June 24th (queer)

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Hello lovely's I'm back. So today is queer. And I'll not looking it up because it is a lable and me and my friends see queer as the same definition so here's our definition sorry if it's wrong
Our definition: queer is when you don't know or don't want a label but your not gay but you know your not straight.
So Imma try my best to make a story on that.

Jenna was nervous but she was going to come out to her friends today. Her parents where not that happy so she's scared to tell her friend but she has to tell them on day or another.
When Jenna was finally able to get the all in the same place she came out "g-guy. I home you don't see me any different but.. but I'm queer."
Half of her friend stayed quiet while the other freaked out and said to never talk to them again and left. When they left the one that where silent converted her and said they don't care if she's queer.
One being confused asked "being queer is just gay right. Way don't you go by gay or lesbian?" He asked genuinely.
Jenna explains to him "well I don't think I'm gay. Their are so many different sexuallitys and so many other things. I don't like any of those labels. But I go by queer because I'm not gay. But I know I'm not straight so I go by queer"
Jennas friend was so surprised so learn something new and he was so happy.
A year later and Jenna was taking her friend Megan to prom and was happy and her friends where happy for her too.

IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT I FEEL SO BAD. But I'm not that creative and I'm doing so bad at this and I'm so sorry. And I'm so sorry if their is any writing errors. As always I love you all of you need someone to talk to you can reach me her or instagram. Love you all and stay safe. You are always loved and cared for. Don't let anyone bring you down.

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