June 14th (transgender FTM)

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Hello my lovely's. I hope you have a grate day. Also sorry that some of my story's before hand have descriptions and some don't. On some I feel like it's widely known so I feel like I don't have to and on other that I do put it on it's for me. One I ether am not that educated and have to remind myself on it. Or it's not as know and I feel like I should. I'm sorry. But I'll start with the story as I promised.

On one bright sunny morning a mother who has been having contractions for 14 hours she finally gives birth to a beautiful baby girl. They name her Lilith.
Lilith was their pride and joy. Her parents loved her very much and spoiled her rotten. She grew up with the newest Barbie doll and all the pretty dresses.
When Lilith was 14 she started to stop wearing skirts and dresses. Her parents just thought she was going threw a tomboy phase but still only bought her skirts, dresses, and the occasion pans for the winter.
Lilith turned 15 and she started to feel bad about her body. She wanted to hide her boobs and cut all her hair and she didn't know why.
          Lilith started putting on sports bars to try and hide her boobs and asked her parents if she could cut her hair. Of course her parents say no shorter than shoulder length.
         Lilith didn't know why she was feeling the way she was. She made a private Instagram and when it asked for a gender she didn't know why but she wanted to pick male so bad. And she did.
         She made the account and based it around being a male. She was the happiest when on this account. While one the account she thought that she only wanted to be a boy.
        She did some digging and found out she was not the only one that felt this way. She did research and found out she was valid and came out to friends at school. She said that she now goes by he him pronouns and his name is not Lilith it is Liam.
         Liam tried to come out to his mom first thinking his mom would take it better. Boy was he wrong. She said that trans aren't a thing and that 'she' will keep wearing dresses.
         Liam was sad and feeling very dysphoric. He hated his long hair and boobs because that's what most people see on the outside. He couldn't do much about his chestesticles but with his hair. He took matters into his own hands.
         Liam took rusty scissors from the kitchen and went to the bathroom. Chopped half almost all his hair off. It was very uneven but he was happy it was short.
        Liam was scared of what is parents how think when they got home. He cut his hair on a whim but now he's actually really scared now.
       Liams dad was the first to get home. His dad asked him what happened and Liam knowing he already came out to mom he thought 'fuck it oh well' and came out to his dad.
        Liam was surprised when his dad told him to get in the car to go to the salon. He was scared that he might have to get his nails done or get Hair extensions.
        When they got their Liam's dad got him a better hair cut that was even and looked better. Liam was really surprised and happy.
        Liam's dad then drove him to the mall and to some other stores like target and Walmart to pick out some clothes that Liam would want.
       The dad misgendered Liam and used his dead name a few times but what surprised Liam was that he apologized right away. His dad asked to be given some time to get use to the new name.
      Liam was happy his dad was even trying because his mom did not. Liam was happy with his purchases and asked his dad if he could get a binder.
      Liams dad got that ordered and they went home. Liams mom was furious because when she got home 'Lilith' was not there and 'her' hair was all over the bathroom floor.
       Liams dad realized that she did not support him and he told Liam to wait in his room while they had a chat.
        Liams parents didn't yell. His dad just explained to his mom that they now have a sun and if they want a girl they can get to it that night.
       Liams mom still calls him a she but uses his preferred name and Liam is still happy with the way he is.
       When Liam turned 17 his dad signed the papers to get him on testosterone. Liam was over joyed. And so happy to have support from his family.
         Liam told all his friend and he was so happy and felt like the best him ever after taking the shot. Just knowing he took it made him feel so much better about himself.
          When Liam was older he was about to full transition and he has never been happier. He had a kid if his own and they all love grandpa very much for making Liams dreams come true.

885 words. The most words on a short story after lesbian. And to my I still feel liked I rushed it. That just shows how bad I am at writing. And like always I'm to lazy to cheek for any writing mistakes so I'm sorry. Also even tho I bad and kinda want to stop. I made a commitment and now i can't stop so. As always I love you all stay safe and be your best you. Remember I'm always here for you no matter the problem. You can always message me on here or on Instagram @/deadly.neko.bitch wether it's about live/family problems. Or you want help with you identity I'm always here. Love you all.

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