Dragon Glass

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Bran Stark
We left Nights Watch last night and five wildlings came with us to protect us. I was happy because now Meera could walk and not care to drag me. I was talking to her the whole time."What you will do once we reach Winterfell?" She asked looking at me with a beautiful smile. I smile at her "I will tell Jon the truth if he will be in Winterfell when I arrive " Meera didn't respond because she knew I knew something. "Will you stay in Winterfell?" I ask not daring to look at her. She looks at me "Why?" She ask with quiet voice. "I would ..... like for you to be there. You protected me from Night King " Mentioning Night King made me think about Hodor . I didn't tell Meera that I was the one who destroyed his whole life. I feel tears in my eyes "What's wrong Bran?" She asks getting closer. Before I said anything, she removes my tears from my face with her hand. I look the other way and I never feel like this before. I hear her laugh and is very good sound. We keep walking for the rest of the day and it was close to night and wildlings made a camp. The others fall asleep but Meera was still talking with quiet voice trying not to wake the others. "Why did you look away?" She ask me but I have no idea how to answer and just say "I don't know " she laugh "you don't know I thought you knew everything " She keeps laughing and that makes me happy that I was able to make her laugh. "You must be happy to meet Jon and your sister Sansa" I nod but I wasn't happy for Sansa I saw in my visions that she was trying to do something with Littlefinger that's the main reason why I wanted to reach Winterfell before Jon reads the letter from DragonStone. "I think I will sleep now " she said and lay in her blanket and still looking at my side. "Good Night Meera " she smiles and close her eyes "Good Night Bran".

Jaime Lannister
I followed Dana in this very old house. When I enter I was surprised how this house was still standing. It was made of wood and the wood in most part was rotted and I could see insects in some places. This all reminded of how is Red Keep compare to this house if I could even call it a house. Dana goes in the other room and I follow her. There was a table in the middle with three chairs around it . There was also some water in big bottles. She puts in the table some food which was potatoes with water and small pieces of bread. She looks at me standing near the table "please sit first " I sit first and then she sit in her chair. I was looking around in this room and saw even a rat in the corner of the room. I didn't wanted to eat I didn't wanted to her food. She didn't have enough for herself and let alone for me too. I hate to admit but maybe that child dying was for the best to give her more chance. She start eating but I wasn't eating. She looks at me "I'm sorry but I have nothing else " I shook my head "is alright my lady I'm not hungry " she sees my right hand . She touch the place where my hand is cut. "How if I can ask?" She said . "Thieves nothing else" I said and looking away. "They're the worst just like the thieves in the red keep" I don't say anything to her . "They destroyed the Sept the god will punish this whole city if we don't destroy them" I nod but I don't say anything. "I hope this Targeryan Queen is better I have heard around the city saying that she freed slaves in Essos and punish those who were their masters". She said with hope in her face. I didn't know what to think I have heard them as well but I wasn't sure "burn them all" that word was still stuck in my head and recently I would see dreams with his voice repeating the same sentence over and over again. I saw outside that it was close to dark . I get up "I have to go my lady" she gets up "stay here I have place here for you too If you don't have anywhere else to sleep or ..." I noticed she didn't continue. I don't know why but I wanted to stay but Cersei must have figured it out by now that I'm not in Red Keep and who knows what will happen to Dana if they see me with her. I turn to her "I will return my lady I promise " I said looking at her eyes. She gets closer and hugs me "Thank You" she whisper. I return the hug and then move away. I went to the door "Good Night Jon" she said. I turn to her to look at her "Good Night Dana " she smiles and I open the door.

Jon Snow
I was standing alone in my room with Ghost it was close to night. Nothing really happened today and we still couldn't figure out where to take Dragon Glass. I was still furious that Littlefinger was still in Winterfell. I would tell Sansa tomorrow morning to tell him to go to The Vale. I heard a knock. I get up and a master comes inside with a letter "your grace a letter from Dragon Stone and one from Citadel" he gave me the letters and left the room.I open the letter from Citadel first knowing it was from Sam "For King in the North Jon Snow. This is Sam I'm writing from Citadel. I have found proof that Dragon Stone is full of DragonGlass enough for all seven Kingdoms. I hope you're well Jon . Samwell Tarly" I'm happy to read this but the other letter is from DragonStone so must be from Daenerys Targeryan. I took the letter and open it "For King in The North Jon Snow. This Hand of the Queen of Daenerys Targeryan , Tyrion Lannister " Tyrion Lannister hand of the queen I wonder how Sansa will react "I send you an invitation to DragonStone to meet with my queen. She has 40000 Dothraki Screamers,The Army of The Reach,Dorne,Iron Islands,10000 Unsullied and 3 full grown Dragons " is he trying to scare me " my queen has invited you and possibly make an alliance. Tyrion Lannister " What kind of Alliance I thought. I close the letter. I must go there I can find Dragon Glass there and if we make an alliance we can stand a chance but she's the mad king daughter. She might burn me alive in the moment I step in DragonStone. Maybe I should send someone else "No" I'm the king if someone else goes she will be offended and I will ruin any chance for Alliance. I feel Ghost licking my hand . I kneel and start touching his head "hey boi" he licks my hand while I touch his head. I will leave tomorrow and I should let everyone know about this tomorrow morning.I lay in bed and try to sleep but I know I can't sleep.

Arya Stark
It was morning and I woke up and see that Nymeria was close. But I see that she's looking around and showing her teeth. I get up and pull out my sword . I look around but I can't see anyone suddenly Nymeria runs at me and jumps but doesn't attack me. I hear someone screaming from behind. I turn fast and I see him pull out his dagger and stab Nymeria but I run and kick his dagger and plunge my sword in his leg and then arm . Nymeria moves away she was injured. I look at the man and he was around 40 . I step closer and my sword near his neck . "Who are you?" I ask with anger voice. "A girl stole from Many faced God , A girl must pay " he is a No One I thought.I will return the faces once I complete my list " I said . "A girl needs to die or pay her debt to Many Faced God" He said with cold voice. "Very well I will return the faces after my list is complete and in return you have the faces of everyone I have killed and the faces of Jaime Lannister and Cersei Lannister " I said looking at him. "Good A Girl Have time time three months or The Many Faces Gods will have her face" I nod and he stops saying anything or moving . I get closer and remove his face and is the face of a woman and remove again and is an old man and again is a little kid and again and I see Hot Pie" No NOO" I can't believe my eyes . I hop on My Horse but I see Nymeria is wounded. "Let's go to a village . Then I will heal you".

Daenerys Targeryan
It was morning and I open my eyes. I heard my children outside and I smile. I hear a knock in the door . Who can be so early. "Come in" . The door opens and is Tyrion. "Your grace I know is very early in the morning but we need to talk about something " about Jon Snow again I thought. He sits in a chair . "Your grace I know Euron Greyjoy will be here soon and after we deal with him you will go to Kings Landing to take it but something worries me" he said and I look at him confused. "Your grace when ..... your mad father left a lot of wildfire everywhere under the city. I heard that my sister destroyed the septs with wildfire " I already knew that "I'm afraid that if she sees that she's losing the war she might burn down the whole kings landing" I could see he was concerned about this. "Is there any way to remove that wildfire " I asked and start filling a glass with wine for him and me . "I'm sure Lord Varys will know where is it but Wildfire should be removed only during night even the smallest light might ignite it" he said and start drinking. "Very well I will talk with Lord Varys today to find a solution " He nods and drinks the whole glass . He gets up "Thank You your grace" and leaves the room.

Jon Snow
I was in Main Hall and everyone was there and Sansa was sitting in my right . "I received this last night it was send to me by Samwell Turly a man I trust . He has proof that DragonStone sits on the mountain of DragonGlass" I hear the lords saying good words " I also received this from DragonStone it was send to me by Tyrion Lannister he's now hand of the queen of Daenerys Targeryan. She intends to take the throne from Cersei Lannister. She has a powerful army in her and if this message is to be believed three dragons " Everyone in the hall lowers their head "he has invited me to meet with Daenerys and I'm going to accept " everyone start talking and Lord Glover gets up "your grace with all respect you can't go I remember what people said about the mad king and don't forget what her family did to yours" everyone nod in agreement "I know that but we need DragonGlass and most importantly we need allies. We don't have enough to defeat the night king and his army" Sansa gets up "I'm afraid I agree with Jon " Sansa said . I'm surprised why she agrees with me . "We need DragonGlass my lords and I agree with my brother " Sansa said and sit down. I could see LittleFinger in the corner smiling. That made me feel furious. "I'm leaving today with Ser Davos and while I'm away my sister will take care while I'm gone" I see some agree but not everyone. But I don't have time for that. I must go to DragonStone and waste no time.

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