Chapter 3

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   For Belle to have friends in this world didn't mean that she forgot about her friends,they still spoke with each other and some times they visit her, sometimes she visit them, but she was going to live all her life here and she didn't want to be considered a loner. Fountain is a great friend, she teaches Bell all she needs to know about the water region and besides she is so intelligent, she worships Bell because she saved her from death because she didn't know what would have happen to her if she was still being bullied. The other two TL and Rain teach her how to use her elemental.

        The boys still struggled in the water.

      "I am going to make it clear to you that I am the one to go for the competition", said Rain and he came out of the water.

     "No I am going to prove to you", said TL as he also came out of the water.

       They went towards the coach.

       "Sir please tell this sprit that I am the one chosen to bring the cup", said Rain.

      "Sir please tell this water drop that I am the one who is chosen to bring the cup", said TL.

      "I will drown you,who are you calling water drop", said Rain.

      "Oh are you not, I guess there's no difference,is there", said TL.

     And they were about to fight.

      "Enough the both of you, I wanted to release the list later today but whatever I will give you guys a copy", said the coach and he gave them a piece of paper.

     "I was wondering why it wasn't realized yet", said a team mate.

       "I needed to be sure I selected the best players", said the coach.

      The two boys are fighting for who get to see first.

      "Ok let look through together", said TL.

       "Whatever", said Rain and they both look through.

      "Yes",they both shouted.

      "I knew it,in your face",they both said to each other.

      "Why are you happy?",they both asked each other.

     "No way",they both said and looked at the paper again.

      "You know sometimes they act like twins", said a team mate.

     "Yeah", said another.

        "Coach what is the meaning of this?", said TL looking up but the coach wasn't there he was far off,at the end of field.

     Rain disappeared and TL followed.

     "Coach I am not playing with him,I play against him not with", said Rain.

     "Coach there is no way that I will be in the same team with him", said TL.

     "We are going against another school,yes you guys play against each other when we play school games but this entire school is going against other schools in the region, I need my best players to win and you guys are my best players so sorry, but whether you like it or not you are going to get to bring home the trophy", said the coach.

     "I can bring the trophy home myself", said TL.

     "No I can", said Rain.
       "You both can", said the coach.

       The princess appeared in their midst.

        "I loved the both of you, you guys were great", said Belle.

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