Blood of Justice

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Daenerys Targeryan
I'm in my room ready to have supper with King in the North. Tyrion wasn't lying when he said that he was handsome. I just hope our meeting will go well without trouble. He sees to care about his people, the way he talks for them. Maybe I can learn from him to be a better ruler. The door opens and Missandei steps inside "the dinner is ready Daenerys " "How do I look?" I asked her. "You're stunning Daenerys, I'm sure King in the North will be speechless" That makes me smile and I follow her to the room. I enter the room and he's in the other side of the table. He wasn't wearing his north clothes but clothes which were better for this weather. "Thank you for inviting me your grace " he said . His accent was very similar to Jorah's accent but his was different. He was still standing and I understand he was waiting for me to sit first. I sit and then he sits. The food was very good, chicken with honey and onion in sides. "You can leave now Missandei " she nods and left the room. The room was quiet like no one was there. "I'm happy that you accepted my invitation to come to DragonStone, Tyrion told me there might be a chance you might not come " his face was serious. I like the way he was staring at me "all the lords of The North told me to not to come your grace but I knew my people need allies if we want to survive this winter" He has a lot of respect for his people,he risked his life coming here, he doesn't know me and I'm sure everyone told him that I'm nothing but mad. "Before we start I wanted to ask how did you manage to make alliance with The Wildlings " Maybe he married a wildling woman to make alliance but no , Varys didn't said that Jon was married. He looks down when I asked perhaps is not a good memory , he looks at me "it will take some time your grace " he said with a small smile." We have time " I drink some wine and he start talking telling me everything.
After some time I was listening to him. I had already drink three glasses of wine, "I was able to save 2000 wildlings and they came with me in the north" "only 2000 I thought there were more wildlings beyond the wall" he doesn't say anything and I notice he was thinking about something. "After I secure them lands in the north they followed me to take Winterfell " I'm impressed, it was better story than I thought. "What about you?" He asks me "How did you become Queen of Meereen and ended slavery in Essos. I was feeling happy that he wanted to know more about me . I smile at him and he returns the smile. Maybe I should tell him about the alliance I want . "King Jon you're probably thinking what I will do once I get The Iron Throne " his face turns serious almost immediately "I want to make alliance with the north, I apologize what my father and brother did to house Stark and the whole realm is in debt with you. You ended the war between the wildlings and the kingdom" from his face I could see he knew what I wanted to say "I want to make alliance with marriage but not as my king escort but as equals , we will rule the seven kingdoms together " I was analyzing his face trying to understand what he was thinking. "Your grace the lords of the south would never bend the knee to a Bastard like me" Feeling bad that he was calling himself a bastard "if that bothers you , you can take my name when we marry or I can legetimize you after we take the iron throne". He looks at me surprised, perhaps he thought I would demand for him to bend the knee. I would but The North has the largest territory and it was always hard to keep them in seven kingdoms, by marrying with their king and both be equals , I might find a better solution. If he says yes I will need to tell him that I can't have childrens. I feel sadness just thinking about it . Not being able to do the job a woman should be able to do. "If I tell my people they might think you seduce me or that I'm a power hungry bastard " "Their king would be king of seven kingdoms and we would rule as equals " I see Jon nods but he doesn't look at me. "I agree but I want to show my people that you have not seduce me . I want your permission to mine dragonglass " "DragonGlass?" I didn't know what that was . "Is like a stone and weapons can be made from it , if the north sees you let me mine it will be a good step to earn their trust " he was serious in his words. Earn the trust . "Very well you have my permission, you can start whenever you want" I see him smiling "Thank You Queen Daenerys " calling me by name is a good step. "Is very late your grace " I noticed that it was really dark outside. How long have been sitting here and talking. I get up and he gets up as well , I wanted him to ask me to walk with me to my room but this is just the first day, we will have a lot other nights for that. He gets closer and Feeling this heat inside, when he gets closer I see his lips were very beautiful just begging to kiss, he grabs my hand slowly and kiss my hand , Feeling his warm lips was something different in that moment I wanted more. "Good Night your grace " he said with quiet voice. Guily I feel guilty for not asking him to walk with me to my room. Why am I thinking like that , I'm a Queen not a lady who runs after fearless man . He leaves the room but looks at me with a smile before closing the door, my hand was still warm from his lips .

Jon Snow
I enter my room . This room was way bigger than mine and I wasn't used to it yet, her face wasn't going away from my eyes and rule by her side , I didn't wanted to be king in the north and now she wants me to rule the whole fucking country . I will ask Ser Davos tomorrow,what he think about all this. I see the books maybe I should read one of them , too bad Ghost is not here but this weather is very bad for him , he's used to cold weather. I grab one of the books and read the title "Targeryan Madness " what kind of dumb title is that I thought to myself. I open and start reading it. Is all about the mad Targeryans and how marrying brother and sister for centuries made half of them mad. Arya would have liked to read this book. I hear a noise outside and go to the window "dragons are flying nothing else" maybe I should go outside and take a walk and then rest but I know I don't need to rest ever. "For The Watch" I still remember that . I'm alive but I don't feel alive not being able to sleep and not ever get tired. Maybe Daenerys is right maybe marriage is the best solution. The North will need The Reach for food during winter and I need her help to destroy the Army of the dead. She said equal I will accept it I just hope Sansa and the lords are fine with that. I leave my room and walk in long corridors and go outside. There were still soldiers around. Maybe I should not be outside this late . They might think I'm trying to do something. I walk outside and look at the fields.Dragons in the field sleeping, that was something to never forget but I notice there are two dragons. I hear a sound behind me and I turn around and see one of the dragons was looking at me. He has climbed a part of the castle. His head was only some meters away. I didn't move if I try to run is no use. I can't see from darkness which dragon is this one . He keeps looking at me and then spreads his wings and fly again. I will definitely return to my room right now.

Jaime Lannister
I saw her walking to the red keep but I can't let her go there and die. I start running and grab her hand "what are you doing?" She asks me angry. "You will not go there ,you will not die" I was only fooling myself and I knew I was being watched the whole time by spies of Qyburn or Lannister soldiers. "Let's leave then" she said and I wanted nothing else. Is been some time since we were in the city. I nod and take her hand and we start walking to one of the gates of the city. I still had my sword and maybe I can fool the soldiers to let me outside. We were walking faster and suddenly my leg start hurting like hell and I fall in the ground screaming "Jaime please get up" I look my right leg and notice an arrow in my leg. It hurts so much it feels my leg is burning in that part where I had the arrow. Dana tries to remove the arrow but way too many soldiers surround us. She takes the dagger from my grip and and tries to protect me. "Help " she screams . I try to get up but it hurts so much . One of the soldiers grabs her hand and and then punch her in the face and she falls in the ground. Her nose was broken. I see the soldiers coming at us but then I notice too many mans from the city surrounding us and there were even woman with swords. The soldiers pull out their swords "leave they're traitors , if you dare to do anything we will kill you" one of the soldiers said but that just made the people to attack them . I couldn't tell how many were there but just too many. I feel I'm falling asleep and I try to stay awake but I can't. I get closer to Dana and try to use my body for her as shield. I could hear the screams of the soldiers but also of men and woman who fought. Everything start going dark and I fall asleep.

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