June 25th (nonbinary)

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Hewo my lovely's I hope you had a wonderful day and I love you all. Today is non-binary. So here we go with the online definition.
Online definition: Non-binary gender identity is just one term used to describe individuals who may experience a gender identity that is neither exclusively male or female or is in between or beyond both genders.
So I feel like they don't feel like any gender???? Idk. IM SO SORRY TO SAY THIS but a lot of the gender identity are very similar and most are umbrellas terms MOST NOT ALL. So I feel like a already wrote a story with a story similar to a story that would go with this. So I'm not going to write one for this. You can go back to another story and read it. I'm so sorry if you where looking forward to one. But I am Extremely lazy and uncreative and I'm so sorry that I didn't. Love you all and if you ever need someone to talk about you can reach me here or instagram. And if you personally want me to put a story on this one or any other one that i put no story you can totally message me one and I will use it with credit. Love you all byeeee

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