June 5th (pansexual)

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Hello so I identify as pansexual so I'm going to tell my side of my story of how I found out and how I started dating my girlfriend. Their will not be a story but mine. So you can skip this part or read and see my struggles and everything or whatever.

So how I found out I was pansexual. Well I found out I was pansexual in 8th grade but I also thought I was bi at first because I didn't know much about the lgbtq Community. My 8th grade I had just move to a new school wand my best friend was trans and gay at the time. When I started learning about the man lgbt part of it I thought about it and I started thinking. Ever since I was young like kindergarten to 7th grade when I didn't even know that the lgbt Community was a thing, every time I saw a girl I liked I would always think 'I wish I was a boy so I could date her' it's not that I wanted to transition but it was drilled in my head that boys where with girls so when i liked a girl I thought I would be better so I could date her. But when I moved in 8th grade like I said I had a bunch of lgbt friendly friends and started learning about it when I thought about my past if want to be a boy to date a girl I found out that I was bi. Because I had a crush on my best friend (girlfriend now) and I had a crush on a boy at the time as well. I was bi because I didn't know that their was more than just lgbtq. But I was talking and someone said I was pan. I looked into it and started going by that. But even up to this day I was questioning it myself until I finally got it in my head that it doesn't have to be 50/50 it can be whatever I want so I'm 80% girl 10% boy 10% other. And I'm happy that I'm Pan and I feel amazing I'm also polyamory but I have some idea about a story that so I'll explain it here. I thought I was a cheater when I hate crushes on others and wanted to date them. But I looked into and my girlfriend is okay with that and we have at three third Partners (at diff times) and rn my guy friend that I like and he liked me but my gf is Demi and she hasn't met him yet so we are waiting.
How I started dating my gf. Well this one is short. She thought she was straight because her family would is super homophobic like if she came out (she's still closeted) she would be disowned. Anyways we both really like anime so we started texting on Skype (she didn't have a phone that had a number it was weird) so on Skype we started role playing as our favorite anime character (we like yaoi so we did our favorite ship for attack on titan) and we did that for a long while. Then we started talking because if school and then I said *hugs* to be like a hug and then we started role playing as our normal self. After a week she asked me out by my locker with the help of our friend. Turns out she told me she loved me in a rp but I was to Oblivious to understand what she meant.
How I came out to my family. I lived with my mom at the time so we went to the store and I asked if I could get some flowers to ask someone to the dance. I got some white flower with blue on the inside (because blue is my favorite color) and when I showed my mom she said "oh blue for boy right" I had a long pause and told her it was a girl. She was disappointed in me but she still loves me because I'm still her daughter. But she's back handed homophobic. Like when I talk about a boy she's like "why not date him" and is tell her I'm still with my gf and she just sighs and my brother told me behind my back my mom is always talking about how I shouldn't be gay and it's against god. She only started going to church and letting god into her life like 1 year ago (been with my gf for almost 3 year now) and shes always trying to get me with guys but I'm not interested I have a gf and a boy that we have our eyes on
Now for my dad. In 9th grade I moved in with my dad because my brother moved away and I didn't want to be stuck with my mom, 2 siblings (that my mom only uses me to watch them when she doesn't) and my abusive stepdad. So I moved in with my dad. And that summer we found out I was anemic and so much other things wrong with me. Anyways he wanted me to take birth control to Regulate my period. And I guess I was having teen sex (I was and still am but with a girl) and when I said I don't really want to he was like I don't remember the first part but at the end it was something like "I don't want you to come home and be a teen mom" and I though this was the perfect time to slip in inconspicuously so I said "what if I don't like boy" he looked at me and said "that would be fine" and so I told him. I told him that I have a gf. But both parents don't understand I'm Pan. They only think their is gay and straight. So I'm only gay. But dad is very supportive of me unlike my mom. He lets my gf stay over more that my mom ever did. She lives like one hour away. And my dad still use to drive and pick her up and drop her off. He wanted me to be happy. Now he doesn't as much because he doesn't like driving so now we see watch other less because he want her dad to go one way as well and sometimes he doesn't. But I finally get to see her again. And I'm happy that my dad supports me. And we live with my nana to help her out around the house I'm not out to her yet tho. And my school is very supportive as well a lot of teachers have stickers that say they are allies. And I'm the Vice President of gsa (gay straight alliance) and I'm very happy with who I am.

Sorry their was no story. I love you all very much. Stay say and be proud

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