Chapter 1

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Sophie POV
It was early Saturday morning I was sat in the reception going through some paperwork when the phone rang
I picked it up and answered "hello there Sophie here from blaze studios how may I help?"
"Hello there Ashley banjo here from diversity I was just enquiring about renting out one of your studios for a few weeks whilst ours is undergoing some renovations ? " he said in an enthusiastic tone.
After 20 minutes of talking the call finally ended after a discussion of dates and times.
I chooses to close the studio for a month to give the students a break after all there hard work at the dance wold cup

After finishing the the paperwork i decided I was gong to have a little improve session to distract my self from my own problems. An hour and a half later I was sat on the studio floor with my head in my hands breathing heavily just sat thinking about everything that has happened over the last couple of year.
I got up and left the studio to head home I knew I was going to sleep as soon as I got home as I was absolutely shattered from not sleeping the night before.

I woke up the next morning at 5am to head to the studio and open up for the people from diversity. When I arrived it was half past five and still pitch black outside.
I went in and sat in reception with a coffee in my hand and my computer in front of me when I heard a group of voices outside I looked up and they where headed towards the doors so I assumed it was the diversity lads. The door opens and they all flooded the reception area. Whilst I was still sat a man approached the desk and introduced hIm self as Ashley and held out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand back and and introduced myself as Sophie. I grabbed the studio keys and walked down the corridor to studio 2 with the group following behind. I opens the door and entered the studio turning on the lights. Everyone followed me in and I told them if they needed anything I would be in the reception. As I was leaving I looked up to see one of them looking at me , I felt like I recognised him but shrugged it off and went back to the reception to continue my paperwork. Once I was done I headed to studio 1 and shut the door. I took my jumper off leaving me in my black crop top and leggings. I went to the music station and flicked through the computer till I found the song I was looking for and pressed play.

I was just improving for a bit trying to get some inspiration for a new routine when I looked up and saw everyone in the other studio watching me but I didn't stop dancing and just continued till the song came to an end and I sat on the floor out of breath before standing up to go and get a drink from the water fountain in the corridor and the headed back to the studio to continue on with routine

I looked at the clock and it was only 9:30am .This was going to be a long day of working and coming up with the perfect choreography.

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