June 17th (bigender)

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Again not the educated on the genders much so this is what I found online
Bigender is a gender identity which can be literally translated as 'two genders' or 'double gender'. Bigender people experience exactly two gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between the two. These two gender identities could be male and female, but could also include non-binary identities.
So now that I see this I think I might have messed up June 16th post. I'm so sorry. I could technically just use the same story then. But idk we also have Pan gender later which is not be close to the same thing. Should I just put them in the same post. Or..... Yee so I'm sorry but since it's 3am and kinda just trying to finish this series (I know I'm the worst and super lazy I'm so sorry but it's true and I'm sorry) so the last story can work here so just ether re-read the last story or skip this part. Or re-read it with different names to make it seem better.

I am so sorry to the bigender people that don't get their own story. I'm so sorry for my laziness I truly am. And just because theirs no story doesn't make you any less valid. YOU ARE STILL VERG VAILD AND I LOVE YOU ALL. So keep being you. If you have a story for this part I will gladly post and give Credit to you. I'm still very sorry for this. Love you all. Sorry I'm lazy again like alway if you need someone to talk to about anything. Anything at all or even to just be friend you can message me here or on ig @/deadly.neko.bitch love you all have a good life and stay positive

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