June 13th (Transgender MTF)

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Hello. So I'm sorry but I know you probably want a short story about random characters. But I'm going to tell a story about my brother. He's not trans (for reasons you will read) but I feel like he would be if it wasn't for the reason you might read later. This is from my POV so I might be wrong but this is how I feel about it. If you wanted a short story I'm so sorry their will be one for ftm. I love you all and I'll get right into the story.

So my mom (don't want to be the one to call her how but I have 3 siblings so she has for kids. And all of them beside the 2 newest ones have different days) my brother right now lives with his girlfriend because he's 19 but he lived with his dad since his Junior year of highschool. I have lived with my dad since my freshmen year of highschool (I'm 16 rn) we moved out our the same time. Me and him both planned it. We just didn't want to live with our mom anymore. And it wasn't because of our mom fully. It was because of our stepdad (yep a whole new dad to my 2 little siblings) idk why I'm giving this info. Maybe it will be useful later. I just wanted to say she gets a lot of guys. I don't want to be mean and call her a whore. But my brother calls her that all the time because she kinda is.
So anyways I don't want to spill to much about our passed up my brother didn't live with us until he was 9 and I was 6. But when we met and a few year later when we lived in a new house and we had no club was even being gay was let alone trans. My brother would always but on our moms bra and that made him really happy. But every time he was caught he would get into serious trouble. Like my mom barley BARLEY except me and to her I'm just gay. Like she his back handed homophobic. Like to my face shes like "I still love you" but behind my back SHES talking shit behind me. I mean she's a grate mom and all he didn't like disown me or anything. She still liked to buy me thing like she's still my mom as long as I'm not got in front of her.
Anyways me and my brother where about the same size clothes. Almost. But I where big clothes so I have room to move around in so to me it was big and to him it fit just right. Plus I had stretchy clothes as well. My brother would always be the happiest when he was wearing my clothes (I only where skirts because if I where pants I'll break out and I'll scratch my legs until the bleed and I feel constricted) so I had a lot of skirts and he felt happiest in my clothes but if he got cought he would be in huge trouble.
So we moved to our new house for my 8th grade year and his sophomore year. And at that school they had a day where boys/football players dressed up as girls/cheerleaders and girls/cheerleaders would dress up as boys/football (not soccer) players.
So my brother told mom and she didn't think much of it so she let him participate (he asked because he didn't want to get in trouble) and the light in my brothers eyes he was so happy he could dress as a girl. So the school have the boys pink shirts to show they were participating so he asked if I could pick him something out or if he could look. So we both looked threw my closet and I found and OLD pink skirt of mine. I told him it would match his shirt but he's stalled than me and that skirt I didn't where cause it was short af so I told him if he wasn't to where a pair of my black and white pattern leggings he could and that's what he wore and he was so happy. But that's not all (I have small tittes so I mostly where like Walmart training/sports bras) so he took one I haven't worn yet and he put it on and put socks on his backpack so he could stuff it when he got on the bus because he didn't want mom seeing. (It's sad he liked my dad (not his dad) my dad more than he likes mom and our step dad. Same here tho if I could get ride if our step dad like if it was a bottom that killed me to get ride if him I don't give a shit I'm pressing that button) so when he got on the bus I sat in the seat across from him (we are really close siblings we barley fight and we watch anime together so...) Anyways he was stuffing the bra and they looked nice. Like they looked hella nice. Nicer than my real once. Anyways he was showing his friends and was like the twinkle in his eyes was everything. And he was so excited when I came out as bi then when I had a gf. He told me that he liked a boy down our street but mom was already a little homophobic to me and out of me and him he was more a favorite (in the liking way. Mom give him like more things he wants. It weird idk) so he said that he will not be coming out until unless they start dating and wait a year. And shit.
In that same house he shaved his legs and shlong once. He showed me his shaved legs and TOLD (not show) me about his shlong (like I said we was close) and so he asked if he could borrow my legging again so he would wear them with shaved legs (mom never noticed because he where pants most of the time) and he was so happy he also told me that he thinks his ass looks grate and he took pic and showed his friend and none of them believe it was him. And when I got close it some shit from our grandma and I didn't like them. Like his pair of shows thought they where gross. Well he sat them in my room and he liked them. Yeah so he keep the shows and my legging I haven't seen them since (I don't like legging so I don't really care. Mom only made me have the for the winter and wouldn't let me go to school or class unless I had them on. So I where them to the bus and fucking took them off fuck legging I mean I'm gonna be outside in the cold (it was only like 21°F so it wasn't even that cold) for like 2 seconds before I'm in a heated school) anyways he has them now. But he loved dressing as a girl he loved it and when we moved before he moved in with his dad it was in the summer he went to a whole different state to stay with our grandpa (because he was gonna go to school their and stay their but some shot happened and he didn't not want to go back to moms. Our plan was to move out together so niether one of us had to deal with her. Lucky his dad said he would stay so that's cool)
But while in the other stated he bought fake boobs off wish and made some TikTok (or I think it was musically at the time) and he seemed the happiest. Now I haven't seen him in a while but he's still a boy and with his amazing gf (or partner. I can't remember if they go by they or she I forgot) but once I was talking to my mom and trans people come up and she was like "you can't be trans. I'm okay with gays but I don't believe you can be trans. Good made you a man/woman or a reason" and her believes and my brother not wanting to be a disappointment to our mom that's why he stays male. I feel like if he could he would be a girl. (My mom also told me once that her coworker was gay and found out his sister was gay to and told me to my face (I was already out) "can you just Imagine The disappointment for their mom on having to gay kids" and in my head I'm like. Well if clay wasn't with his gf and he trusted you enough to come out you would also have to gay kids motherfucker.
Again this is just my view my mom SS has so much more lgbtphobic stuff (we where watching onword (idk the Pixar movie about like their dad and the half of body they had of their dad) Anyways the lesbian cop was their FOR LIKE 2 SECONDS) and when that secean was over my mom looked at me and said "ugh just had to have a gay character huh?" Like bitch you know you just said that to your gay daughters face right) and a lot more stuff and I feel bad for my brother. And I love him very much
Remember this is my POV on the matter I have no clue about him tho.

Well I love you all have a good day. Sorry I didn't have a short story for today. Hopefully their will be one tomorrow and now I'm finally cought up their the days. But if how long that will last. I am in a writing mood so maybe I will get ahead maybe. Idk. Might get behind again. Idk but I love you all and have a good day

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