Chapter 11

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We soon arrive at dance fest and head to our own dressing rooms. We were next door to each other but I had my own so it was pretty quiet. I was sat doing my hair and make up when the girls came in to ask if I could do there hair and I didn't mind. Once I'd done there hairs we talked for a couple of minutes and then they left to go and get change so I went and got changed my self.

I was sat on the couch in the dressing room when there was a knock at my door. "Come in" i shouted. I turn round to see perri stood there before he says "just came to say good luck since your on before us" I smile and thank him before leaving the dressing room. Him and now the rest of diversity are following behind to watch me, making me nervous and I don't know why because I perform all the time.

When we get to the stage I stand and do my pre show ritual to calm me down. As my name is called all of diversity pull me in to a hug me being in the middle before shouting "good luck". I take a deep breath and step on to the stage taking my starting position. The music starts playing and a start my set. The first two dances went really well and it was down to my final routine. This was my favourite one of all my routines. I was dancing to " Human " by Christina Perry. I put all my emotions in to this one. When I was finished the crowd were all cheering as I thanked them and exited the stage. As I walked of stage trying to get my breath back perri pulled me in to a hug and passed me a bottle of water before saying " well done" I thanked him before sitting down to watch them perform. All I can say is wow. I forgot what it was like to watched them perform live since it had been so long but they never fail to impress me. Perri ran off stage for a second and whilst he was stood waiting to go back on he was smiling at me. I smiled back as he was running back on. It soon came to the end of their set and they were coming off stage.

We headed back to our dressing rooms before the next show later on. We had 2 hour break so me and the girls were sat making TikTok's when perri come in . We all started laughing and then perri sat next to me whilst one was up loading. I put my phone on my knee and suddenly perri grabbed it. "Pel get off now" I say getting a little bit embarrassed.He passes me the phone back and says "I only wanted your user name" whist laughing and picking up his phone. 2 minutes later perri has found my account and is scrolling though my videos. " wait how did you get that many followers?" He says looking at me. "I honestly don't know I only up loaded some dance videos and people just follow me I guess?"
"Well I want to make one with you" he says laughing. " sure" I say smiling. We spent the next two hours making tiktoks and before we know it it's show time again. I wasn't as nervous this time and I went out and gave it all I had. During my last dance the music suddenly cut out but I continued dancing and stayed professional the whole way through the rest of the dance. It was the end of my set and I was thanking everyone one for watching before exiting the stage. Everyone was looking at me and I didn't know why but I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable but then they all burst out saying things like "well done" , "very professional " I smile before sitting down to watch them. Again they were amazing. I wish my street was as good as there's.

It was the end of the show and all the acts came on to take one final bow. As we were exiting the stage I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder, I look up to see perri smiling at me. I head back to my dressing room and change back into my leggings and hoodie. I remove all my make up and take my hair out letting it fall over my shoulders. By this point I had a massive head ache from how tight my hair had been. I was sat putting my shoes on when perri walked in and asked if I was ready I nodded my head and we walked to the bus. I sat down and again perri sat next to me. I pulled out my paracetamol and perri looks at me so I say "I've got an head ache From the tight hair style" he nods his head and says "sleep on my shoulder". I just nod and rest my head , after about an hour I fall asleep just like most people on the bus did to.

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