chapter 9

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The next two weeks both perri and Sophie spent rehearsing for dance fest. sophie also seemed to notice her and perri were spending a lot of time together as perri was taking her out to the cinema and things when they were both free. she was also spending a lot of time thinking about what her nana said to her

sophie POV

It was the last rehearsal the night before and i was sat taking a break on my phone so i didn't notice that everyone from the other studio had entered mine until i heard a tap on the wall, causing me to look up. "what?" i say looking at them all "well we saw you sat so we thought we'd come say hi" Jordan says. "yeah i was just taking a break and checking my music". i reply smiling. "so how you getting there tomorrow?" perri asks sitting down next to me. "im driving down, why?". "well why don't you come down with us on the bus? I've already asked ash and he said you can" perri says with his best puppy dog eyes looking at me. " if i say yes will you let me get back to rehearsal?" i say laughing. everyone starts to cheer and laugh before slowly making there way out but perri stop behind for a second and says, "ill pick you up in the morning if you like?" i smile whilst nodding and saying "thank you text me the time later" he smiles before walking out

That's when something clicked with me and i thought maybe my nana was right things do change. Im wasn't sure at first but the way he's been looking at me lately and the way he's been smiling just makes me feel happy. wait i have to snap out of this i mean he's my best friend it wouldn't be right. I continued with my rehearsal but when i was dancing i spot him staring at me so i try and not make eye contact but he doesn't stop staring so i close the curtain over and continue rehearsing till its about 9 o'clock and i decide to head home and get some sleep since i was up early the next morning. As i leave the studio and head outside to lock up i had a feeling someone was watching me so i spoke up and said "who ever you are come out now" my voice in a stern tone.

suddenly perri jumps out shouting "boo!" making me jump. I look at him scowling before saying "don't do that ever again" and then hitting him on the arm, " Im sorry but i just had to like old times" he says as the smirk on his face gets bigger and then we both start to laugh. "im going to head home now, do you need a lift?" i ask him. He looks at me and says "only if you don't mind". "its fine as long as you don't mind me popping to my nanas for a minuet to pick up my bag?" he looks at me and nods "its fine". we get in the car and head to my nanas, when i get there my nana is stood waiting outside with my bag so i quickly jumped out and go give her a hug before getting back in the car and saying "goodbye". we soon arrived at Perri's house and before he got out he gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. I started to blush slightly before driving off so he couldn't see my face. I don't even know why I was blushing?

when i got home i looked at my phone to see a text from perri thanking me for the lift and letting me know he was picking me up at 5:30am. I put my phone down and went and jumped in the shower before heading to my bed and laying down. I couldn't sleep so i decided to go live on Instagram for a bit. When i was on i was talking to most of my students about what is going to be happening next term when i see perri has joint the live. suddenly the comments turn to "omg its perri Kiely" or just "how do you know him?". Then i see perri ask to join my live so i accept him. He joined and then suddenly over 100 more people join my live. "why don't you do a Q&A" perri suggests. "send your questions in and I'll answer them in a couple of minuets" i say. me and perri continue to talk before i answer the first question. "when did you first meet?" i say. i look at perri and say "we met when we were 4 at school and then became friends and have been ever since" i say as i watch the smile grow on Perri's face before he says "yeah i knew we were always going to be close". we answer some more questions before i end the live and i fall asleep.

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