June 20th (gender queer)

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Hello. So as I say on every gender identity for the most part I don't know much about it so I'm doing some research. And writing based on that. So here's the online definition
Online definition:
Genderqueer is an umbrella term with a similar meaning to non-binary. It can be used to describe any gender identities other than man and woman, thus outside of the gender binary.

So what I get from this is that gender queer is like the sexuality queer but on a gender spectrum. And for queer from me it is a I don't know what I am but I know I'm not straight. So what I'm thinking is they don't know what gender they are but they no they aren't a biological sex.

Sorry if I butchered that. But imma try my best with a story.

Alex is very confused on their gender identity. They don't know what to go by. They don't feel like a girl nor boy. But they don't know what they are. They no they are not cisgender though.
When Alex was at school someone called them buy buy their bio gender and they felt very weird and didn't like it.
Alex told them they didn't feel comfortable with it but didn't know why. Their friend called them the other sex to see if that made Alex feel better but it didn't. Alex told their friend that that also didn't feel right.
Alex's friend tried they/them and it felt better to Alex. So both Alex and their friend looked up some things to see why they felt that way.
Alex didn't feel right with non-binary and stuff. They did more digging and the friend of the first to fine "gender queer?" The friend asked.
Alex looks at them and asked the friend to explain it. When the friend explained it. Alex felt a connection and smiles happily. They knew in their heart that gender queer was for them.
Alex come out to their family and they made a whole coming out party for them and other family to come and find out Alex coming out.
Alex was so happy and had so much new gender queer items to show their pride. And they could have never been happier

This is the best I can do. I'm so sorry. I'm rushing things a lot as well as I'm not creative and don't know what to write so I'm sorry. Again sorry for any writing mistakes I'm to lazy to go back around and find them. And as always you can always come to me if you need to rant get stuff of your chest, help with anything. You can reach me here or on ig @/deadly.neko.bitch. Love you all stay safe and me happy.

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