Madness and Despair

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Daenerys Targeryan
She saw herself in an open field surrounded by snow, it looks like a war just happened here, it was full of dead bodies, mountains of dead bodies, the snow was mostly red because of blood. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, "Jon" she screams for him but no response, she starts walking around and sees dead bodies in pieces,it was really hard to breath then she sees someone sitting in the pile of dead bodies like it was a throne of bodies.
His eyes were blue and his skin was white as snow. She was wearing an armor made of ice and in the chest a Stark Sigil.
When he looks at her she start feeling this cold in her body, she was freezing "Dany" she heard this voice in her head it sounds like is Jon calling her.

"The Past is Written" she heard this voice in her head and then she was somewhere else but then she understood where she was, she was in Throne Room.
"Your father betrayed us" someone in throne said that and there was a man standing near the stairs which leads to The Throne.
"Your grace I'm begging we need to surrender" but the man in the throne give him a mad look.
"You have to prove your loyalty, bring me your father's Head" he screamed at him.
He then looks at the man who was behind the young one.
"Burn Them All" he screamed to the man , Daenerys needed to interfere "why are you doing this?" Daenerys screamed at him not being able to take this anymore.
Suddenly everything seems to have stopped and the king in the throne turns his head to Daenerys and she sees in horror, his eyes are completely white,she can't breath she tries but can't, she notice she's about to fall in the floor but then she sees a raven in the chair with her father and the raven was looking at her and she falls in the floor.

"Wake up Wake Up Dany" she opens her eyes slowly and see Jon with worried face , he sees that she's awake and kiss her immediately.
"Just a bad dream Jon" she said quietly.
"What was the bad dream?" He asks still scared. Jon saw that Daenerys was moving her head while sleeping and making voices like she was crying, Jon had tried to wake her up for a minute until she finally wake up.

"You love to scary me you know that"
He said with a little smile still in effect of what happened.
"Now what was the dream about?" Jon asks and was looking at her eyes.
Daenerys wasn't sure if she should tell him and after what he told her about the army of the dead, she was afraid now, since he told her , she believed him and knew they were a real threat but this dream make her get afraid of what will happen to all of them.

"I .. I ... I saw dead bodies Jon, so many dead bodies, the land was covered in snow but there was just so much blood, snow was red everywhere and there was a man with blue eyes and white skin as snow sitting in the pile of bodies " she barely could say it and she felt tears rolling down her face but Jon kissed the part where her tear was in her face.
He was shocked to hear , he blames himself for telling about that dead fucker so soon.
"Jon, Kings Landing will be ours soon and I want to marry you before We take the iron throne " Jon nodded and kiss her again in her nose and again in her beautiful and sweet lips.

"We can't go to Winterfell before Wildfire is out of Kings Landing " Jon said , he wanted to marry Daenerys in Winterfell, that's where his home is and lords of Winterfell might like her if she marries her there but in same time Jon knew that Lords of The North are like goats even then they might not support him.
He got a letter two days ago , it was from Bran and he told him that he doesn't care to be king and that Arya was alive, Jon didn't know how could Bran knew he thought about that but Arya alive, he was so happy and just wanted to go to Winterfell as soon as possible.

"Jon I know is hard but I want to marry you here and take Iron Throne together as King and Queen" she said hoping he understands what she wants.
"After we marry here we will have another marriage in Winterfell in front of old gods" Jon said with a smile and kissed her .
She returns the kiss and their tongue start dancing around.
His hand start going down to her wet pussy but the door opens and Missandei steps inside, Daenerys tried to stop him but Jon doesn't let her to stop and when she feels his fingers inside, she completely forgot if someone was there instead she surrender to the pleasure Jon was giving her.
Missandei smiles and leaves the room.

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