War Plans

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Daenerys Targeryan
I was standing in the map room with Tyrion near me . In the other side of the table were my allies House Tyrell,House Greyjoy and House Martell while Lord Varys was standing a bit away from us. "If we attack now we will take the city within a day "Yara said. Tyrion didn't like that plan . He wanted revenge for what Lannister did to his love but still he didn't wanted too many innocents to die. "Is easy plan . "Yara Greyjoy and House Martell will go to Kings Landing and not leave anything go inside or outside the people of the city will rebel once we help them with weapons. In this way we take the city without needing to destroy and Lord Varys is already spreading words how our queen freed slaves in Essos. When the city hears about it it will take days until the take the city" Tyrion said. "Now is not the right time to go to Kings Landing your grace " Lord Varys said and I turn my head confused why he was saying that. He takes a step closer "my little birds have told me that Euron Greyjoy wants to make alliance with Cersei Lannister. They have seen his ships in Kings Landing. What I think is we should wait for him to come here and destroy his fleet with our dragons " he said looking at me. Tyrion nods. "Very well how long before he's here?" Yara asked. "I would say three days and one more thing your grace. I have heard from my spies in the north that Ramsey Bolton is dead snd someone else has named himself King in the North . His name is Jon Snow " I see Tyrion look in shock and Yara takes a step back. Who's this Jon Snow and he claims himself king. "Jon Snow Ned Stark bastard " Tyrion said and I turn to him "you know him?" I asked "I travel with him at the wall when he joined the Night Watch" Tyrion said" I have heard for him as well . I have heard he's a very good warrior from my brother " Yara said. I was a little curious not because he was king but because he's a bastard but he became king. "If he has named himself King he's our enemy as well" Yara said. Tyrion shook his head "he doesn't need to be our enemy" he looks at me "your grace I know him very well and let me send a letter to him perhaps You might be able to convince him to bend the knee and no need for war" He's right I should try to make alliance first "very well send a raven North tell Jon Snow that his Queen invite him in Dragon Stone and bend the knee" I said with serious voice. He bows and leaves the room. I turn to the others "You're welcome to stay here until we deal with Euron Greyjoy " the nod and Yara leaves. "Your grace can I talk with you alone " Varys said . I nod and Olena and Lady Martell left. I sit and Varys sit near me "your grace I want to talk about this Jon Snow" I was curious how a bastard became king  "The North is the biggest kingdom and it was always hard to have peace with them and now that they have claimed independence. It will be even harder" I look at him curious what is he suggesting " Dorne,The Reach and Iron Island are with you which leaves Storm End who has no ruler and The North. What I'm suggesting is alliance with The North through marriage " I knew he was going to say that but the king is a bastard and the lords of the south won't bend the knee to a bastard "why are you suggesting that?" I asked "your grace when Robert Baratheon wanted to send assassins to kill you when you married Khal Drogo, Ned Stark was the only one who refused " I was surprised my father burned his father and brother and yet he wanted to protect me"I will talk with Tyrion first " I said and I get up and leave the room.

Sansa Stark
I was in God's Wood waiting for Littlefinger. I see him coming . "How are you feeling?" He asked . "Not good they choose him over me I thought they would choose a Stark and not a Bastard " I said looking at him. He gets closer "I know but trust me when time comes you will be Queen as I promised " He said and touch my cheek "how do you think you will change their minds about Jon?" I said looking at him . He gives a weird smile and he looks at me in a strange way "you will be surprised how easy is to change people's mind just listen to me" I nod. He gives me a soft kiss in my cheek which gives a strange feeling in my body. He moves away and start walking to the castle.

Jon Snow
It was night and I was alone in my room with Ghost. Everyone was sleeping except me I have been trying so many times to sleep but just can't since I was brought back. "For The Watch" I still could hear their voices sometimes. Thinking why just Why. I felt this coldness in my body . Like my body was dead but my soul was alive. I would often just lay in my bed and look at the fucking walls until it was morning. I really wish I had someone a woman I love to be with me in night . She would sleep but at least I would look at her and feel her warm body.I was never getting tired I just couldn't get tired. I go outside and look at the garden where I used to train with Robb. Ghost was with me he never left he was like a real ghost and he was really big now. I go to the god's wood and I pray for my family to watch over me and help me make smart decisions.
I haven't told anyone about this I didn't wanted them to think for me as insane.

Jaime Lannister
I was standing in The Throne Room and Cersei was sitting on it. I was near but I didn't wanted to be there. The door opens and some lords had come here to support us against Daenerys Targeryan. Euron Greyjoy came yesterday and pledged himself to Cersei. He kept trying to talk with me about Cersei saying dirty words but I really didn't care. An old man came in front of Cersei and bend the knee . He must be of House Turly near him was a young man. "We are loyal to Queen Cersei Lannister " the old man said . Some time passed and everyone left . I went outside. I wanted to see the city . I leave the red keep and I wear myself with bad clothes and leave my golden arm in the keep. I start looking around and looking at people. This city has always been poor but now I could see that people were full of fear. People weren't gathering to make jokes . To my surprise I see no bodies around the streets and the smell of bodies wasn't anymore. I walk for some more and see a woman with a baby in her arm asking for money but I could clearly see that her baby was dead in her arms. "Please money for a coffin for my child" I take a few steps back and I can hardly hide my tears. These people are starving and begging while Cersei stays and eats the best food. I search in my pocket and I see I have four coins . I go to the woman and give it to her "Thank You Thank You" she said and kisses her child in the head. In that moment I decided to help her . "I can help for your child to .... bury him" I could hardly said that . She looks at me with a face full of tears. She was young probably 20 years old. She reach her hand to give the money back. I shook my head "is not for money I'm happy to help" she smiles and gets up and I follow her. I follow her for some time. She bought a small coffin which cost only one coin. We reach the graveyard of the city. I saw a shovel and start digging where she told me to. I dig for quite some time but I don't care . She puts her child in the coffin and I slowly put the coffin in the grave. I cover it and I feel sick. "His name was Rob" she said . "What's your name ?" she asks me . I don't know how to answer but in same time I wanted to tell her my real name . I swallow a huge breath "Jon" I answer. "Thank You for helping Jon my name is Dana" she said. "Do you want to come with me I can give you something to eat that's the least I can do and I would be honored " she asked . Her eyes were white with a bit of yellow color. I nod and I follow her.

Daenerys Targeryan
I enter the room where Tyrion is. I open the door and he's drinking as usual. He gets up when he sees me "your grace how can I help?" I close the door and sit in the chair near the table. "I want your advice " "Everything my queen" he start filling a glass with wine for me. "Did you send the letter to King in the north ?" I asked and I drink a bit. He nods. "Lord Varys told me that the best way to nake alliance with The North is with marriage " I said looking at him. "He's not wrong your grace the people of the north have a hard head like a goat and now that they have Independence would be hard to convince them any other way" he said and drink the wine and start filling another one. "I'm sure my dragons would be able to convince them" I said with serious voice. "Your grace war is not always the answer. I learned that from my father and Jon is king he would be a good ally against Cersei and a good way to keep The North in Seven Kingdoms " He was right but I didn't need his help for Cersei. "How old is he?" I ask " He's your age your grace " I look at him shocked. Varys told me he's a great warrior and king of the north with bastard name. He must be quiet a man to be able to do that. Is he good looking I wanted to ask but didn't. I get up "thanks for advice lord Tyrion " I leave the room.

Arya Stark
I was in a house to eat and Nymeria was outside waiting for me . "Hello hot pie" I said and he's surprised to see me. I grab some pie from his plate and start eating. He sits "is so good to see you Arya" he said smiling. This pie is amazing I never tasted something this good. "Where are you going?" He asked. I swallow "to Kings Landing to kill the queen " "I thought you would go to The North" I don't understand why I would "why Boltons are there" I said and eat again "No Boltons are dead Jon Snow took Winterfell and is King in The North" I'm shocked and happy. This is amazing I thought to myself. I swallow some again and I want to leave now. I want to pay but he stops me "friends don't pay" he said and I smile "Thank You and take care of yourself " I said and I go outside. My horse was with Nymeria. I was thankful Nymeria eat a few hours ago. I get closer "we are going home Nymeria " I touch her head and I hop on my horse and I start going towards Winterfell.

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