A Dance for The Dead

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Daenerys Targeryan
I enter the map room and Jon was there waiting, he smiled at me and I smiled at him. I sit first then he sits. The food seems to be very good, I had honey with milk and goat meat with some onions around and a glass with wine. He had the same except he drink ale. I was wearing the dress from Meereen and I could see he liked the way I was looking. I see Missandie left the room. "Where did you put the egg?" He asked . "I put it in my room is surrounded by candles " I said and start eating. "Thank You for letting me mine DragonGlass" "you already thanked me" I smile but I still couldn't understand why he needed that much DragonGlass. He starts eating and we start sharing stories of our childhood but sadly I didn't have any happy story to tell so he was the one who mostly talked "there was this one time when me and Arya scared Sansa in the crypts , Lady Catelyn didn't let us to sleep in our beds for two days" I laught a bit and enjoy the talking. "Can I ask you something Daenerys?" I quickly nod. "How did it feel ... flying I mean?" I was a bit surprised no one asked for this before. I think about it for a short time "it feels like freedom, like you have the whole world , no rules nothing " he smiles. "I wish to experience that once" maybe we can after we know each other better. I start filling the third glass with wine. "Have you ever been with a woman?" I asked and I'm not sure why I even asked. He's handsome he must have been with at least 40 woman. I see him getting sad by my question and looking at the table . He must have loved someone before why I'm so dumb "Jon I'm sorry " I didn't know what else to say. "Don't worry" he looks at me "and the answer is only once" I'm shocked only once how is that possible, are all the woman in the north blind or what. "You love her" "not really it was 3 years ago , I was still very young and I think it was more just desire and no love, she was a wildling , she was there for me but in the end she wanted me to kill an old man to prove my loyalty to them but I just run away and betrayed her, I returned to Castle Black and there was an attack and she died in my arms" I hated myself for asking him that . I see the pain in his eyes for reminding him this story. He didn't told me last night about this he knew it wasn't a happy story to tell who knows what else he didn't tell me because is not a happy story. "I am happy this went this way" he said and I'm a bit confused "Before I came here all the lords in Winterfell told me you would burn me alive but I knew I needed to come for my people and I'm happy that we didn't become enemies " I smile "I'm happy for that as well" . Then I remembered that hot water didn't bother him and he was feeling the life inside the egg. "Jon you said hot water doesn't bother you" he shook his head. "Were you always like this?" "No I remember this one time I grab a lantern with my right hand and my hand was burned but not anymore " I wanted to know more but it was already night and I could feel myself getting tired. I get up "I think I will go to sleep now" he gets up as well . I walk to the right side of the table near him. I really wanted to kiss him but I didn't wanted Jon to think that I'm just a horny Queen. He takes my hand and kiss it just like last time. I could still feel his warm lips and I knew if he could turn me on by just kissing my hand who knows what he can do. "Good night Daenerys " "Good Night Jon" I leave the room but I look at him again before closing the door.

Arya Stark
I wake up and is morning. I had another Wolf dream. I still couldn't understand these dreams. It doesn't matter right now. Nymeria was near me and she could easily walk now. I see in front of me a half eaten deer. She must have left it for me , too bad that Nymeria doesn't know how to cook. I made a fire and start putting the meat in it ,didn't look pretty the way Nymeria left it. "Next time I want a rabbit" I said but Nymeria just looks at me . "I wish Ghost was here he was a very good boi" talking about Ghost made me remember Jon. Only remembering him made me smile and be happy that I will meet him soon . As I start eating I see Nymeria gets up and shows her teeth. I know immediately something is not right. I pull out Needle and look around "You said three months is been only 9 days I still have time " I said thinking must be another assassin but I see some people coming out of the woods. I know some of them , they're from Brotherhood the one who sold Gendry to that red bitch. "What do you want?" I asked . They stopped walking. There were at least 10 of them and I knew Nymeria and I won't be able to kill them all. "She's Arya Stark isn't she" one of them said . "We have someone who wants to meet you " who would wanted to meet me and how do they know I'm Arya "your mother ".

Bran Stark
I see myself in front of an open field and there's snow everywhere. I see the same man I have seen before with Stark Sigil in the chest. He is walking around the field with three other man and none of them has Stark Sigil in the chest. "Is been a long since we have seen any of those magic childrens" one of them said to the guy with Stark Sigil. Magic children they must be talking about Children of the forest. What's that guys name I want to know that. "I don't know Thamiear . Is been a long time but that doesn't mean they all dead" the guy with Stark Sigil said "I know that Bran but maybe is pointless to look for them anymore " Bran wait is he Bran The Builder. I want to see more but everything starts going dark and I'm back in the present. Meera is right in front of me "did you see anything?" I shook my head. What I saw wasn't much I need more information, the past is being revealed to me a little day by day. "You can unlock the door now" she unlocks the door. I told her to lock it before I used my powers because I didn't wanted anybody to know about it. "I don't like your sister, I think we should tell that little finger betrayed your father maybe then she will be against him" I thought about it and maybe she's right. It was morning now and I should look if anything happened to Jon or Arya.

Jon Snow
I read books the whole night and is better than staying and looking at the fucking walls. Is morning now so I should probably go out and see how mining of the dragonglass is going. I go outside and see that they're working far from the shore. I hope this time they won't find more hot water. "How is going?" I look behind me and is Tyrion. "Good this island has a lot of DragonGlass" he gets closer "why do you need it?" He asks me. I know he's smart so I should make a good lie. "For weapons can be used to forge new swords and makes the swords better" "that's good if is makes the weapons better would be good to use some and makes weapons for our armies" he said. I look at the mining again but then a green dragon start flying towards us and land near us . "Rheagal what's wrong?" Tyrion said but I just look at the beast and not move away while Tyrion starts going away. He gets closer until is only a two steps away from me. I look at his eyes and I really hope he's not hungry. I start touching him in the head maybe that will make him like me or eat my hand. I don't know why but I'm not scared. "His name is Rheagal " I turn my head and is Daenerys. "Don't be afraid he won't hurt you and I think he likes you" I move away my hand and he flies away. "I'm sorry they don't usually act like that" "is alright I think I like them" I hear her laugh. "What ?" She shook her head "nothing " . I start walking to the castle and Daenerys walks with me . "I should send a letter right now to tell my sister that I'm still alive and about our alliance " she nods .

I get inside and start writing the letter for Sansa . I hear the door opens and Ser Davos gets inside. I turn to him "Everything is alright" I asked. He nods and gets close to me. "She's here" I look confused for who is he talking about "Melisandra ".

Let me know what do you think about this chapter.

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