June 3rd (bisexual)

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Nathaniel was talking to his best friend Elijah about his girlfriend. Elijah frowns, he has never liked Nathaniel girlfriend. She was stuck up and so full of herself. She even didn't believe Nathaniel when he came out as bi. She told him that while he's with her Nathaniel will only he straight.
Nathaniel was was sitting on his friends bed still happy that he was with still with Emily even tho she almost broke up with him when he came out.
Elijah looked at his best friend and sighs "I don't think you should stay with her. You deserve much better." Nathaniel only pouts "but I she the one I love."
Elijah and Nathaniel have a light disagreement for a few minutes before Elijah gives in and lays down in the bed "what time do you have to be home again" Elijah asked his friend.
"6pm. Why" Nathaniel asked and Elijah widens his eyes "BRO IT EIGHT YOUR HELLA LATE!!!!!" Elijah yells and Nathaniel gets up so fast and runs out the door.
Elijah giggles because he made it seem worse than it was: Nathaniel was still late but it was only 6:30pm not 8:00pm.
Elijah leave his house to pick up dinner for him and his family. While he was out he sees Emily.... and Emily was kissing chad. Nathaniel lab partner.
Elijah widens his eyes and grabs his phone to take a picture. But it turns out he left it at home. He cursed himself for being so forgetful.
When Nathaniel got to school the next day Elijah pulls him aside "I saw your girlfriend kisses chad yesterday day" Nathaniel was not happy to hear this and glare at his friend "wow! I know you hate Emily but I didn't think you would go to the extent to lie to me about her kissing chad to get me to brake up with her. That's low man. Very very low."
"I'm not lying Nate. I'm not. I saw it when I was at McDonald's yesterday getting dinner for my family." He protest.
"Do you have any proof" Nathaniel asked him. Elijah shakes his head "no I don't. I didn't have my phone with me. If I did I would have called you that second and told you"
"Wow. Your trying everything to make me break up with her. Don't ever talk to me again. Your such a fake friend" Nathaniel raises his voice and walks away.
When lunch came around Nathaniel went to us the bathroom. And he saw it. His girlfriend locking lips with chad. Just like Elijah said. He was devastated. He just blew off his best friend and his gf cheats on him.
Nathaniel goes to the football field after school because no one stays after school anymore since football season is over. He try's his best not to cry. But the flow comes Anyways and he crys all by himself.
Nathaniel feels and hand on his shoulder and he jumps a little. When he looks over he sees Elijah. Nathaniel cry's harder and hugs his friend tight "I'm so sorry. I should have trusted you. You were right" he crys
Elijah sighs "it's okay. I don't blame you. It will be okay" Nathaniel just crys not saying anything. "Nate? Look at me please" Nathaniel lifts his head and looks at his friend
Elijah cups Nathaniel cheeks and kisses him softly "it will be okay Nate." Nathaniel widens his eyes and blushes madly "I-I didn't know t-that you..." elijah smiles "you where always go busy with Emily to notice the way I go" Elijah just giggles and shrugs it aside
"now let make Emily super jealous tomorrow." And that's exactly what they did. Emily did not like that "so your gay now" Nathaniel glares at her "no I'm still bisexual" Emily glares and walks away not know what to say.
Nathaniel and Elijah smiles and each other and hug "your the best boyfriend I would ever ask for."

Bro that was 666 words. I was gonna apologize for being so short. But now... idk... I'm still sorry it's so short. As well as my girlfriend is coming over this weekend so I don't know how much I'm going to keep up with this. But I'll try my best. Same as always sorry for any spelling or story error. Love you all. I was going to make this a bisexual girl. But I remember that bi boys get the most hate in the Community so I changed my mind and did boys. I still love you all and be safe during pride

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