June 10th (asexual)

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Description: Asexuality is the lack; to none of sexual attraction to others.
I will try my best to write a story. I've gotten worse at doing that lol. Funny thing is I'm listening to a song about boobs (drop em out- wheeler walker jr.) while writing asexual. Anyways I'll try my best.

Colin was hanging out with his girlfriend, Emma at her house. Colin never really told her that he was ace because she told him that she's Christen so he assumed that she's waiting till marriage anyways so he didn't think it would be a problem.
While Colin was at Emma's house they where playing smash bro's on her switch. Colin wins because his whole life when not with Emma is on smash bro's.
When Emma got fed up with with losing and puts on 365 days. Colin has never heard of it so he shrugs and goes along with it
Colin watches but Emma had other ideas. She smirks and gets on top of Colin and kisses up on his neck and moves her hand do his private area (I wanted to use a dif word but idk what will offend people soo).
Colin stops her as soon as he knew what she was going for. "H-hey umm" he feels awkward coming out since he should have said it sooner. But oh well "I'm actually ace I'm sorry."
She looks at him and pouts "so no sex?" She asked. Colin just shakes his head. She sighs and cuddles up next to him. "That's okay. I wish you told me sooner. I feel bad for making you uncomfortable" she tear up feeling really bad about it.
Colin reassures her that it's okay and he should have told her and it's not her fault for not knowing. Emma turns the move avatar the last air bender the live action and Colin break up with her in the spot. Cause who the fuck liked the live action.
Jkjkjk that didn't actually happen. She turned on the actual good cartoon and they enjoy their night together before Colin had to leave for the night.

Welp I tried my best I'm sorry if it's bad. Like always I'm to lazy to cheek for errors so sorry if their is any. Still sorry that I'm late on my story's. I love you all and have a grade day.

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