Chapter 19

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Perri POV

Sophie didn't have a clue about what was going on. She didn't know that me, Jordan and Ashley had been planning a party for her. It wasn't anything big it was just the diversity family and a few close friends.
"I just need to pop to the studio and pick up my wallet" I say look at her as we pull into the car park. She looks nodding at me. "You coming in to say hi, you haven't seen them for a while." I say. "Sure" She says back. We get out the car and head into reception we're dani is sat. "Oh Sophie you look beautiful darling" she says giving her a hug. "Thank you so much" she say as I grab her hand and pull her with me to the studio. When we walk in everyone cheers making her jump and I can help but let out a little laugh. She turns to look at me and says "you did this?" I nod my head and say "with a little help from everyone." She smiles before saying "Thank you" and kissing me on the cheek.

Later that night I was stood with Jordan talking but look over to see Sophie talking to Starr and Nay. I walk over to them and say "mind if I steel her pointing to Sophie. Starr and Nay say "no". I stand looking at her before saying "Dance with me" I place my hands on her shoulders and she puts hers around my waist slightly. At this point everyone is dancing around either with a friend or partners. "You look stunning you know" I whisper in her ear as I push her hair out of her face. "Thank you" she whispers back. As were dancing Starr comes over and pull her away from me and into a hug , wishing her a happy birthday. Before you know all the girls have hugged her and are now asking for photos with her, no doubt to post on there Instagrams. As she takes the last photo with Georgia, I ask her if I can have one, she nods laughing before saying "of course." we take a few serious ones before taking some silly ones to. Then Nathan suggests taking a group one. Everyone gets in before Nathan sets the timer and gets into position.

A little later I notice Sophie has disappeared. I ask around but no one has seen were she has gone so decided to go and look out side. When I get out side I notice her sat on the pavement, just stirring into the distance. "Hey, you okay" I say trying not to scare her. She turns round and looks up nodding her head. "Yeah just needed some air." She says standing up. I take her hand in mine and say "you coming back in?" She nods her head as we walk back towards the door. We head back in and the rest of the night flys by. Before I know it we're back in the car and I'm driving her home. "You look tired" I whisper looking at her and then back to the road. "I am" She says laughing. When we pull up we get out the car and head in side her's. We get in the living room and she's already kicked her heels off. "Come here I have something to give you, one last birthday present" I say pulling her to the middle of the room. She looks at me as a lean in and place my lips on hers. I can feel a smile forming on her lips as she kisses back. As I pull away I look into her eyes and then look down playing with her hands. "Thank you for everything" she says looking at me With a smile on her face. "It's not a problem" I say returning the smile. " right I'm going to go to bed I'm absolutely knackered" she says yawning slightly. "I'll come give you a cuddle for a bit" I chuckle following her up the stairs. When she gets up the stairs she grabs the pyjamas I bought her and heads into the bath room to change. "You look nice" I say as she walks back in and puts her dress in to the washing basket. "Thank you" she says crawling into her bed. I lay next to her and she soon falls asleep so I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close to me. All I can think about is how I have this stunning girl laid in my arms asleep. To wind her up I take a photo of her and post it to my Instagram story. After about an hour I get up quietly and leave her house making sure I lock the door on the way out.

When I get home I post a couple of stories talking about the importance of family and posting a couple of photos from tonight. I soon become tired and head to bed my self, I sort of wished I stayed with Sophie but I soon fall asleep.

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