June 16th (genderfluid)

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Hello lovely's. It's currently almost 3am so why not write. I'm still confused and not very educated one all the gender identities so I'm sorry if a butcher any of theses story's. I'm trying my best
Online definition:
Genderfluid: Moving between two or more gender identities or expressions.
One more:
Genderfluid people often express a desire to remain flexible about their gender identity rather than committing to a single definition

Okay I'm going to try my best with this info but I'm still kinda confused. Okay so what I'm getting from the online definitions is that genderfluid goes by all gender pronouns and don't stick with boy/girl/they:them. And they are fun being called any of them. Again I could be wrong I'm so sorry if a butched this.
Anyways let's get on with the story.

Peyton was at school happy to be their. They where one of the people who enjoyed school. But the bully thank they are so funny. The bully asked Peyton a question. And when they where done they said "thank you ma'am" emphasizing the word ma'am.
Peyton just shrugs it off, she cool with it and the bully's looked concert "hey sir I have another question" the bully emphasizes the sir.
The bully's are trying to get any reaction they can and ask "what are your pronouns"
Peyton tells them that he doesn't have any and they are cool with all pronouns.
The bully's are confused "you use all pronounce" they asked
She nods "yep"
"Then how do I hurt your feelings" the bully's asked.
Peyton smirks and says "you can't" and walks off to class like a freakin boss.

I'm SO sorry this is rushed. Like all my other story's. I know they get shorter and shorter. But it's passed 3am I haven't sleep for a few days. And threw out the day when I'm not tired I don't feel like writing for some reason so I'm so sorry for the gender fluid if I butchered the story as well as rushed the fuck out of it. As always I'm sorry for any spelling/writing errors. I'm dyslexic and to lazy/tired to look back threw it. And as always I'm here for you. Wether you need help with personal stuff. Finding out who you are. Or just need a friend. You can message me here or on ig @/deadly.neko.bitch

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