June 9th (grey ace)

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      Gray ace is a term that covers the fluid area between people who are sexual and people who aren't. ... According to the Asexual Visibility and Education Network, people who are graysexual (or gray a or graysexual) might not normally experience sexual attraction, but do sometimes.
Sorry but this story might suck I'm so sorry

         Jason didn't know much about the lgbt Community. He was a baby gay just learning and just figuring himself out. He had a demisexual, Pan romantic, and ace friend.
Jason was trying to learn what he was. The first thought that maybe he was on the romantic side. Like maybe bi romantic. But didn't really feel like that was him.
Jason started thinking he was demisexual like his friend Payton, maybe he didn't feel sexual attraction yet.
Jason smiles as he soon falls in love after a year of being demi. But when he still wasn't feeling that sexual he started to question himself again.
He went to his ace friend to ask him about it. He talk and learns some thing and starts going as ace. He told his boyfriend about it and happy that he thought he finally found out what he was he smiles.
After a few months of being with his boyfriend he has the sudden urge to make love to him; Jason is now very confused. He's knows he's not demi because he was close to his boyfriend before. He's not in the bi/panromantic because right now he is having sexual attraction.
He tells his boyfriend and he pushes the thought back and will look into it later. But at the moment he's going to make love to his boyfriend.
When they get done he has the biggest smiles on his face and feels super happy. But now he doesn't feel sexually attracted anymore.
He grabs his phone and does some research. But not much his coming up. So he hits up his pan romantic friend who is more educated and asked her about it.
She tells him a few options and grey ace stood out the most. He did his own research on them though and he can now proudly say that he has figured himself out and is happily Grey ace.

Sorry again. These are just getting shorter and shorter I'm so so so so so so so sorry. I love you all. And I hope you all stay safe during pride and anytime. Have your self a grate day and also sorry that I'm running behind on all of these. I did miss a few days when my girl friend was here and I haven't got back into the writing feeling so please be patient. At the end of the month I might still have a few to do and I'm sorry. Also I'll do some crack one or some that are not on the list. Love you all

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