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Daenerys Targeryan
I wake up in the morning . Grey Worm and the unsullied left yesterday to get Castely Rock while army of Dorne and Iron Island take care of Wildfire around the city. After The Wildfire is out and secured we can take Kings Landing without much bloodshed. The door opens and Tyrion walks inside "good morning your grace, I'm sorry for coming in this early but I wanted to ask how things went last night " Tyrion said not looking at me. "Things went well, I asked him about marriage and I think he will say yes" I really wanted to have another supper with him and know him better. "The soldiers around the castle said that they saw him walking around the castle and even outside during night. "Maybe he's used to sleep in his home and can't sleep well here"I will ask him later I think to myself. "Lord Varys send a letter and said it would take at least a month to remove all the wildfire because they can do that only at night " Tyrion said and I nod. One month that's a long time. "What are they doing with the wildfire?" "They are putting it in boxes ,no light can go through and ignite the wildfire but I don't know what should we do with it" I thought about that myself, a part of me wants to throw it in the bottom of the sea but maybe we might need it as a weapon."I will think about it" Tyrion nods and leaves the room. After some time Missandei comes inside. She gets close and start braid my hair. "How did it go Daenerys ?" She asks . I smile "Good " she smiles as well "I'm happy to hear that , if you want to talk with him I saw him with the old man near the shores" they must have started to mine the dragonglass I still don't understand why he needs weapons made from it , maybe is very good to make weapons . She finish my braid . I turn to her "how do I look?" "Like a Queen " I smile at her. "I want to eat in the map room tell King Jon he's invited " I said . She nods and leaves the room.

Sansa Stark
"How much food do we have?" I asked . I was in great hall and every lord was there. Brienne was following me everywhere and sometimes I needed to order her to leave me alone .Sometimes I see the way she looks at Lord Baelish . She looks at him like she's about to cut him in half. "Not enough my lady , we need more if we want to survive the winter " "We need to secure food. Vale can help us to secure food during winter" Lord Baelish stands up "I have made a deal with Lady of Winterfell to secure food for The North during winter " He said with a smile. "You should send a letter to King Jon to inform him for this" Lady Mormont said and some lords agree. "I will send him a letter tonight . You can leave now" I get up and I don't like the way Lady Mormont is looking at me . Littlefinger gets close to me "we need to talk" he said and I nod. He leaves the room and I follow him but I see Brienne following me. I stop "no need to follow lady Brienne " she nods. I go to Littlefinger's room. "What is it?" He looks outside and then turns his head to me "Lords of Winterfell like you but is not enough, we need more time to make it work as for The Vale , I will send a letter right now and tell them to deliver food to the North by doing that they won't just hear that you're better than him but see it" I smile at his words and he gets closer "Send a letter to Jon and tell him to come here that we need him now" "you said they still don't love me more than him" I said looking at him "that's true but it will take at least three weeks for him to come here and by then I will do my part and by telling him that we need him to come here and probably ruin any chances he has with The Dragon Queen "I nod and I leave the room.

I see her leaving the room . I start following her and made sure she doesn't hear me. I keep following her and she goes to the room to write and send a letter but to who. I put my ear in the door but hear nothing. I move away from the door and hide behind a corner. I wait for some time and the master goes to the door and opens the door "my lady how can I help you?" "Send this letter to DragonStone with the fastest raven you have" why was she in a hurry. I see the master takes a letter from Sansa and Sansa leaves the room and goes to the direction of her room. I see that I'm safe now and go to the room as fast as I can. I open the door and see the master putting the letter to a raven but I grab it before the raven flies away. "What are you doing?" He asks me but I don't care . I open the letter "King in the North , This is Sansa Stark your sister, we need you in Winterfell right now , we need to prepare for war . Sansa Stark" how dares she does this . I should kill that little shit and waste no time but if I do that I waste chances to have food during winter and we need their army against Night King. The master grabs the letter from my hand "get out" he said and I leave the room. If I take the letter, he will tell Sansa and she will know that I don't trust her and she would just wrote another letter.

Bran Stark
I open my eyes and back to present. Too bad that raven won't be able to send the letter to Jon. Brienne didn't need to do that. That might make Sansa doubt her and the master will definitely tell Sansa that Brienne read the letter. Meera is right in front of me and we were a day away from Winterfell. "Bran what did you see?" She asks me "nothing I tired to see his past again but I can't " I lied she doesn't need to not trust Sansa more than she already does. We stopped walking for like an hour to rest. "I hope you know what you're doing Bran?" "I'm sure because I know you will be there to protect me" she looks away when I said that. Feeling happy for saying that . "Where's Arya?" She said not looking at me "She's near White Harbor" she's still not close to Winterfell. When she arrives I will tell her that Little Finger betrayed our father. I was lost in my thoughts when I notice Meera was very close to me. I try to look away but she puts her right hand in my cheek. "You're so beautiful " I said and immediately regretted it . What if she doesn't like me what if she doesn't feel the same. Instead she kisses me in the lips slowly. She smiles "I will protect you Bran" I knew almost everything but I don't know what I'm feeling right now. Is a new feeling. I smile at her. She sits in the ground near me . This whole thing makes me hate myself for not being able to walk. "I wish Hodor was here as well" she said and my smile disappears. I still haven't told her what I have done , that I destroyed his whole life. "Let's move before we freeze" she gets up and the wildlings help me.

Jon Snow
I was with Ser Davos and looking at the work. "She let you take DragonGlass that's a good start, did you tell her about the night king?" I look at him "no not yet I need more time" "I understand " "She ask me for alliance with marriage " Ser Davos opens his eyes in shock "if you want my advice your grace you should accept it" I nod and then I see the woman who stays with Queen Daenerys coming here . "Your grace, the queen has invited you to eat with her " I look at Ser Davos and he just smiles "I'm coming " Following the woman to the castle. "What's your name ?" "Missandei ". We kept walking and there are so many stairs. "How did you end up as advisor of Daenerys Targeryan?" I was curious to know what her people thought about her. "Slave master took me when I was only a little girl. My queen she freed and I choose to follow her" I can see she has a lot of respect for her. "If you would wanted tomorrow to go back to your home" she looks at me "she would give me a ship and wish me good fortune " I smile and we keep walking. We enter the map room and Queen Daenerys was already there. There was food in the table and wine and ale. "Thank you for your invitation your grace " she smiles and sit in the chair and I sit as well . "Your grace call me if you need anything " Missandei said and left the room. "I heard you didn't sleep very well last night" I'm surprised she knows, her soldiers must have told her. "No is not I'm ...... just not used to this place yet" I tried to smile. "If you want you can change the room" I shook my head "no need your grace I just need time that's all" she gives me a small smile and I smile as well. "Your grace you didn't told me last night about how you become Queen of Meereen " I asked and eat a bit of bread . "Will take some time " and I just smile. She starts telling me about her story and it really makes me feel bad when she told me her brother didn't treat her right. I didn't told her the most bad things that happened to me in the past and maybe I should. "I came here" " I know how it feels to not have a good childhood " she looks at me. " Catelyn Stark the wife of my father, she never cared for me , she always looked at me like I was a monster, like I was there to kill her children, as a bastard I was never invited in feast or anything" She looks at me and I like her eyes "must have been terrible" talking with her for so long it was already mid day. We finished out food maybe two hours ago but we kept talking. "Did you think about my proposal?" She asks and analyze my face . I would like to ask Sansa as well what she thinks about this but I see no reason to think this is a bad thing "I say yes your grace " she smiles and grabs her glass with wine. "For our alliance " and we both hit our glasses. The door opens and Tyrion gets inside "your grace sorry to interrupt but the workers have found something in the cave and they told me to call King Jon and look at it " he said and left the room . I get up "thank you for your invitation Queen Daenerys " she smiles"call me Daenerys in private " "you can call me Jon then".

Let me know in the comments what do you think about it.

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