June 11th (polyamory)

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I am also polyamory but I'm not gonna say my story on this one. Your probably here for short story's not personal experiences. But I will say I few things before starting so if you do care skip to the story. So a lot of people are confused between the different polys. So polysexual is a sexuality for liking more than one gender but not all genders but you know it's more than one. Now polyamory is a relationship with 2 or more people involved with the consent of each party. So it's not cheating because each party consents. If one of the involved parties does not consent then it is indeed cheating. And polyamory is NOT an open relationship. And open relationship is where they can go fuck whoever they want but poly all parties know each other and are in a relationship together as 3 or 4 and love all equally. Like me and my gf has had a few 3rd party that we all consented to. A few ended badly soo :/
Anyways I will try my best to make a good story.

          Jaelyn and Elise have been together for over 2 years now. When you say 2 year it doesn't sound that long but it's been long. And they love each other very much. Elise was in high school not educated much anything other than lgbtqiap+ she knew a lot she was very educated but not with every single little thing.
        When Elise was in highschool and she started getting more crushes and really wanted to date them she felt horrible. She wouldn't cheat but she felt like she wanted to at the time not knowing what she was. She would never act in it but she wanted to. She loved Jaelyn very very much and would never cheat. But Elise crushes made her feel weird.
         Elise would always tell Jae about her crushes and how she felt. Jae saw it as just little crushes and nothing more. And was okay with Elise having crushes as long as she didn't act on them. Which she didn't.
         Elise was talking about sexuality at her friend group at her lunch table one day and they where talking about their sexualities as all that good stuff. Someone brought up poly. But only said poly. Not specifying at all.
         Elise looked into and came out to her girlfriend that she was 'poly sexual'. She thought poly sexual was polyamory. She put in her ig boi as her first sexuality and poly 💙💚💗.
         Soon after putting the polysexual colors she finally realized after reading someone on a women's app that she was not poly sexual she was polyamory and had to come out to Jae all over again.
          Elise told Jae about her crush in her first hour class and Jae was okay. Elise spent the school year trying to get her friend to like her back but she just couldn't tell if she did more not. So she gave up and stayed friends.
         Elise was on her bnha rp account role playing as jirou (only girl I could think of that is underrated) but after she left that account she started actually talking to the girl that played uraraka and they started talking.
        The girl was feeling sad about herself and Elise cheered her up. The girl started to like her and Elise being oblivious didn't know until the girl asked for her snap and asked her out their.
        Elise asked Jaelyn and they decided to do it. It only lasted a few day because one of the party's where jealous and they won't a poly relationship where they are all loved equally and they didn't feel that way.
         Elise was on her main account one day and posted a picture of her sled for the first time in a few years and her old best friend messaged her tell Elise that she had such a glow up and she was looked grate.
        The best friend we will call Maddie. Maddie told Elise that she was bi sexual and liked Elise ever since they had a sleep over. Elise told Maddie that she had a gf and she will have to meet Jae first and they started dating.
         3 days later Elise and Jae where having a sleep over and Maddie suddenly snapped ok then randomly and broke up with them. Not even a day later Maddie up "taken" on her Facebook and blocked them both.
        Elise and Jaelyn have been trying to stay out of 3rd party relationships for a year. Now Elise is head over heals for her best friend will. She acts like a best friend to him and they are so besties that the teacher had separated them in class multiple time and they still someone ended up sitting next to each other.
        Elise started going to wills house everyday after school. They would walk 30 minutes to his house and play smash bro's most of the time and make funny videos with filters. Will was totally O.P. during smash bro's so when Elise won she took a video of it. She was so proud of herself. And even when she couldn't come over she would always come over on Tuesday's no matter what because they both got out of school later than everybody else in Tuesday's. They both had club meetings to go to. Elise was vise  President of Gsa and Will was in some video game club.
          After spending so much time with will she tells Jae she likes him a lot so they plan one meeting the next to Jae can come over. Elise has a running hole with will that when ever anyone asked if they where dating Elise would say "no he cheat on me" and will would do the same after he cought on. Even when they where alone she would be "are you cheating on me" and he would say no.
       Will would always tell her that she was the only girl. Or that when Elise told him he wanted a son named Nathaniel. Will said that it was fine and that it was going to be his. Or they got on the topic about sex once and he said when they turned 18 they would go to a hospital. But then right after say how they are "Good FRIENDS" Elise is super confused.
       Elise was telling Jaelyn how she wanted to kiss him and shit and Jae gave Elise permission. And Elise and will kissed some. Nothing much only pecks but will pecked back. But they are only friends. By this point Elise is more confused than she has ever been in her life.
       Elise made plains with Jaelyn and will to go to the mall. And Elise will most likely drag them to every anime store she can find.
       At the mall Jae and will hit it off and Elise is very happy and they all slowly started dating. They all get other offers for 3rd or 4th parties but they all say no. They are happy with how they are just the 3 of them.
        Elise is happy to repost that she got pregnant and she could live out her dream of having a baby boy named Nathaniel. They are all very happy living in a cozy house.
       Since poly relationship can't legally get married. They decided that Elise and Jae will get married because they have planned a wedding before Will was their. But they also still love each other and so Elise and Jae have a wife and a boyfriend and Will has 2 girlfriends. What a deal.
         When Nathaniel can go to school Elise find out she pregnant again. And the family could never be happier.

Yeah I have no idea where I was going with this. I know I have a lot of break up in my story's. But you know a lot of my story's happen around highschool and only 2% of highschool relationship last so. Yee theirs breakups. Again like always to lazy to cheek or writing errors so deal with it. I will try to put less break ups. I love you all and have a safe life. And I'm always here for any of you. If you ever need to talk with it be related to the lgbt and find yourself to family problems I will always help.

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