chapter 12

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Perri POV

we we about half an hour away from home. when i looked down at sophie to see she was now awake and stirring out the window. she looked deep in thought. "what you thinking about?" i say nudging her side gently. she looks at me and mumbles "its nothing, its stupid really". I know she's lying so i say "come on, tell me". she looks at me and shakes her head. I spent the next half hour trying to get it out of her but she wouldn't tell me. she stayed quiet the rest of the way home and to be honest i was a little confused.

when we arrived back at the studio we make our way off the bus and collect our bags. i look at sophie and again she still looks deep in thought so i walk over to her. "you ready to go?" i say looking down at her. "im going to stay at the studio for a bit and do some paper work, I'll get a taxi home" she says looking up at me before picking her bag up and turning round to head into the studio. I was beginning to start and worry a little as she never this quiet and contained. I quickly grip her arm and spin her round to face me. "tell me what's wrong" i say pleading with her. she looks at me taking a deep breath before saying "im going inside, you can come in if you like" i nod following her inside.

She sits on the couch in reception so i sit down next to her. she doesn't look at me but pulls her phone out and opens her messages. she clicks on a conversation  and passes me the phone. I take the phone and scroll through the messages. What i was reading was way out of order, who ever it was  needed to be stopped. I look at sophie as she opens her mouth and says "what there saying is true though, there right no one will want to be with me". My heart breaks slightly at this statement she makes as i think in my head "i would". "i guess ill just be on my own forever" she says standing up. I  grab her hand and say "you wont be you know that right, you'll find someone". she looks at me nodding slightly.

" Do you know who are sending the messages?" i ask. "its probably his friends, they never liked me as it was" she says sighing. she turns around and heads to the the studio so i follower her and sit on the floor. I guess she was just like me and danced when she needed to let out her emotions. Whilst she was dancing I was taking in the lyrics, the song was "someone to you" by Banners. I started to relate to the lyrics and how I wanted to be someone to her.

I was sat watching her for about an hour before she finished. She looked at me and said " you didn't have to stay you know". I look up at her and say " I like watching you dance" whist smiling. She looks at me returning the smile. She put her hoodie and shoes back on before we both leave the building to head home. On the way home I look at Sophie quickly before looking back at the road and saying "your thinking about the texts aren't you?" She looks at me whist nodding. " look don't let them get to you, you will find someone when the time is right" she doesn't speak but nods her head agreeing with me.

I arrive at Sophie and as she gets out she says " thank you for everything". I look at her and say " Don't worry about it" she smiles back and says " Anyway aren't you back at your studio tomorrow" I look at her and nod realising I won't be able to see her as much now we're back at our studio. "See you around" She say getting out the car. I look at her smiling before pulling off and heading home. I was absolutely shattered after the long day.

When I get home I'm greeted by Barry who follows me straight up the stairs to my room. I get changed and fall on to my bed. I scroll through my socials until I cant keep my eyes open any longer and fall asleep.

How things change ? - perri Kiely fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now