June 22nd (demi boy)

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Hello lovely's. So if you have read demi girl you should know the definition of demi girl. Well demi boy is basically the same think just with a boy instead of a girl. So let's get into it.

        John was at a friends family gathering. John and his friend Faye. Faye and John have been best friend since 4th grade so John goes to everything fates families do.
        So at this gathering some of Faye's extended family that John hasn't met yet has came to this.
When the family sees John they are confused on who he was. Faye introduce John to the she says "his names John and he's my best friend" she smiles.
John is a demi boy and when he heard boy and felt weird he knew that he was a they at the time.
John tells Faye about it and she says a sorry and they go one with their evening and bbq.
At the end of the night John is now friends with every single one of Faye's family and they are super happy.
The next day at school they tell Faye that they still don't feel like a boy and give it more time.
She smiles and nods and they go on with their day like normal and complains about how bad school is.

Sorry it's rushed. It's always rushed. It's in the morning but I only sleep an hour or two. And it's really noisy rn so I'm just getting it done. I love you all so much stay safe and as always I'm sorry for an writing mistake and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here for you. If you need someone to rant to or someone to talk to or to help figure out yourself I'm always here. You can reach me here or on ig @/deadly.neko.bitch I'm always here and have a good day and remember you always matter and your loved.

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