June 2nd (lesbian pride)

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Mia and her twin brother mika where fighting like every good sibling does at 4 in the morning. What are they fighting about. Who knows it their 12 fight this week. And it's only Tuesday.
When they finally got done fighting they got dressed in their own rooms and went to school. But when they got their Mia noticed her brother trying to act cool every time Lilly Johnson, The rich popular girl, walked by.
Mia smirks and walks over to her brother and punches him in a friendly way on the shoulder "I see you making Googoo eyes at Lilly Johnson" she says kinda loudly to tik her brother off.
Mika widens his eyes and covers her mouth "shhhh. You can't let anyone know I like her"
Mia thinks it over and pulls away "and what if I do tell her you like her?" Mia asked pushing her brother temper
Mika glares "I'll tell mom that your the one that broke her vase" mika smirks knowing he won this argument.
Mia scoffs and walks going to class. During class her best friend Olivia invite her to a party. Mia sighs "I'm so sorry but my mom won't let me come"
"Sneak out like you did for the last party. You weren't caught" olive states
Mia nods "your right. But I might be a little late cause I'll have to wait till my mom falls asleep." Olivia says SHES okay with that and they all go threw the boring school day.
When Mia gets home she plains out her outfit for the party in an inconspicuous way. But when it was time to leave was the time mika has a question. But Mia was already half way out the window and didn't notice mika was there.
Mika didn't stop her though. He knew that he could use this against her so he got a video of her. In time to. But he only caught her foot going out and her walking away from the house. But her in her dress and the time stamp on his phone was Proof enough that she snuck out. If he wanted to snick on her.
Mika waits in mia's room the whole night until she gets back. And when she does she widens her eyes to see her brother their. "O-oh hey bro. W-what are you doing in me room" he kinda stutters.
Mika smirks "waiting for you. Did you have fun sneaking out"
"Did you tell mom" she asked him. He tells her no and she begs him not to tell their mom. He agrees "on one condition" he adds. Mia looks at him "what I'll do anything"
      Mika smirks "I want you to become friends with Lilly and be my wing man. Get her to like me you know"
       Mia glares at him "fineeeeee" he stretches out the word and goes to bed glaring at her brother
The next day at school she tried her best to talk to Lilly. But she never could. Lilly was always with her posse of rich friends and Mia never go the chance to say anything.
Mia was in her computer Tex class and the teacher changed their sets. Mia got sat next to Lilly. 'Nature is in my favor today' she thinks.
Mia doesn't talk to her till half way into class "you know I've been trying to talk to you all day. But been to scared. And I don't know why" Mia says mentally slapping herself 'could have just said hi' he thinks.
Lilly smiles at her "really? What made you scared?" Mia was taken aback not thinking she would respond so calmly. In mia's head she thought Lilly would say something like "so why talk to me now peasant" but it wasn't.
"You where always with your friends and I just got kinda shy" Mai says. Lilly smiles "you don't need to be shy. I don't bite" Lilly says with a big smiles.
       Mia and Lilly really hit it off as friends. And Mia did as she promised. She talked about her brother most of the time, but Lilly didn't really seem interested when Mia talked about mika.
       Mia was talking to lilly while at Lilly's house. Mia was talking about how stupid her history project that is dude in 2 days that she hasn't started yet is stupid. Lilly smiles at her while Mia rants.
       Mia stoped complain and smiles "but my brother. He always does his things on time. You now. Who ever he married is a lucky woman" she nudges one about her brother like she promised.
       Lilly places her hand on mias leg "why do you always bring up your brother. Are you In love with him or something" she jokes and laughs. Mia nearly chokes on air "what! No he's already annoying Enough as a brother. I only bring him up because he likes you" she lets it slip and notices her mistakes right away.
       Mia started to stutter to save herself. He just rambles on about random stuff to save her skin.
      In the middle of her ramble she was cut off by a pair of lips on her own. Mia widens her eyes and started to kiss back after a few seconds.
       Lilly pulls away first "I don't care much for boys. So you can stop talking about your brother." Mia was still in a state of shock and nods.
       When Mia gets home she knocks on her brothers door "hey bro I got some bad news for you." Her brother opens the door so fast "what!" He ask. She looks him dead in the eye and says "she likes someone else sorry."
       That night while her brother cried in his room Mia snuck out to have a midnight date by the park with Lilly.
       Four weeks after while at Lilly house Mia asked "s-so are we dating or are we just really good friends"
       Lilly looks at Mia like she was stupid "we kissed not even 4 minutes ago" she giggles and looks at Mia "I guess we haven't made it office. Mia, will you go out with me"
       Mia with the brightest smiles on her face. Hugs Lilly "YES!!! Yes 100 times yes"
       And after they finished school they moved in together right away. And that was the day mika found out that his sister stole his crush. He's a little salty but he's over it now.

Again. It's late. Because I always procrastinate. So I kinda rushed it half way threw as well as it late and I don't want to re-read and fix any mistakes. So I'm very sorry for any mistakes in my story. Love you all I hope y'all have a grate day if lesbians.

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