Burning Hatred

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Jon Snow
I walk in the corridors and Ser Davos is behind me. I open the door to The Throne room and I see Melisandra in the middle of the room while Daenerys and Tyrion were closer to the door. I look at her and her smiles disappears when she sees me. "Is good to see you again Jon Snow or should I say King Jon" Melisandra said looking at me . My hand goes to my sword. "What are you doing here?" I ask with serious voice not wanting to waste time with her. "I'm here as a guest of Queen Daenerys " Daenerys looks at me and she sees that I don't like her being here . Daenerys takes a step closer "Melisandra told me about all your great deeds when she first came here Jon. Why you hate her?" I sigh "Because she burned a girl of 9 years old alive for her lord of light and I banish her from the north " Daenerys's face change to serious and looks at Melisandra. "You Deserve to Die" Ser Davos screams but I stop him "Ser Davos stop we're not in Winterfell here" he looks at me and I can see that he wants nothing else but to kill her. "Do I need to remind you Ser Davos without me Jon would have stayed dead" I look at her immediately with furious eyes and get closer to her . I'm furious I didn't wanted to tell Daenerys about this and she just spills it out. Looking at Daenerys and I can see she's thinking about what Melisandra said. "You burned a little girl" Daenerys said with no emotions. Melisandra looks at her and nods . Daenerys takes two steps closer to her "then why should I let you live?" .
"Your grace you know very well you need me for the next war , you need all the soldiers of Volantis and you won't have them if you just kill me, all followers of Lord of Light are ready for this war because if we lose we all die" Melisandra said with pride in her voice and looking at Daenerys . "What do you mean?" "It doesn't matter " I said trying to avoid her answer. Melisandra slowly turns her head to me and smiles "Your grace we're in DragonStone here you can decide whatever you want to do with her and I will be fine with that" I said looking at Melisandra, we were only 4 feet away from each other. She looks at me she knows I can kill her but she doesn't show that she's afraid. "Lady Melisandra you will return to Volantis tonight " Daenerys said with threating voice. I turn to leave the room "I see the fire inside you Jon Snow I see it is brighter since you came back" I stopped walking almost reached the door. I swallow a huge breath , I won't fix anything by killing her and if she really has an army we will need it later , I open the door and just leaves the room.

Arya Stark
"WHAT" I scream ,what do they mean by my mother wants to see me she's dead . "Stop lying my mother died in Red Wedding " I yelled at them. Some of the men start moving out of the way and someone was coming behind them. The trees makes shadow around them and I can't see clearly who is it. She gets closer and I see her Face , what kind of face is that what's going on, I feel shock as I see my dead mother standing in front of me . Her face wasn't the same, her skin in whole body was white except for the part around her eyes , the color in that part was black as hell, while I see cuts around her arm and in her neck a giant cut with purple skin close to the cut. She was wearing a black cloak the ones you wear in funeral. This can't be real nonononono this is just a dream . I see her gets closer but I'm terrified, I take a few steps away from her. I see Nymeria doesn't trust her. I try to say anything but the words are just stuck in my mouth, It feels I can't speak I'm trying but I can't, What's happening to me I don't remember I have ever been this scared before. I look at her again and sees that her eyes were different, more white. One of the soldiers gets close to her "I know what you're feeling, how is she ali" he stopped speaking when my ..... mom puts her hand to his chest. I see her slowly putting her left hand to her cut in the neck "Aa..ry...a" she could hardly speak , my body was trembling like I was freezing, I didn't even notice that needle wasn't in my hand until I saw that needle was on the ground. She gets closer to me I try to move away but I just can't. I close my eyes and I feel her hugging me . I breath heavily. She moves away her head and I look at her again.
"She was dead for three days until our priest brought her back" Three days I remember Beric Danderio was brought back 6 times but she was dead for three days, how can she even eat or breath or anything, how is she even alive.
"Arya Stark we heard that Winterfell was liberated from the Boltons and house Frey is destroyed so Lady Stoneheart order us to go back to Winterfell, you can stay with us if you want" the soldier near my ... mom said . I slowly nod .

Jaime Lannister
We were running all night , going away from Kings Landing. We were following two soldiers who were soldiers of Dragon Queen. Dana's plan worked to leave Kings Landing. I just hope nobody recognizes me. We are near the shore and I see way too many ships and some small boats. I can see clearly why our armies can't leave the city , all the walls of Kings Landing are surrounded and there's no way for Cersei to win but why haven't they attacked yet but waiting. It doesn't really matter I need to make sure Dana is safe somewhere.One of the soldiers turns to us "you can take a small boat and leave wherever you want" and he give us 5 coins. I was surprised by this , giving free coins just to help . I understand why everyone in the city believes in Daenerys Targeryan. I wanted to see that for myself if she really was different than him . The soldiers move away and we're close to the small boat and it was close to morning. Dana goes to the boat and I go as well . Then I remember again that I have only one hand and can't move the boat . She looks at me with her innocence eyes "I'll move the boat no need to feel bad" she was very kind to me and maybe this kindness made her have no money when I meet her. The boat start moving away and I was lost in my thoughts about Cersei and Dana. I would often think about Brienne, I can't believe I miss her , I laugh to myself "what's funny?" I look at her again and her broken nose really broke my heart. "Nothing Dana , I want to go to DragonStone" I said it . She looks at me confused "why?" She said with scared voice. "It will be alright my little brother is there , he's hand of the queen it will be fine " why I wanted to go there mostly was because of Tyrion. "Very well I hope you know what you're doing " and I nod.

Daenerys Targeryan
I watched as Jon left in a hurry but I couldn't understand why was he so angry. I understand what Melisandra did but he was furious. I have never seen him like that . I turn to Melisandra "you better leave soon" Melisandra nods and I leave the room. I wanted to talk with Jon then I remember her words "he would have stayed dead" what did she mean . Was Jon dead or what? I go to his room and I open it without knocking. He was laying in his bed. "Jon " I said and he immediately stands up. "Daenerys" I close the door behind me. "What did she mean by you would have stayed dead?" I see pain again in his eyes . Maybe I should not ask ,there must be a good reason why he didn't told me. He looks at the ground avoiding my eyes. I get closer but he moves away "Daenerys please leave me" Jon said with sad voice. I could see he was broken. "I won't I want to help you" he looks at me . "Your grace please leave" I didn't like him calling me 'your grace' I don't know why but I wanted him to call me by my name not by my title. I sigh "very well Jon but you're still invited for supper tonight" I left the room angry at Melisandra for talking, she must have known he hated that memory yet she used to protect herself from Ser Davos. I still couldn't understand if she literally meant what she said. As I walk through the corridors , Tyrion comes to me "your grace good news we have taken Castely Rock" didn't really cared that much about that. I have three dragons and destroyed the only ally of Cersei. Right now I wanted nothing else but to burn Melisandra for making Jon sad.

Jon Snow
"For The Watch" why do I still remember that moment. My eyes closing looking at the sky, just laying in the ground with my blood all over me not feeling anything, no cold , no pain , no love , Nothing absolutely nothing. I'm alive but I often think this is just a dream, that I'm still dead , sometimes I feel like I'm dead , not being able to sleep not ever getting tired , even the food wasn't something I needed that much. What kind of life is this . "WHY JUST WHY , WHY YOU DID IT TO ME ,YOU RUINED MY LIFE" I scream not being able to hold my tears. I would often forgot about that night and I would try to but every night reminded me that I'm half dead . I was so scared sometimes that I would stop feeling emotions soon. I notice tears falling from my face to the ground. If I'm truly alive then I should try to live and try to see a reason why should I live , a reason for myself not because my people need me but because of love and happiness. I get up from bed and decide to go to Daenerys's room and apologize.

I'm trying to add more focus how Jon was effected by Coming back from the dead.

Let me in the comments what do you think about this chapter.

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