A Song For Love

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Jon Snow
I reach the door of Daenerys's room . I'm standing only one feet away from the door, I'm breathing heavily I don't know I'm nervous
"Alright " I knock on the door but no response "Daenerys " I called but no response. I get scared so I open the door and see she's not here. I sigh and look around and notice the egg in the fire place, I smile when I see it . This room is beautiful, there was a very big bed near the window of the room, there were a lot of books near the fire place. There was also a large table near the bed . I go near the egg and grab it in my hand . Is completely red and very beautiful "I hope you hatch soon I really want to see a small dragon" can't believe I'm talking to an egg , I put the egg slowly in the fire again.

I see him leaving the egg in the fire, he took it from fire and wasn't burned, he told me Ned Stark was his father so who was his mother maybe his mother had blood of Old Valyria .
"It's beautiful isn't it" I turn my head and is Daenerys standing at the door smiling.
"Yes Daenerys is very beautiful .....just like you"
My cheek blush when I hear him calling me beautiful, there were other man who called me beautiful but is different with Jon.
Don't know why I said this , is way too soon ,
I should not act like an idiot who act like he has seen a girl for the first time. Daenerys smiles more and her smile is very beautiful. "I wanted to apologize Daenerys " I said looking at her eyes.
"Nothing to apologize Jon" I said and was looking at his face and I could see he was nervous so I decided to get closer and make the first move.
She gets closer to me and is only 3 feet away. Is very hard for me to breath, my heart beats in my throat everytime I see her beautiful lips.
"I saw you touch the egg" her words made me escape from my naughty thoughts for Daenerys . "Yes I wanted to see if I can still feel it if is alive" I said slowly and with a quiet voice. Like I was afraid someone might hear us from outside. She takes two steps closer to me and I can hardly fight it to not kiss her.
I could see he was as red as the egg, I wanted to try and not wait any longer.
"Jon you alright " she said and I could feel her breath in my face . "I'm fine Daenerys " my right hand start moving on it's own to her waist and I can't stop it .
My hand start going to his neck and make him get closer .
The door opens and Daenerys takes a step back and her face immediately change from lovely to queen's face. It was Tyrion, I finally catch my breath and everything seems to be normal now. "Your grace sorry for interrupting bu" but Daenerys didn't let him finish "next time Tyrion you will knock before entering " she said with serious voice. Tyrion lowers his head "I'm sorry your grace but ... ahh .... my brother Jaime Lannister is here " he barely said it and I don't understand why is he here.

Jaime Lannister
I was in chains and in throne room, I was in the middle of the room and there were two soldiers in my left and right side.
Am I really that dangerous, I have only one hand for fuck sake. Dana was closer to the door, they didn't put her in chains so that's good, the door opens and Tyrion walk in front of me , I smile at him "what happened to your leg?" My leg was still hurting as hell sometimes. "Don't worry about it I hope you can protect me now like I did" I said and looking at Tyrion. I still remember his reactions when I told him about Tysha and I'm not sure if he is willing to help me.
Because of my leg I couldn't actually stand still without my leg hurting. Tyrion gets closer to me "I will try to help but don't say anything stupid so keep your mouth shut" and I nod immediately, then I hear footsteps and Tyrion walks away from me and goes near the left side of the throne. Then Daenerys Targeryan walks pass me and looks at me in the eyes, I lower my head to avoid her eyes , I could see all the hatred she has for me and maybe coming here wasn't a good idea. "The soldiers told me you came here with a boat and with a girl, Why ?" She said with coldest voice and hatred in her voice. "Your grace I left my sister she's gone mad " I hear her laugh.
"You attacked my father in the streets and tried to destroy House Stark" this voice I look up again and is the bastard of Ned Stark, he has changed. "What I did is something everyone would do for their family " "Jaime " Tyrion tried to stop me but right now I don't care .
"You killed my father, you break your oath and you did many terrible things to King Jon's family. So why should I not burn you alive?" Her voice is full of hatred but is not the same as her father. I look up and look at her and him ,
"Your grace what I did I did it for the good of realm , I don't care if you want to accept it but your father was mad " I raised my voice "he ordered me to kill my own father and then wanted to ignite the wildfire under the city and burn the whole Kings Landing to ash " I finally said to her and to everyone not just Brienne, I don't know why but I feel .... relieved like I was bearing something in my back for a long time.
"My father was mad I know that and I accept it" I'm surprised by her words "your grace please have mercy Jaime Lannister saved me" Dana said . The queen looks at her then to me "but I can't forgive you for the crimes against The North, after I take Kings Landing , you will have a trial " "I understand " I said , I was tired from all the running and couldn't sleep well in a boat. "Send him to jail and you can leave, You can live in the lands near The Reach" I didn't really wanted Dana to leave but would be better for her. "Thank You your grace but please spare him and when the trial happens I want to be there" Dana said with tears in her eyes . The dragon queen didn't say anything instead Dana was walked outside by two of her guards. Tyrion gets close to me "you're still alive that's a good start " I laugh and the soldiers lead me to my jail.

Arya Stark
I was walking around the forest with the group of my .. mom . I didn't talk with her and I didn't even know the point, she can hardly speak. Nymeria was close to me and I could see she didn't like my mom. We were getting closer to Winterfell and should be there within two days , I really wanted to see Jon but I'm not sure how he or everyone will react when they see her . I just hope Jon doesn't kill her , he has every reason to hate her and I myself don't like the way she treated Jon. Walking with her was like walking with a ghost it just didn't feel like she was really there. "I kno..w what yo...u are think...ing Ary..a " her voice was terrifying and I didn't really wanted to hear her talk . Hearing her talk was like hearing someone trying to talk when he was choking for air "I don't know what to think , this .. life is not even life what kept you going and not just jump from a cliff and die again " I felt bad for saying that but she was nothing like my mother. She stops walking and gets close to me , I was trying to avoid her eyes anytime she tried to look at me , I just couldn't stand her strange eyes. "Revenge " she said that word and start walking again. I was shocked by her answer, it wasn't because of Sansa or me but because of Revenge.

Daenerys Targeryan
It was night and I was ready for supper with Jon , I really wanted to ask him what Melisandra meant but I didn't wanted to make him sad, I was wearing the same clothes I wore when I reached DragonStone . I knew it wasn't the best for supper.

I went to map room and Jon was there waiting for me

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I went to map room and Jon was there waiting for me . He was wearing different clothes, he wasn't wearing his full leather armor but instead a dark shirt made of skin . I sit and then he sits. We start eating but no one says anything after some time  "I'm sorry again for acting like that today" I rolled my eyes "no need to apologize " I said while laughing a bit.
He smiles and I'm happy that he is smiling.
"Daenerys when it comes to earn the respect of my people I think when we marry we should marry on Winterfell and as for Jaime Lannister I think if his trail would be in Winterfell, that would make them like you for giving them the chance for revenge " Jon said with serious voice and I agreed. We start talking again and I start telling him a few things I wasn't willing to tell him "my brother he was a good man in the beginning when we lived in the house with the red door" I felt bad everytime I mention that "that was the only place I felt it was my home and after we left it he changed for worse" I said trying to hold my tears. There were so many times I thought I could have done something to change Viserys and not let him become the man he became in the end. Then I noticed that Jon was right in front of me and removed the tears from my eyes and I was looking at his eyes and then at his lips. My head just moves forward on his own and and our lips were almost touching. I was looking at his eyes all the time, maybe he doesn't want this maybe he think that I'm moving very fast with this and not knowing each other well. He doesn't move his head away or forward so I decide to sit but then I feel his hand on my waist and making me get closer and he finally kisses me.

Let me know in the comments what do you think about this chapter.

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