Chapter 17

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    Spring thoughts was what has he done to deserve this protection from the princess. Normally it's the guys who are the knight in shining armor but now it's the princess who is suppose to be in distress that is his knight in shining armor and he is the one in distress. No but he never asked for her help but again if she doesn't help him these two would finish him for sure, for one Rain was so quick in his fight that if he wanted to finish him no one would even know when it's happens,they would only get to see him on the ground.

     "You let a girl defend you, how pitiful", said Rain.

     After training, class started and then ended.

    "Hey may I have your address?", asked Belle.

     "I don't think my mom would like that", said Spring.

    "Are you going to continue being a Mama's boy?", asked Belle.

    "I will send you the address right away", said Spring and he did so.

      "I will stop by later to watch your practice", said Belle and she disappeared.

      "Spring",call out Salt.

        "Salt", said Spring.

         Salt ran to him.

        "You see TL's team meet somewhere else before training,so we can discuss our next strategy to win the game", said Salt.

     And they went.

    They got to the room, their pictures were everywhere and their awards too. The other team mates sat discussing with TL.

     "So I want you to be in the defense", said TL to a team mate.

       "But I am always in attack", said the team mate.

      "Yes I know but you lack attacking so I believe you will be better in the defense", said TL.

    "Hey everyone", said Salt in a cheerful mode.

     "Hey everyone", said Spring shyly.

       "Hey", said the team mate.

        "You guys are late", said TL.

         "I went to get him, which I wouldn't have done if you had told him about our meeting place yourself", said Salt.

     "Watch your mouth, you are the reason he is in this team in the first place you should be the one to baby sit him and let that not be an excuse for your lateness next time", said TL.

     "I don't need you to tell me before I look after him", said Salt.

    "Baby face I have received your kit but you have to earn it", said TL.

    "I thought I earned it when I entered the team", said Spring.

    "Don't make me laugh, you don't deserve to be in this team but even if you did deserve to be in the team, you still need to show me that you deserve to be in my team", said TL.

    "That's not true,no one has done anything to earn the kit before", said Salt.

    "This is my team, I chose to do what ever I want in my team", said TL.

    "Ok, tell me what am I to do to earn the kit", said Spring.

    "Ok newbie you wouldn't be playing with us today", said TL.

     "You can't do that", said Salt.

     TL looked at Salt angrily then continued talking.

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