June 27th-29th (romanic's)

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Hello my lovely's. Today is homoromantic. Which is just homosexual with asexual. Being homoromantic is just being gay without wanting to have sex in the relationship. That's the same with bi. You are bi but also technically ace. You want a relationship but don't want the sex. Same with panromantic. They are all the same except with homo,bi, or pan. I'm sorry but that's are all going to be one of the same story's. I know a lot of bi/pan people that are with the same gender. So you can take the character as whatever one you want them to be. I'm sorry this is all the same story. But again. I'm lazy and it's 3am.

Jacob was skipping through school as happy as he could be. While skipping around he got pulled to the side of the hall way.
         Jacob realized that it was his boyfriend rocky that pulled him to the side. Jacob smiles and hugged him
"Hello it's a good day so far huh?" Jacob asked and rocky nods. "Yeah. You know what would make today even better?" rocky asked. Jacob looks confused.
Rocky grabs his hand and drags Jacob to the bathroom. Right away he starts kissing on his neck and grinds against him.
Jacob feels unconditional "no rocky stop." Rocky doesn't stop and Jacob is not liking it. Jacob pushes rocky off of him and raise is voice "I said to stop!"
Rocky rolls his eyes and grabs his hands "oh come on baby I know you want this." Jacob glares a little "no I don't. I'm gay/bi/pan ROMANTIC. I don't like sexual interactions. I want the romantic part of a relationship not the sexual part. I already told you this before why do you keep insisting on sex!" Jacob crosses his arms and shakes his head.
Rocky scoffs "yeah yeah whatever. I'm going to class" rocky pushes Jacob out the way and goes to class.
            Jacob sighs and also goes to class and text him 'I'm sorry about earlier' and leaves it at that.
           During lunch Jacob goes to find rocky. He looks threw the cafeteria and where the students are allowed to go during lunch.
           He lastly checks the library and what he sees, he starts to tear up. He sees his boyfriend rocky kissing up on the whore of the school.
            Jacob goes up to him and smacks "what the hell is this about rocky!? Why?" He asked almost cry's
            Rocky just shrugs "because she can give me what I want unlike you." Jacob is now pissed "A relationship doesn't have to have sex to be a good relationship. You just cheated on me!" He yells "where over rocky. Have fun getting an std but the biggest slut in school" he yells and runs out of the library.
              Jacob goes to lunch and blocks rocky from everything to make sure rocky can't contact him at all. He's over being a toy to rocky.
             While crying his best friend Kyle I comes up "hey Jacob what's wrong?" Kyle asked. Jacob explains the whole thing to him.
             "I'm sorry Jacob, that's a shitting thing he could have done. Relationships aren't about sex I'm sorry" Kyle says
           Jacob shrugs and wipes his tears "I-it's fine. I least I found out sooner than later. Better now than getting more attached and hurting more later" he explains and smiles at his friend.
             Kyle smiles "that's true" Kyle thinks for a little bit and thinks it might be his only entrains "I have always had a crush on you Jacob. I won't hurt you like Kyle. Because I'm ace. I want to be in a romantic relationship with you" Kyle smiles at jacob.
             Jacob smiles at him "are you sure?" Kyle nods and they both smiles and hugs each other.

Yeah sorry this took so long to finish I had writers block. But I finished it while watching goosebumps 2 on Netflix and I was about to rush right it like all my other short story's. Love you all and be safe. Sorry for any writing errors to lazy to check. If you even need anyone to talk to I'm always mostly available. On here or on my ig that I have mentioned in other chapters. Love you all

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