Demi is hard to identify as because people see it as just being normal or as a special snowflake. But what's different is that the thought of fucking someone we don't know, like a one time stand. Or someone we just are in love with. Never appeals to us. Sure it could cross our minds like "oh what if I ducked that person?" But that doesn't really appeal to us, or at least I should say to me. To me it's more of an intrusive thought that I just let slipped my mind. I don't think about it though. I only think sexually if I'm with Neko, The person that I trust the most with my issues in my heart. She's the only one I feel comfortable enough was telling my insecurities and sorrows too. With others I just hide it. And I would do anything to make her happy. I love her too much to see her hurt. I've grown so close to her and it pains me that I can't be closer to her. She's the only one i've ever had the thought of "sex" cross my mind and it was welcomed. I don't get that way with others I find attractive. So I classify myself as Demi sexual because of it. Like I said I'm probably not the best example of the sexuality but I hope my story helps explain it some to those who don't really know about it.

Damn 1590 words. That's a lot. That she typed out and that I had to re-type out IM SO SORRY FIR ANY MISS SPELLING. I GOT IMPATIENT AT THE END AND TOOK PICTURES OF HER STORY ON MY OTHER PHONE AND STARED USING SIRI AND DIDNT LOOK BACK. AND YOU KNOW SIRI ISNT ALWAYS ACCURATE IM SORRY. Also again if you don't think that's who she is. IT IS A LABLE. And she likes it and that's what she goes by so leave her alone. I love you all guys gals and non-binary pals. Have a good day and love you all

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