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Jon Snow
It was middle of night and Jon was just staring at the wall, usually he would start reading after Dany would fall asleep but tonight he needed to think what he should about Sansa and everything, after he had left the map room, he went to their chamber waiting for Dany but instead Varys went inside after some time.

"What is it?" Jon asked looking at Varys, he didn't know Varys at all but so far he had served the queen very well so he had no reason to not trust him. Varys closed the door then looked at Jon again, Jon was standing near the bed.
"As I see our queen hasn't come here yet" Varys said and Jon couldn't understand why and why was Varys here.
"I'm sure our queen respect you and love you Jon but that's not a good thing in this cruel world" Varys said with a bit of threatening voice or at lease Jon thought.
"What are you saying?" Jon asked angry at him and taking a step closer, he made his hand in a fist.

"My spies have confirmed that Lord Baelish or littlefinger is plotting with Sansa Stark to poison you after you come back from DragonStone" his words hurts more and cut deeper than the knife his brothers at Night's Watch used at him, he start feeling pain or he thought it was pain and feeling sadness and hatred, he didn't wanted to believe it "YOU'RE LYING" he screamed at him, at this moment Jon wanted nothing else but to slice the throat of Littlefinger.

"Yelling at me won't change the fact that your sister betrayed you or is trying to betray you" he said with such normal voice like it was no big deal.
"My sister she.. would never do that" Jon said not believing his own words.
"You can believe whatever you want but we need a king who can do the right thing no matter how hard it is and if you forgive someone who wanted to kill you then you're just a coward" Varys said with mocking voice.
Jon wanted to go there and beat him for talking like that but he knew he was right "Leave Now" Jon said with a loud tone and determined.
Varys nods and leaves the room and Jon was left alone with the burden of what to do with Sansa.

Jon Snow - Middle of night
He was thinking about all that Varys had told him and deep down he knew he was right.
"Fuck This" he said with quite voice. He gets up from the bed and wears his full leather armor and his boots, he goes to the door but before opening he looks at Daenerys.
He was thinking to take one of the dragons and go to Winterfell but he and Dany would marry tomorrow and he would leave her.
He wanted nothing else but to stay but Arya and Bran are in danger and he can't let anything bad happens to them .

He opens the door and leaves the room, he keeps walking through the corridors and thinking what he was doing.
'This is stupid there must be some other way' but in same time he knew there was no other way. He leaves the castle and sees the dragons in the huge field.
"Fuck" he said with a loud voice.
He went closer to the dragons but in same time he knew this was foolish, they don't know him and Drogon let him just because Daenerys was there.

Rheagal raises his head and start getting closer at Jon.
Jon feels his heart beating in his throat as Rheagal gets closer and then his head is only three feet away from Jon.
Jon tries to touch him with his hand and Rheagal lets him 'How is this possible' Jon asked himself thinking why the dragons were being friendly with him.

'If I leave ,Daenerys might turn down the alliance through marriage and just wants me to bend the knee and I will be away from her forever' he thought to himself, he was feeling the same pain and struggle when he thought to leave Night's Watch and join Robb when the war started.
He did the right thing and stayed at the wall but now he just doesn't know what is the right thing anymore.
Rheagal starts getting closer and offers his neck to Jon and he understands he can climb and fly away.
'Nononono this is not Right Fuck' he thought to himself.
He slowly moves away his hand from Rheagal and start moving away.
"No" he said with a quiet voice. 'I won't leave' he thought to himself and gets further away from Rheagal.
"They're beautiful aren't they" he hears her voice and slowly turns around to her.
She was standing five feet away from him, she wasn't wearing much clothes but only her night cloak, she was even trembling , 'she must have immediately went to the dragons when she noticed that I wasn't in the bed ' Jon thought to himself.

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